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Leo Dies at the End


Leo couldn't really comprehend what she had just said. How would she have known about the crash? We just met her. And why was I suppose to die?
"Um, what now?" Leo's voice cracked, but then eminently fixed it. "Uh, well, I didn't die. Beat it!" Leo said, putting his legs on the round table.
The girl in the robes crossed her arms. "I see. What had happened? Were you not eaten by a giant crab?" She said that like she was asking who won the super bowl.
Leo shivered at the thought of the crash, but he decided that looking frightened would be bad for his ego. "Nope. Not a chance i'm going to be lunch." He rubbed his stomach, not realizing how hungry he was.
Everyone was either glaring at Leo or the robed woman. It was awkward until Dante spoke up.
"Are you the fountain guardian?" He sat up in his chair.
"Oh, please. I am much more than that. I am not only the fountain guardian, but I am an amazing cook. Tart?" She grabbed a plate behind her filled with pastries., holding them out in front of them all.
Andra And Medea grabbed one right away. Leo was a bit hesitant, but grabbed one as well. Medea took a bite, while Leo and Andra were still inspecting the tart.
"These are amazing!" Medea whispered , putting the last bit of her tart in her mouth.
"Glad you enjoyed it. Now, I believe you know what must be brought to me." She tossed a paper onto the middle of the table, and Dante snatched it up.
He examined the contents, and, when he was done, gave her a puzzled look.
"Um... You want us to find... A coffee machine?" He flipped the paper around, revealing a Kureg
coffee maker.
"Mortals." She whispered, fanning herself with her hand. "It's not any old coffee maker . It's a small statue, but the mist makes it look like a coffee machine. This is what you will be looking for."
Medea coughed, but motioned for us to continue the talk.
"So where is this statue?" Leo asked.
"It is where your friend, Jason is." Leo and Piper shot up, intrigued that they could find their friend and the statue at the same place.
"Jason went up the hill to protect it." She motioned out the window, to where the peak of the mountain was. "At the top."
By now, Medea was in a full blown coughing fit. Andra and Dante tried to help her, but she insisted she was fine.

Leo looked down at his tart that was uneaten, then at Andra's, that only had a small portion eaten.
He then pieced it together; the tart.
"What did you put in that art?" He asked, pointing at the woman.
"Vanilla, chocolate, peanuts-" She was cut off by Andra.
"She's allergic to peanuts!" She yelled.


An hour later, after a bit of debriefing, they decided that Medea would go back to the hut, and Andra would guide her there, and come back and regroup as soon as possible. The statue, and Jason, were both at the top of the island.

The entire time, Dante was lugging Taylor around, which was a but creepy. The ride to the top wasn't bad, besides a few steep drop-offs and cliffs.

Then, they found themselves at the mouth of a cave, with a gate running into it. There was a pink sign that said Only couples may pass.

They all exchanged looks. Why do we need couples?
"Well, we need to find temporary partners.
By then, it was only Leo, Piper, Dante and Taylor's body.
"I'll pair with Leo. You and Taylor are still a couple, right?" Piper said, with a smile.
"Um, how will that work?" He stated, holding up the body.
"Use your imagination." Piper stated.
Leo smirked. "You don't seem that shocked with the fact that you will be cheating on Jason."
She looked at him.
"It's for Jason's own good. Now, show your girlfriend the way down the cave." She extended her arm, and Leo looped his arm into hers. They were NOT holding hands. Just a gentleman giving a woman a walk.
The gate opened at the sound of that, and we walked through.

This will be awkward when Jason finds out.


Who knew that peanuts would be the fall of two characters? I didn't! Thank you for reading! Bye!


Omg yes!!!

tmcar1 tmcar1

You got it guuurl!!!!

Lol ma'am. It's fine. How were u supposed 2 know? Just keep writing!!

tmcar1 tmcar1

I am so sorry ma'am I didn't know!

Yeah poor Leo. And btw I'm a girl so just gonna say tht now

tmcar1 tmcar1