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One Direction And The Oath


As soon as the heavy doors slammed shut behind them. There was a number of reactions.

Lizzie beamed at Louis as she said softly "Told you they would need you"

Louis smiled back at her.

While Niall laughed in releaf, almost giving Louis a hug but deciding agaisnt it, Niall said gratefully "Thanks man, I don't know what we would of done without you"

Zayn punched Louis playfully on the shoulder as he said "Same, where were you mate?"

Louis chuckled as he looked at his two best freinds as he said "I was just getting my head into gear I guess. Lizzie helped"

Lizzie smirked as she said "That I did"

Frank interupted "Guys we're getting of the point here"

Louis jumped, he'd forgotten Frank was there because of how quiet Frank had been since in the gods hall. Louis thought, mind you he doesn't exactly belong here, his Roman. I think I'd be just as quite if I was facing Roman gods.

Annabeth and Percy agreed.

Percy turned to Louis and asked, his eyes narrowing "So, what have you got to tell us?"

Everyone looked at Louis questioning. Jenny looked confused while Frank, Annabeth and Percy looked more suspicious while Zayn and Niall just looked curious.

Louis reached inside his pocket, bringing out the note, showing it to them, before they could ask Louis said slowly "Um when Harry disappeared he left this note on his bed in the Hermes Cabin. I took it, thought maybe it could be important though I didn't really understand it..."

Though the end bit was a lie. Louis understood it perfectly. Before Harry had left, Harry had told him Chaos had offered something towards him and helping him understand his powers more as the son of Chaos, though Louis defintly wasn't going to tell Percy, Frank, Annabeth and Jenny or even Lizzie that...

Zayn and Niall had both stiffened and paled slightly as they read the name on the note. All of them thinking of when Chaos had saved them last year.

Annabeth said slowly "So maybe Chaos's kidnapped Harry and we've got to save him? Or Chaos knows how to stop the sickness? And save Jason?"

Louis shrugged, though he thought that Harry had gone willingly but he didn't exactly want to tell them that or they'd ask more questions.

Zayn and Niall caught Louis eyes, Louis knew they were thinking what he was thinking, after all, they only, including Liam, knew Harry was the son of Chaos and the fact that was probably a huge crime agaist the gods themselves, they planned to keep it that way, they didn't want to put Harry in any more danger.

Jenny suddenly said exitedly, looking like she could jump for joy "Yes, it makes sense doesn't it? The end of the prophercy! Then You Will Find What You Have Lost. But Of Course, Not Without A Cost. I'm not sure about the Not Without A Cost bit but Find What You Have Lost, what we have lost! Harry! Thats who we're finding! Don't you see? It all fits!"

Jenny never felt so happy. She would finally see Harry again! Though something else was disturbing her as she said as they started to walk back to the lift, through Olympus "Though its strange?"

"What is?" Frank asked.

Jenny said "How Zeus reacted towards the Prophecy he went all pale as soon as some sort of Oath was mentioned? Did you all notice that?"

Everyone agreed worridly.

Jenny carried on "It just reminds me of someone else who reacted badly to the Oath, in one of my dreams..." She told them warily all about the Not Harry. Though decided against mentioing her crush that the not Harry mentioned.

Annabeth said, looking disbeleaving "You think he was Zeus?"

Jenny shook her head "When he was angry for a second, he let a bit of his true form show, I doubt Zeus has another form that has black feathered wings and black eyes"

As she was talking Louis, Niall and Zayn slowed down so Percy and everyone else walked ahead and so no one could hear them talking.

Louis asked hesiantly "You think...?"

Zayn said grimly "That was Chaos using Harry's form? Yeah"

Niall agreed warily.

Zayn said hesitantly "Well from what I'm getting, if they both reacted badly to the Oath, maybe they made an Oath together?"

Louis caught on and added "Then one of them broke it? Maybe thats why they're pissed at each other?"

Niall snorted "Zeus didn't look angry, he looked terrified"

Zayn pointed out "Well wouldn't you be if you'd made an Oath with someone all powerful like Chaos?"

Louis frowned, thinking hard "It must of been one special Oath to course this much fuss"

Niall and Zayn all nodded, wishing they knew what the Oath was...

Annabeth looked backwards, she saw Louis, Niall and Zayn at the back whispering quitly to each other, she frowned. Percy had noticed this to. Annabeth asked him lowly "Is it me or do you think there keeping something from us?"

Percy hated to agree with Annabeth, though he also hated the slow doubt and distrust that was weeding into his heart as he thought about his half brother and the two other demigods.

Percy said frowning "Its not just you"

Percy thought as he looked at the other demigods, what ever they're hiding they better tell us quick or I'll get the answer one way or another....




Hey, I know you have a life outside of this, but I haven't seen you around the site in forever and you haven't updated for a while. Are you still working on this? Please don't just leave it, it's really good!

Emrys Holmes Emrys Holmes

@Araneae Siqua
His a complicated character lol. His true intentions will only be revieled near the end of the series, however Harry probably shouldn't trust him, hehe ;)

Pipes Pipes

As far as I'm concerned, since Chaos is an immortal that's older than the gods, I have a natural suspicion that Chaos is going to be a villain- sort of. But the way you're portraying him says otherwise. I'm sort of stuck at a neutral position with Chaos, so... I don't know if Harry should trust him yet or not.
Anyways- keep it up!

Emrys Holmes Emrys Holmes


You're welcome :D

Emrys Holmes Emrys Holmes

@Araneae Siqua
Aw thank you :D :D

Pipes Pipes