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Two Bodies, One Soul

Grease Boy


Calypso stormed into her garden and angrily went about digging a hole. Maybe she could bury that scrawny boy in it. On the plus side it wouldn't have to be too deep.
Tears came to her eyes. The gods had tortured her for centuries by sending her heroes to break her heart. Now they were treating her like a cruel joke, no one could call that boy a hero! They were just laughing at her, sending her a boy she couldn't stand, let alone love, to stay with her forever. She could tell by the way he talked about Delia that he was already in love. He could never love her when he loved another. Their relationship was doomed. He wanted to be friends and she wanted him to go away. Neither of them could leave. Ever. Her digging became stabbing.
The boy entered the garden and crouched down beside her. Why couldn't he stay at the beach?
"I think you've punished that dirt enough." He offered.
She scowled at him, "Just go away."
"You're crying." He said. Well thank you, captain obvious.
"None of you're business," she muttered. "It's a big island. Just.... find your own place. Leave me alone." She waved towards a path leading south, the path that led furthest away. "Go that way, maybe."
"So, no magic raft," the scrawny kid said. "No other way off the island?"
Well, duh! "Apparently not!" She replied. Why couldn't he take a hint.
"What am I supposed to do, then? Sit in the sand dunes until I die?" He asked. Calypso liked that idea.
"That would be fine." Then she remembered her curse and threw down her trowel in anger, cursing at the sky. "Except I suppose he can't die here, can he? Zeus! This is not funny!"
"Hold up." He looked at her weird, like he couldn't understand plain English. "I'm gonna need some more information here."
What hadn't she made clear to him?
"You don't want me in your face, that's cool. I don't want to be here either. But I'm not gonna go off and die in a corner. I have to get off this island. Every problem has a fix."
She laughed bitterly. Keep thinking that. "You haven't lived long enough, if you still believe that."
He looked at her weird again then changed the subject. "You said something about a curse."
She really wanted to strangle him right there on the spot. She resisted the temptation and explained her curse. "Yes. I cannot leave Ogygia. My father, Atlas, fought against the gods, and I supported him."
"Atlas," He said dumbfoundedly. "As in the Titan Atlas?"
Oh wow, this boy was slow. She rolled her eyes. "Yes, you impossible little..." She bit back some choice greek curses. "I was imprisoned here, where I could cause the Olympians no trouble. About a year ago, after the second Titan War, the gods vowed to forgive their enemies and offer amnesty. Supposedly Percy made them promise-"
"Percy," the idiot interrupted. "Percy Jackson?"
A tear rolled down her cheek, her heart had not healed from the last time a hero left her.
"Percy came here." He said.
Well no duh! She dug her fingers into the soil. "I- I thought I would be released. I dared to hope... but I am still here." The gods hadn't kept there promise, she was like a forgotten toy to them.
His eyes widened as if he remembered something. "But Percy said you were awesome. He said you were all sweet and helpful, not, um..."
She jumped to her feet, the idiot dared to insult her? "Yes?" She asked, wondering if he had a death wish.
"Uh, nothing." He said. Apparently he wasn't that stupid.
"Would you be sweet," she demanded, "if the gods forgot their promise to let you go? Would you be sweet if they laughed at you by sending you another hero, but a hero who looked like- like you?"
"Is that a trick question?"
"Di Immortales!" Calypso turned and stormed into her cave.
"Hey!" Unfortunately he ran after her.
She angrily washed her hands, scowling at him. For some reason she didn't tell him to leave though.
He cleared his throat. "So... I get why you're angry. You probably never want to see a demigod again. I guess that didn't sit right when, uh, Percy left."
She clenched her fists. He insisted on repeatedly bringing that up. "Percy was only the latest," Calypso growled. "Before him, it was that pirate Drake. And before him, Odysseus. They were all the same! The gods send me the greatest heroes, the ones I cannot help but..."
"You fall in love with them," the grease boy guessed. "And then they leave you."
Her chin trembled, for once, the moron was spot on.
"That is my curse. I had hoped to be free of it by now, but here I am, still stuck on Ogygia after three thousand years."
"Three thousand," the boy said, as if confused. "Uh, you look good for three thousand."
She ignored that comment, "And now... the worst insult of all. The gods mock me by sending you."
The boy paused before he spoke, thinking. "Fine. I'll leave you alone. I'll build something myself and get off this stupid island without your help."
Calypso shook her head. "You don't understand any of this, do you? The gods are laughing at both of us. If the raft will not appear, that means they've closed Ogygia. You're stuck here the same as me. You can never leave."
He looked at her stubbornly and walked away.
Good riddance.


A longer chapter cos I feel bad for having to leave for a while.
Most of the dialouge here is Rick's but I added stuff in and made it from Calypso's POV.
Please don't stop commenting and thank you to all those who already have! You guys make my day and inspire me to write!
Now off for an early night and then school! Kinda looking forward to it so I can see all my friends after six weeks but I'm also gonna miss my sleep and bed! :(
Oh well, I'll update as soon as I get an opportunity but it might be a few days, just bear with me here!


@The Bright One

Thanks! :D

@Blackjack Tempest
And you're just as amazing as your username :)

Goats are adorable cos bows are pink
Fish love to eat lice
Phones are made of bones
And books are better than they may look

Wow.. The ending.. Its.. Amazing. Its truly a shame to see this story end.. Great job though!

Adrian_Valdez Adrian_Valdez

Well it's still amazing. I'm sad it see it go

tmcar1 tmcar1