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Bloodsucking Donkey-Cyborgs

As the bloodsucking donkey-cyborgs came toward us, I assessed the situation. There were 6 monsters and 3 of us, none of us had swords, and the empousai looked pretty hungry. Then I looked around and realized the store was literally filled with weapons. I grabbed a gun off the wall but there were no bullets, so when I shot it, the empousai backed up a little, but then kept coming toward us.

I grabbed the gun by the barrel and swung it at one of their heads. It exploded in yellow powder, so I grabbed a couple more and tossed them to Anna and Jose. Now armed, we took them all down in a matter of seconds.

When Anna and I looked around to see if there were any more, Luke and Val ran back in the door.

Luke started yelling. “Oh my god! What happened?”

“Well, right after you guys left, these empousai came out and attacked us! But luckily Allen was smart enough to grab a gun and hit the monsters with it, and then get us some,” Jose gushed as Anna and I caught our breath.

Val blew a bubble. “Well, good job for you, but can we get on with our lives and find John? Where is he anyway?”

“Um, I think he’s at the warehouse across the street right now, but-”

“Well, then let’s go get him,” Anna interrupted.

As Luke, Val, anna, and I left the store, I saw Luke whisper something else into Val’s ear. I realized they’d been doing that a lot, and that Luke had been saying some strange stuff back in the store right before the empousai attacked. But before I could say anything, we got to the warehouse.



I love this!

JacksonPercy JacksonPercy

YAH that prise is amazing

derpydeath101 derpydeath101

Your prize is good health! :D

Like a Sir

derpydeath101 derpydeath101

I'm not evil, I just love killing people!!! Muahahahaha >:D