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The End

It wasn't hard getting plane tickets. We met a group of demigods herding south, who had purchased round-tickets to Tennessee, but they weren't leaving any time soon. They decided to hand us the tickets, and we thanked them. We got on the plane with ease, and I was ready to sleep for once. I looked to my left as Anna snored, the U.S.A rolling by out the window. I looked to my left, but there was just an empty seat... a seat that Val should be sitting in. Val gave her life to give Anna and I more time. She was the true hero.

I looked once more out the window before closing my eyes and falling asleep.

"Allen, wake up." Anna said. I opened my eyes and looked out the window, greeted by the runway. We had just landed, the screeching of the wheels jolting the plane. "C'mon, let's go." She said, pushing me out of the seat and into the isle, hopping off the plane and out of the airport. We still didn't have any money, so Anna and I had to walk the whole way home... 16 miles. great.

Reyna's P.O.V.

"Take your stuff and leave." I said, motioning up the staircase behind me. Isaac sat in the pouring rain, but hastily came into the warmth of our... my, house. he looked at me one last time before heading up the stairs, various drawers being opened and closed. I loved Isaac, but I couldn't believe how ignorant he was. Allen and Anna could be at the house, waiting for us to come. But no, he had to come with me. He had to be stubborn.

"Reyna," Isaac called, opening our... my bedroom door. "Where's my shield?" I stared up at him, his shaggy hair soaked from the rain.

"Check the closet." I said, motioning to the small door to my right. He dragged his bags down the steps and left them there, opening the closet. I sighed and looked out into the rain, praying that Allen and Anna were okay. A faint silhouette came from the darkness. I squinted, hoping it'd be my children.

But, an old man with shaggy blond haired charged at me, blood covering his jeans. I recognized him from anywhere. I had absolutely no time to react, and my weapon was left up stairs.

"Fuck... You!" He yelled, but he never touched me. Luke collapsed on the ground, a silver sword stuck between in shoulder and his neck. I was completely shocked... until Allen came into my view with Anna in tow.

"What does it take to kill this guy?" Allen asked as Anna kicked his body to see if he was actually dead.

"A...Allen! Anna!" I said, running at them and wrapping them in a hug.

"Hey, mom." They both said in unison. "How did he get here before us?" Allen asked his sister.

"He still had Valerie's money, remember. He could have gotten a cab."

"What?" Isaac asked, walking out the door. "Kids!" He said, charging them and repeating what I did.

"Where were you?" He asked, letting go of them. Allen and Anna both eyed the bags that were laying near the staircase.

"What's that?" Anna asked, her voice shaky.

"Anna," Isaac said quickly. "Did you stop at grandma's place first before coming here?" Allen raised his eyebrow.

"No... why?"

"Told you!" Isaac said, looking at me.

"Whatever." I said, looking back at the bags. Isaac was looking at me with puppy dog eyes. "No. No way." I said, my voice cold. "That is not going to work on me." After I said that, Anna and Allen did the same face... and I couldn't stand it.

"Fine, I'll admit it. I was wrong." I said, heading inside. "Let's get out of the rain." We all entered the house, staring at one another.

"Where were you?" I asked, crossing my arms.

Anna and Allen both looked at each other before Allen answered.

"The Greeks are nothing but Ashes now."


Thank you guys so much for reading! It means a lot! I am going to make a sequel to this story with The Bright One, which will be totally wicked!!! Thanks for reading! Bye!


I love this!

JacksonPercy JacksonPercy

YAH that prise is amazing

derpydeath101 derpydeath101

Your prize is good health! :D

Like a Sir

derpydeath101 derpydeath101

I'm not evil, I just love killing people!!! Muahahahaha >:D