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The Hunters of Artemis

Chapter 1

I woke up to the sound of the conch horn blowing. I sat up in my bed and looked around. My sisters were just waking up too, and i could hear my brothers shuffling around, on the other side of the curtain seperating our cabin. I stretched and yawned. The conch horn meant that it was time for breakfast. I'm Mariana, daughter of Aphrodite. Yes, as in the Greek goddess of love and beauty. The Greek gods are still alive and they sometimes have children with mortals called demigods. There's only one safe place for Greek demigods and that's Camp Half-blood in New York. There is also Camp Jupiter in California for Roman demigods but that's a different story. I stumbled out of bed and put my orange Camp Half-blood t-shirt on. It seemed hot out so i put on a pair of jean shorts and Converse sneakers. I know, Converse weren't the MOST fashionable thing out there but i had to wear them. I went to stand next to my sister Emily and grabbed my brush and one of the many mirriors in our very pink cabin. I put my long hair in a braid on my left side and then applied my standard makeup; concealer, eyeliner, mascara, lip gloss, etc. I made my bed and looked around to make sure the cabin looked okay to pass inspection. We all filed out of the cabin to head to the dining pavillion.
Once we sat down, my plate had bacon,eggs,and toast. "Orange juice" i told my cup. Then orange juice magically filled the cup. After breakfast, Chiron, our activites director, stood up to talk to us. Chiron is a centaur, half human half horse. He banged his hooves on the cement. Bang, bang, bang. "Hello everyone, i trust that you all slept well. Now let us all go to our activites. Apollo cabin will be leading archery class today, because i have something to attend. And Annabeth will be teaching Ancient Greek. I hope that your head counselers told you where you will be going today, so off you go!" then he galloped toward the big house.
The Aphrodite cabin had sword fighting in the morning then, archery class. Usually our cabin just skipped that class, but i started attending a few weeks ago and im not to bad. When we got to sword fighting, my siblings went straight to the bleachers. Percy Jackson was in charge of teaching the class today. "Hi Percy." i said. "Hey, so i have something i want to show you." he replied. He led me toward the shed where we keep all of our fighting equipment. "So what did you want to show me?" I asked. "Well, you have been practicing for a while now, so i figured that you should get your own weapon to keep. You're allowed to take anything." He said excitedly. "Really! Awesome, thanks!" I started poking around. "Should i get a sword or a knife?" i asked. I wasn't really educated in all this stuff. "Well, it more depends on what you feel like you should have. when you pick it up, it will feel..right. you'll know." He said. I picked up a sword but it was way to heavy. I couldnt even lift it. Then out of the corner of my eye i saw a beautiful bow sitting in the corner. It was silver with hand carved flowers on the side. The arrows were just as bright as the bow. I was mesmerized. "Oh my gods, i love it!" i said. "I dont know about that one Mariana. Not many people use those. I think you'll do better with a sword or a dagger." He said uneasily. I opened my mouth to argue, but we heard noises outside. I looked out the window and was surprised to see the Hunters of Artemis standing there being greeted by our campers. But they weren't paying any attention to them. Because they were all staring directly at me.


This is a new story that I wrote. Please, please, please comment your opinions on the first chapter. I need to know!! And check out my story about the greeks meeting the romans. you wont regret it



ArtemisHunter99 ArtemisHunter99

No,i don't think i will be finishing this one because i dont think many people enjoy it.. But i will be finishing my story: The Romans Meet the Greeks, sometime soon. Sorry



ericcaa1211 ericcaa1211

love it. Are you going to finish it?

Percabethreader Percabethreader
Are you still updating??? Cause this seems feather interesting...
annabeth171 annabeth171
I like the plot, but just add some more descriptions. What color makeup? What did the food taste like? what did the noise sound like? This story has some potential though! :D
SweetNectar SweetNectar