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Percy Jackson Photos

The Troublemaker. The Seaweed Brain. The Hero.

Let me just talk about one art of Viria

Yes, about this one. It`s Perseus Jackson, as many of you may know. He is a brave, spirited natural leader, and is always willing to risk his life to save friends, family, strangers, and sometimes even enemies. “He’s actually pretty intelligent, but he acts so dumb sometimes. I wonder if he does it just to annoy me. The guy has a lot going for him. He’s courageous. He’s got a sense of humor”, - Annabeth says.

He went through a lot and he`s changed a lot. He isn`t a little boy whom he was in the first book. He grew up… And became a hero.

The reason why l want to talk about this art is his face. Just look at it. Don`t you see it? It like has two faces in one, two boys are in one.

Look at him. He is nearly smiling. He is relaxed. His sea green eyes are calming and envelop you with love and care…

Now look at this Percy. He is ready to fight, to risk his life. He is concetrated. But also he is tired. I can see pain in his beautiful eyes. Why can we see such Percy? Maybe Tartarus made him like this. Or huge number of battles and deaths. Or a huge responsibility that was on his shoulders every time he saved the world. Or anormous weight of the sky…

I don`t know the right answer, but l love Percy who he is: the troblemaker, the seaweedbrain, the hero.

The text by LexyCooperSeesYou



Great. You made me flood the entire state of Iowa. Thanks a lot! *Sees the name Bob* *Started to cry so much, I caused Hurricane Matthew*

Medusa Medusa

*Bunny* lol so true:)

ninja panda ninja panda

on the movie pic red and green all the way

ninja panda ninja panda

@Book Phantom
Thanks :D

Go_chase_a_Donut Go_chase_a_Donut

Muhaha congrats! Your prize is this certificate:

I survived a Phantom!!

You can copy and paste it into your profile :)

Book Phantom Book Phantom