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Long-Lost Relations

And we're off.... just not yet

I pull my mobile out of my bag, nearly dropping it in the process. I have no idea what the HELL just happened, but I know for sure that my mum will be able to help me, well, I hope she does.
I quickly dial my mums mobile and she picks up within a few seconds.
“Astrid?” she asks.
“Mum, it’s me, something crazy just happened, I’m on the way home, I caught the bus” I say hastily.
“Okay, sweetie, just calm down, and tell me what happened” she says in a calming voice.
I check to see if anyone is watching me and then quickly explain what happened to my mother in hushed tones. When I’ve finished there is silence for a few seconds.
“Okay, sweetie, I want you to get home as soon as you can and then I have to show you something”
I quickly say goodbye and then wait a few minutes in nervous silence before getting off the bus and sprinting home. I crash through the front door, drop my bag on the floor and then race into the lounge-room where my mother is pacing.
“Astrid!” she exclaims, racing over to me and hugging me.
“Mum, what the hell is going on?” I exclaim, stepping back and looking her in the eye.
“Sweetie, I’m so sorry I haven’t told you before now”
“Told me what exactly” I exclaim, really getting pissed off now.
“Sweetie, we have a very… complicated family history” she starts to explain, but I cut her off.
WE? You mean, you can do it too” I stare at my mother with wide eyes but she just shrugs at me.
“Sweetie, please listen,” I go to interrupt but she gives me a look.
“Your great-great-great-grandmother was a demi-god. Her own mother was an average human, but her father was Poseidon”
“Wait, you’re joking right, Poseidon?! The Greek God? You have GOT to be kidding me” She just gives me a look and I stare at her, open mouthed.
“Yes, a daughter of Poseidon, she faced many monsters and battles, but lived to tell the tale and then she got married and had children, now, all of her children where also children of Poseidon, and they also faced many battles, but one of them lived, and each generation of our family has had one daughter or son that has had or shown these powers we have inherited, but only one, no matter how many children you have” I cannot believe this, the gods? OMG. I am a freaking long-lost relative of POSEIDON!? Wicked.
“Wait, mum, I’m still confused about one thing, what powers do we actually have over water?” She chuckles quietly while I glare at her. So not funny.
“Well, one part of it is that bad eyesight that we both have,” she winks at me through her own glasses “and then we have the actual cool things. We are able to learn the Greek language very easily, we are able to hold our breath for an infinite amount of time, but with a small amount of difficulty, we are able to speak to most sea creatures and me know the ocean as a whole very well and have some abilities of water manipulation” I grin at her and she laughs back at me, smiling as much as I am.
“So… is there anything else special that I should know, like, monsters are going to attack me, or, I need to learn Greek for some crazy reason or go do some special initiation thing? How does it work exactly?” My mum bites her lip and I know immediately that it isn’t going to be pretty.
“Sweetie, I’m really very sorry, but you’re going to have to go to Camp Half-Blood” I raise my eyebrows and do a half-frown.
“What and where on earth is that?”
“Um… America” she says, giving me a terribly apologetic look.
“I have to leave my home and go to some camp thingy in America?!
“And when are we leaving?”
“As soon as we can find a flight and pack” I squirm in my seat as the Pilot welcomes us to the plane and tell us to “buckle our seatbelts and have a nice flight”.
I do not like planes. I don’t mind boats, or cars, but planes? They give me the jitters. Mum knows exactly how I feel, apparently it’s because children of Poseidon aren’t really built for flying, I just think it’s one of those ‘normal’ family things.
I lean back as the plane starts to pick up momentum, and then we are off and in the air. As we make a quick ascent into the clouds, I look out my window and stare longingly down at the ocean below us. God, I’m going to miss Sydney.
I quickly get comfortable in my seat and pull out the TV-remote. This is going to be a long flight. “Ladies and Gentlemen, could I please ask you to buckle your seatbelts as we are going to be experiencing some turbulence for the next little while” The pilot announces.
My mother moans and I look over at her. She appears to have a bit of a green tinge, and looks like she’s about to barf all-over the place, I think I want to move seats.
The flight gets a bit jumpy over the next half-an-hour and my mother tries to convince herself that she is never going to fly again; I seriously doubt that if she wants to get home within the next week.
“Ladies and Gentlemen, we are pleased to announce that we appear to have a clear path just ahead of us, we will be serving dinner in ten minutes”
As the pilot announces this the turbulence is cut off and I look out my window to see the sky is clear.
I look up at the moon and the starry sky before glancing down to see a cluster of lights from a small town and the reflection of the moon in the water.
The little TV says that we have 7 hours left on the flight, I have a feeling it’s going to be much longer than that. *Ding-Dong*
I hear many simultaneous clicks as the passengers of our flight un-click their seat-belts. I stretch my arms and legs out in front of me and then glance over to my mum who appears to be within the normal colour range of a human being. Being on the ground feels so much better than flying, I think I’m catching a boat back home.
We grab our overhead luggage and join the ever-so-long line for the exit.
After a good ten minute wait we are off the plane and making our way to the luggage pick-up area.
“I’m in America” I state to my mother who grins at me childishly.
“Sweetie, you’re not just in America, you’re in New York” My grin broadens further even though I already know this, it’s just so cool, I can’t wait to tell my friends.
“Hey Mum”
“Yes, sweetie”
“When are we going back home, after this camp-thingy of course”
She glances over to me and I can tell by the look on her face that I’m not going to like it.
“When” I growl at her and she sighs.
“A month or two, just until you can control your powers and know how to keep yourself safe if you need too”
“You’re kidding me, right?”
“Do I look like it?”
“No” I say miserably, looking down at my feet.
“Oh come on honey, perk up, you’ll make plenty of friends, I promise, and the accommodation is to-die-for” I look up at her and can tell she’s sincere, I just don’t know if she’s right, I’m not exactly the best friend-maker.
Thanks for reading the chapters I've posted so far, I've actually got 7 or so of these chapters pre-written from another website, so let me know what you think and I'll post more!
Disclaimer: The only thing here that I own it my OC's, deal with it.
R&R! It's like Christmas, only better!


I don't even know what the notes are for... can you guys read this? :3


Hope you like chapter seven! <3
happygirl2020 happygirl2020
Okay, but this is the last pre-written chapter I have, I'm working on chapter 7 right now though, it might take a while, but I finish my exams on Thursday :)
omigods more please
lots of love
happy girl 2020
happygirl2020 happygirl2020
lots of love
happy girl 2020
happygirl2020 happygirl2020