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One Direction And The Oath

Frozen In Stone

Phoebe,Frank, Jenny, Lizzie, Louis, Zayn, Percy and Annabeth stared in horror at the small statue of the girl.

Medusa grinned, an ugly creul grinn.

Phoebe's eyes started to water then her greif manafested into something different...Anger.

Phoebe suddenly launched hers self at Medusa yelling "You bi-!"

She was cut of as Zayn grabbed her, holiding her back from trying to strangle Medusa with her bare hands. Percy's expression has gone hard and stony. Annabeths cold, while the others looked sad, shocked and fearful.

Percy growled "You do know we won't let you live after this" His hand going to his pocket towards his pen.

Medusa smirked, not looking at all scared but said in mock saddness "But its not my fault, I had to obey orders from the gods"

Percy snorted in disbelieve "Yeah sure, why would a god want you to turn Nisha to stone?"

Medusa said slying "I'm afraid you'll have to take that up with you're father, like I said before-"

Niall cut in "Wait! You're saying Percy's father did this? He ordered you to kill Nisha?"

Medusa giggled "Why yes. It seems to be a thing now a days, Gods wanting to kill their children"

Percy muttered in suprise "Their children..?"

Before Percy could regester what that meant, Annabeth snapped stepping forward "Don't listern to her Percy, she's just trying to distract you from ending her"

Phoebe agreed angrily.

Soon everyones weapon was out, surrounding Medusa who hadn't taken of her sunglasses and the cloth that surrounded her hair that seemed to move on its own now and again.

Medusa sneered "What you going to do? Send me back to Tarturas? You know as well as I know Percy, its not that much of an holiday"

Percy and Annabeth both paled, thinking back to their days in Tarturas. Percys hand holiding the sword started to tremble slightly.

They didn't notice, Louis, Niall and Zayns having similer reactions as they though of Tarturas where they had been overwhelmed by the monsters and where Chaos had saved them all once more and where Harry blow into the Creators Horn.

Percy scowled, not bothering to answer her, he leveled his sword at her head, raising it up high, though before he could put an end to Medusa, Phoebe cried out "Wait!"

Zayn warned "Phoebe-"

Phoebe said quickly "I just want a question answered"

Medusa sneered at Phoebe who ignored her look and demanded "Is there any way to turn Nisha back to her normal self?"

Medusa didn't respond, Phoebe moved closer and snapped "Tell me"

"Its impossible!" Medusa said with creul cheerfulness.

Phoebe glared then gave a nod to Percy who without a second thought swung the sword down, hard, chopping of Medusa's neck, her body exploded into dust.

Everyone stood their for a second, thinking what had happened. Then Jenny piped up to Phoebe who looked like she was going to cry any second "There may still be a way"

Everyone stared at Jenny who figeted nervoiusly and stammered "Well I thought, maybe....We're looking for Chaos right? Well his created this universe. He can do almost anything can't he? Maybe, just maybe he could turn her back"

She gave them a weak smile. Then Phoebe suddenly let out a small laugh and her expression lit up with hope. She ran up to Jenny and hugged her "Thank you, thank you!"

Jenny blushed as everyone beamed at her. Niall said grinning "You're a genuis!"

Then Zayn frowned, thinking of what Medusa had said, why would someone want to kill Nisha?

Zayn asked Phoebe "Can you tell us more about you're freind. There must be a reason Posiodion wanted her turned to stone"

Percy said, irritated "You believe her? Posidion would never-"

Louis pointed out "Just because his you're father doesn't mean his innocent in this, we got to take anything we get"

Annabeth defended him "I've talked to Posidion before, his quite nice compared to-"

Lizzie, who beliefed all gods were bad news replied stiffly "He drowns people when he doesn't like them. All gods have killed Mortals, you think some mortals just drowned at sea without him stepping in?"

Percy flushed, not sure how to defend his father.

Percy had never thought of that. His father was fair and nice to him but what about all the other demi-gods? It felt odd thinking his father would delibritly try an kill somone.

Phoebe replied to Zayn, deciding to ignore Percy and Louis's small argument. "Now I think about it, it was quite odd really, I went to England on Holiday, I went sight seeing. I went to see Stonehenge and I found her asleep next to one of the stones. She looked ruffed up, I helped her and told her about Camp Halfblood"

Zayn blinked "Wait, she's british?"

Phoebe shook her head "No, American. I'm not sure what she was doing there. She never told me. Only her parents were killed and-oh god!" Phoebe's eyes widened as she realised something.

Everyone was looking at her.

Phoebe gasped "I can't belive I forgot! You said you guys were looking for Chaos, right?"

The ampmosphere became even more tense as Zayn nodded.

Phoebe said shakily "She...She talked about him. When I first saw her she mention Chaos in her sleep! And she told me once I'd gained most of her trust, she said a young man had been talking to her in her dreams!"

Zayn said hesiantly "This young man, She didn't describe him as to have black hair, black eyes and wings coming from his back did he?"

Phoebe gulped as she nodded.

Everyone came to the same conclusion at once. Jenny came to another conclusion, thinking of the Not Harry that had visited her...Could it be?

Niall breathed out "Shit"

Louis added, urgantly "Did she tell you anything he said"

Phoebe frowned, trying to remember " A few things but I can't remember most of them. I dismised them as her mind playing tricks on her but-but I did hear her say he had told her to go to Stonehenge, she told me, he said, he said he could communicate with her more there because it was so close to his realm?"

Louis straightened, thinking hard...His relm...That means....

Frank muttered at "Oh" Sound as he to realised what was going on.

It was Zayn who told the group out loud "Okay everyone, get ready we're going to england...Siteseeing. Who wants to visit Stonehenge?"

And thats the end to my chapter. Next up, Harry's pov.

So sorry I haven't been able to update for a while. My updates will be quite slow so to make up for it my chapters will now be very long. I hope you enjoy this chapter! :D


And thats the end to my chapter. Next up, Harry's pov.

So sorry I haven't been able to update for a while. My updates will be quite slow so to make up for it my chapters will now be very long. I hope you enjoy this chapter! :D



Hey, I know you have a life outside of this, but I haven't seen you around the site in forever and you haven't updated for a while. Are you still working on this? Please don't just leave it, it's really good!

Emrys Holmes Emrys Holmes

@Araneae Siqua
His a complicated character lol. His true intentions will only be revieled near the end of the series, however Harry probably shouldn't trust him, hehe ;)

Pipes Pipes

As far as I'm concerned, since Chaos is an immortal that's older than the gods, I have a natural suspicion that Chaos is going to be a villain- sort of. But the way you're portraying him says otherwise. I'm sort of stuck at a neutral position with Chaos, so... I don't know if Harry should trust him yet or not.
Anyways- keep it up!

Emrys Holmes Emrys Holmes


You're welcome :D

Emrys Holmes Emrys Holmes

@Araneae Siqua
Aw thank you :D :D

Pipes Pipes