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Trails of a Demigod

The Call

Waking up in a sweat was't good considering it often meant I had another nightmare. I turned over to nice Annabeth had left me anither note. It read: Percy meet me on the beach soon afternyou wake up. P.S. you drool when you sleep.

I smiled. Quickly getting out of bed, I ruffled through my closet, put on a blue hoddie, a pair of denims, burshed my teeth and my hair as I walked down to the beach.

Sitting on the shoreline, there she was. Her blonde hair curled into a ponytail. Slowly I crept behind her a kissed her. In a reluctance, she grabbed my arm and judo flipped me. Good thing we were on the beach, because anywhere else that could've seriously hurt. Oh like the streets of New Rome.
Amazed, she quickly walkednover toward me. "Oh gods, Percy." she murmured. "You know not to try something like that so early in the morning!"

I gazed at her confused. "What's wrong?" I asked. "You're way to serious for eight in the morning. Did you have another nightmare?"

"Percy, we're demigods. we always have nightmares. sometimes we remember them more vividly that others. But yea. I had a dream about something different. we were on a quest. But the monster wasn't something from the books of myths. It was more human like almost like it was a demigod. it had most of the powers that the children of the big three have."

I wondered what that could mean. This wasn't the first time Annabeth had come to me with a dream she couldn't decipher. I smiled. Calmly placing my hand over her's I sighed. "Listen, whatever happens we'll find that out together. We're a team. This won't be our first time we're the odd ones out."
Annabeth smiled. Calmly cuddling up next to me, she began to relax. "Percy, let's just make sure we can stay together like always." Gazing at her I smiled. Gracefully, I gave her a sweet and tender kiss. I couldn't show weakeness now. I needed to show that I was her hero. I'm twenty now. I needed to show a man's mind. I needed the confidence and security she didn't have. Gazing at the calm sea, I smiled. I had my dad's talents and thankfully, he was on my side.


Hey I made a story for Percy's final battle, it's called Blessings check it out, this could be a thing that I could possibly do with Nico and Jason later on too. I got bored so yea, I don't know if you like it please comment on it. thanks.
Beikeiai17 Beikeiai17
I'm glad you liked it, thanks for the feedback, as of now its on hiatous, for now i'm trying to create my own heroes, but i will have more of Percy in my other stories, just not the way you'd think. Thanks for the commentary it helps a lot.
Beikeiai17 Beikeiai17
Moar plwease!!!
Icarus_falling Icarus_falling