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The thirteenth Olympian


Chloris's POV
Five noble half-bloods shall sail east,
Into the belly of the beast,
The maiden at seas shall be saved,
And one half-blood's life shall be razed.
With that, Rachel fell onto the ground motionless. I stood there for a few moments, processing what I just heard. One half-blood's life shall be razed. What the hell?
Razed means to destroy, basically leave nothing. Someone gets killed, that's normal. But someone gets destroyed, kinda weird.
I put Rachel onto the bed, and walked back downstairs where campers and hunters were waiting. Mr. D was looking at me impatiently. "Well?"
"What?" I asked.
He sighed and said, "What did the prophecy say?"
I retold the prophecy, and by the end everyone looked concerned.
Chris decided to break the silence. "Well, that sounds like fun." I glared at him and sat down.
"Well, it looks like a quest must be issued. Chl-"
Chiron was interrupted by a guy with goat legs running in. "Wait! I want to meet Percy's kids!"
Chiron sighed. "Grover, were in the middle of something. You can make your introductions later." Grover looked upset, but nodded and left. "As I was saying, a quest must be issued. Chloris, since you were given the prophecy, you must pick three others to go with you. Campers and hunters."
I nodded and immediately pointed at my brother. "Chris." He smiled and walked beside me. I thought for a moment, then pointed at my aunt. "Thalia, will you come on this quest?"
She smiled and got up. "Of course! I can't be letting my nephew and niece getting themselves killed now can I?"
Once she walked over to us, I thought again for multiple seconds. I turned to Thalia and whispered, "Who else should I pick? I literally just got here."
She chuckled. "Try out blondie over there. Her names Annabeth."
I nodded and pointed at the blonde she was referring to. "Annabeth?"
Her eyes widened, but she nodded and joined our group.
Then, none other than Garret stood up. "Hey guys. Can I come? It says that you'll sail east, so that means water. You might need a son of Poseidon?"
I jaw dropped. He said it POLITELY. As if he didn't have his ass handed to him on a silver platter the night before. I looked at my brother to see a familiar expression on his face.
Annabeth huffed angrily. "As much as I hate this boy, he is speaking with logic. We may need a son of Poseidon when we're going into his father's domain."
I thought about it, then nodded. He smiled showing off his beautiful set of teeth. Wait, what?
Chiron cut me off of my thinking. "Fantastic! Pack up and meet at Half Blood Hill at 12 PM. Meeting dismissed."
Percy's POV
There was a shocked silence in the Throne Room as we watched the entire council meeting. We were cut off from our thoughts, when a blinding silver light flashed into the Throne Room. In all of her glory, Artemis sat in her throne.
Zeus finally regained himself, and began to speak. "Welcome Olympians. In today's council meeting, we will be discussing the meeting that just occurred at Camp Half Blood. Is there something someone would like to say before we begin?"
Apollo raised his hand to speak. "The auger from Camp Jupiter has declared his version of the Great Prophecy today." When he said this, everyone turned into their Roman counterpart.
My Roman counterpart is Quo, the Roman god of Time and the Earth. I basically have more defined features, like a Roman statue. I have slightly more stern eyes, and I have a more militaristic attitude.
"What did he say?" Jupiter asked.
Apollo made a scroll appear, and began to read it.
Children of Lord Quo shall be born!
They shall defeat the enemy that gods fear most.
The Graecus and Romans must gain each other's trust.
So they may save the gods once again!
With that, Apollo made the scroll disappear.
Everyone looked very concerned, and they were crazy if they weren't. The Greeks and Romans had been enemies for years.
Jupiter looked at Minerva. "Minerva, what can you think of this?"
Minerva scratched her chin. "Chloris and Chrysos has been born, so the first line makes sense. Then, they must destroy the most feared enemy that Olympus has battled. Which was…Gaea."
The Throne Room seemed to drop about twenty degrees in temperature. The most feared enemy in history, was coming back.
Mars was the first to recover. "WHOO! The second Giant War!" He proceeded to cheer, until a firm slap from Juno shut him up.
"How long do you predict it will take until Gaea returns, Minerva?"
Minerva made some books appear, before it disappeared again. "Well, she must create a giant to rival Quo, and that took thousands of years. However, it seems that the twins of Quo must be an ally to us, so most likely within the next ten years."
I had to ask something. "So that means, that Gaea can return from now to ten years into the future?"
Minerva rolled her eyes. "Yes, that is was I just said."
Jupiter sighed and put his head into his hands. "Thank you Minerva, please do more research into this. Now we must go back to the topic at hand, the quest at Camp Half Blood." When he said that, everyone turned back into their Greek forms. "Athena, can you make this clearer for some of us?"
She nodded. "Yes father. The five half-bloods have already been chosen, and they will be sailing into the belly of the beast. This could most likely be referring to the Sea of Monsters. As for the maiden at seas, that could only be Calypso." That's, when chaos began.
Zeus was practically screaming at the top of his lungs, saying to change the prophecy. Athena was still thinking, most likely looking for a way she may be wrong. Hera was attempting to calm down her husband. Apollo was trying to look through some scrolls, telling his father he can't change fate. Artemis had a smile on her face, most likely planning to recruit her into the Hunt. While everyone else was just sitting there, most likely because it doesn't affect them in any way. But me? I was still slightly shocked, but happy she could be lifted of her curse.
"SILENCE!" Athena boomed over the anarchy. Everyone stopped and sat on their throne. "Thank you. Father, I may be mistaken."
Zeus took a few deep breaths, but eventually nodded. "Very well. May we give our prayers that Fate may have mercy on these children's souls. Meeting adjourned." With that everyone left except Aphrodite, me, and Artemis.
Artemis opened her mouth to say something, but stopped once she noticed that Aphrodite was there. With that, she left in a flash.
Aphrodite squealed. "Pertemis forever!"
I looked at her confused. "What?"
Aphrodite smiled, and sat on my lap. "Artemis is SO jealous of Eve, while you're in love with the same maiden goddess. I love a tragic love story!"
My eyes widened as I pushed the goddess of my lap. "This was you! You made me fall in love with Artemis just like Annabeth!"
Aphrodite frowned and got off the ground. "This was not my doing. I can only enhance the love you have for someone, but that can only happen if you already have feelings for that person. Do you want to know the truth?"
I raised an eyebrow. "What do you mean?"
Aphrodite smiled again, and sat in her throne. "Well, when you first met Artemis, you liked her. When you took the sky from Artemis, she returned those feelings. I was about to enhance the love between you two, until Zeus found out. He was furious that his maiden daughter would fall in love with a demigod boy, especially the son of his rival. So, he had me erase all the affection you had for Artemis, and he made me enhance the love you had for Annabeth. Sadly, Annabeth didn't return the feelings, resulting in your heartbreak."
I opened my mouth to respond, but she put a finger up. "I'm sorry Perseus, but I must take my leave." With that, she flashed out of the throne room.

I sat there for a few moments, letting the information sink in. I finally flashed away, not knowing that a certain silver eyed goddess was eavesdropping in the shadows



I may have an idea for a story for you

Sorry I'm on it

wanna be fat wanna be fat

this was good sad its not being updated

poloPeg poloPeg


Percy'stwin101 Percy'stwin101

I actually wish I was in the story right about now

Percy'stwin101 Percy'stwin101