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Walking in to the camp, I had to cross a current and make it deep within land before anyone notice me. A girl with crazy brown hair and the most precious stromy grey eyes was the first to acknowledged me. With a soft smile, I walked up to her and nodded.

The girl was definitely cute, but aside from that she wasn't really my type. "Hi, I'm Athos, I was sent here by Lupa, the she-wolf. She told me to seek someone named Praetor? Do you know who that is?"

The girl laughed. "I'm Jasmine, and um . . ." Before she could finish a horse appeared, rearing upward as a beautiful woman sporting golden lurals and a purple toga and cape descended. Her eyes were stern and powerful, but drenched in mystery and held sadness.

Whoever she was, she was beautiful. I held a gaze until my eyes burned. Calmly she walked toward me and held out her hand. "I am the head praetor, Bella."

"My name's Athos, I seek refuge within the legion." I replied. The woman raised an eyebrow, she held a forced smile as she examined him. Slowly, she skulked her feet around him, examining his form and his body determining if he was just enough physically to enter the legion. "You said, your name was Athos, a Greek phrase. Is it derived from the Greek word Thanatos, which means death? Or from the greek logical view of Pathos?"

I laughed. "I don't know, you see my mother died the same night I was born. I was passed onto an orphanage and never really cared much to think about that."

"Verywell then!" Bella announced. "Jasmine, follow us, you will guide him to the temple hills after I finish with our conferance. Athos, hope that the gods of fortune are with you."

The principia was a long hall of endless statues aligned with great doors that lead to distant rooms. When we finally reach the room, Jasmine stood outside as I went inside along with Bella. Inside another person awaited, he had blonde hair and blue eyes. The dude was strong an also wore purpe clothes, although he wasn't dressed like an Ancient Roman. Rising, he awaited as we positioned ourselves.

"Is this him?" He asked.
"Yes, Athos, the demigod who appeared before asking for the praetor. I believe he was telling the truth about his mother, but it's always safe to double check." Wit a quick whistle, two metalic greyhounds appeared. One was completely coated in silver while the other was gold. Thinking back, I tried remembering where I had read about these two.

"I hope you're not afraid of dogs." Bella acknowledged. "These two are my pets, they help me out by telling when a peraon lies. So long as you don't lie they won't bite. They should be perfectly harmless. So long as you don't lie."

Taking a seat we began. I told her everything about me. I tried to recall a lot about my childhood giving myself a long backstory, but somethings I couldn't recall. I told her about my foster mother and how I had read many myths about the Roman Gods and even their Roman Demigods. Eventually I told her about my desertion of my foster mother and how I had traveled to Lupa. I told her about the ways she had training me and taught me, leadership and courage. Eventually I stopped and she would give some in put. Often humoring the ways of the wolf. When I finished I stood calm and silent awaiting for the hounds to growl.

"I see." The boy said. I didn't know his name, but he seemed more laid back. Like he didn't care much about his status unlike Bella. Who was strainning her title upon me.

"It seems accurate. Do you remember you're mother being mortal?" She asked.
I shook my head. "Like I said,my mother died the night I was born. The only thing I know was that she gave me my name. Aside from that it seems like nothing. I have no memories of her. I just go by what the orphanage instructor said."

"Alright." Bella said, gazing at the hounds. "You seem to have interest in the dogs. Are you fond of dogs?" She asked. I smiled, "No, that's not it. Their color is unique, and I've read about them in a myth once. They were named Arurum and Argentium." The moment I spoke their names, the two looked at me. They had ruby eyes and metalic wires for teeth.

"You've actually studied. I wonder id maybe . . ." Slowly she began to speak, but with a quick moment, she paused trying to retain the informationfor herself. "What do you think, Sean?" She asked her partner.

"It seems right on the mark." He sighed. Stretching he rose. "He is a true Roman, for now, we have nothing to consider him a spy. Let him go. Besides, I still have to round up the third cohort and give them a message."

"Verywell." Bella replied. Rising, we left the room to meet up with Jasmine.

Outside, she awaited head held high. Amazed Bella smiled. "Have you been waiting here like this?" Bella asked. "Yes." Jasmine replied.

"I'm terribly sorry, next time don't think to bad for taking a seat. We aren't on war call." Bella smiled. Quickly it faded to desperse a more serious war-like expression. "What now?" I asked.

"Now, you'll be taken to the temple hills. Jasmine."
"Right." Jasmine relaxed. Escorting me back throughout the halls we made our way outside.


Bella is very serious about her job as Praetor, while Sean is more laid back about it. He is rarely bothered by it and finds it easy to lead the camp. Please remember to leave a comment, rate and subscribe. I hope you like it.



xXmadilivXx xXmadilivXx