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Burning Up

I ran to the house to grab some supplies, like Percy had suggested, and since everyone had already left, I was able to just walk in the front door instead of sneaking in. I grabbed a backpack and filled it with extra clothes, some food and water, my headphones, my charger, a couple hundred dollars cash, and my parents’ emergency credit card. I grabbed my iPod and sprinted out the door before anyone heard me throwing stuff around and thought someone broke in.

I ran to the road and managed to hail a cab. As he drove towards the gas station, I realized how stupid my plan really was. I was going to a place I’d never been before and that I knew nothing about, searching for someone I don’t even know the name of to talk to him about whether or not he could stop something that he may or may not have anything to do with. But I didn’t care because I knew I was probably crazy anyways. When I got to the gas station I paid the driver and then went in and bought some more food so he wouldn’t call the cops on me for loitering and possible shoplifting.

That would be a great way for me to start off my mission to avenge Josh’s death. Sitting in a holding cell waiting for my parents to get me out. As soon as Anna got there I told her the plan: we would go buy plane tickets to Memphis and as soon as we got there we would go around the city looking for the guy Percy told me about to try and convince him to stop the attacks.

Stupid? Yes. But was I a very smart person? No. So after Anna yelled at me for not having a better plan and I calmed her down, we found a map and figured we could walk to the airport to save money, so we started hiking towards the airport, fighting the whole way there.

When we got there we found out we had just enough time to get our stuff checked and buy a ticket until the next flight to Memphis. Probably the only good thing that had happened to us all day. So we went through the whole procedure and boarded the plane, and as soon as we sat down I realized I hadn’t slept in the last 42 hours, so I fell asleep as soon as I lowered the seat.


You're welcome.


I love this!

JacksonPercy JacksonPercy

YAH that prise is amazing

derpydeath101 derpydeath101

Your prize is good health! :D

Like a Sir

derpydeath101 derpydeath101

I'm not evil, I just love killing people!!! Muahahahaha >:D