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One Direction And The Oath

There's A Storm Coming


Was it true? Could Rebecca be the culprit of this sickness?

"Stop It Drew! You're Charm Speak doesn't work on all of us!" Tori's voice came out of nowhere and just like that I snapped out of it. No! What was I thinking? I was blaming my sister for this? No way!

However some people still seemed to agree with Drew, including Annabeth?

"Annabeth, I told you that-" Percy growled.

"Its the only logical solution Percy! Why else would she come as soon as the sickness hit? Why else would Zeus try and kill her?" Annabeth told him firmly.

While they argued I realised with a start that this must of been what they had argued about before coming to the meeting, Annabeth must of arrived at the same conclusion at the same time as Drew did.

As soon as Percy and Annabeth argued there was an uproar in everyone else, some shouting and yelling at each other. I heard how fighting monsters brang this camp together, closer than before but this sickness was tearing the camp apart.

My head started to ache as the shouting contiuned...

"Percy"s right! You can't-"

"She is bringing the sickness!"

"She must be stopped!"

"You can't blame her for this!"

"You have no prove!"

Shut up.

"Niether do you!"

Shut up.

"Its not right!"

"Our friends and siblings are dying! I don't care whats right!"

Shut up!



Everyone grow silent as a pained cry reached into the air, it took me a momet to realise it was me who had yelled it. I was sitting in a lower positition than I was, my hands covering my ears and my breath coming in fast, come on! Pull yourself together Louis! I shouted at myself in my head. This is not the dam time to have a panick attack.

I ignored a strange look from Lizzie from behind me, something unfamiler on her face.

To my relief Chiron coughed, everyone looked back at him.

Chiron said hesiantly "Yes...Well, I agree with Louis and I think you should have thought of anouther option, for example Rachel?"

Rachel stood up from her seat near the front, everyone looked at her as she said hesiantly "I at the moment have no prophercy of this sickness but I feel there is one coming soon, yet the time is not yet right, though..."

I shivered as the air seemed to grow colder, I'm sure by all the pale faces around me, I wasn't the only one who felt it.

Rachel added, looking up into the sky then at Chiron and at everyone around her "Though I feel something in the air, I'm afraid a Storm is coming and we all best be ready when she does..."




Hey, I know you have a life outside of this, but I haven't seen you around the site in forever and you haven't updated for a while. Are you still working on this? Please don't just leave it, it's really good!

Emrys Holmes Emrys Holmes

@Araneae Siqua
His a complicated character lol. His true intentions will only be revieled near the end of the series, however Harry probably shouldn't trust him, hehe ;)

Pipes Pipes

As far as I'm concerned, since Chaos is an immortal that's older than the gods, I have a natural suspicion that Chaos is going to be a villain- sort of. But the way you're portraying him says otherwise. I'm sort of stuck at a neutral position with Chaos, so... I don't know if Harry should trust him yet or not.
Anyways- keep it up!

Emrys Holmes Emrys Holmes


You're welcome :D

Emrys Holmes Emrys Holmes

@Araneae Siqua
Aw thank you :D :D

Pipes Pipes