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Behind the Shadows

Breaking and Entering

Sapphire couldn't find Clarisse anywhere. She had checked everywhere Clarisse would most likely be. But no matter how many trashcans Sapphire checked she just couldn't find her. Clarisse had done another one of her vanishing acts. Sapphire was not going to give up though.
Sapphire now stood at the fountain planning murder. She wasn't going to actually murder the girl. She just wanted to put the girl in her place. Maybe blast her a few times with water as well for good measure. Test out her new powers. Clarisse was the best for water testing.
"Sapphire" A voice broke through her thoughts. Sapphire looks up and finds Will jogging towards her with a small smile on his face. Will was one of her brothers in the Apollo cabin. He wasn't now. He hadn't spoken to her since her little announcement.
"Hey" He spoke when she reaches her.
"Hey" Sapphire replies nervously. It was awkward knowing that he is no longer related to her.
"I wanted to apologise" He says with his head bowed looking ashamed.
"Yeah?" Sapphire asks.
"Yeah, I'm sorry I haven't spoken to you since your announcement and I'm sorry for not helping you move your stuff"
"It's okay"
"No it's not. I'm your friend and I wasn't there for you"
"I managed on my own"
"I know. You are one of the strongest people I know" Sapphire smiles at him and he smiles back.
"Thanks". Will grins like it was second nature to him and nods.
"Sapphire I found her!" Jake shouts from somewhere. Will frowns confused. Sapphire sighs.
"Talk to you later?" Sapphire asks.
"Yeah" Will replies with a smile before he walks past her. Sapphire looks around before she spots Jake racing towards her with a massive grin on his face. He is completely out of breath when he reaches her.
"She is at the arena" He announces.
"Why are you out of breath?" Sapphire asks. Jake holds up his hand asking her to wait while he catches his breath. He wheezes for a few seconds as Sapphire just watches him with a spark in her eyes.
"She caught me spying on her and got very angry" Jake tells her. Sapphire just laughs. Jake frowns, still wheezing and half attempts to stick his tongue out at her.
Sapphire starts walking to the weapons cabin with Jake dragging along behind her.
"Slow down" He moans. Sapphire can hear him dragging his shoes on the ground behind her.
"You don't need to follow me" She calls to him.
"Yes I do! I need to make sure you don't go too crazy on Clarisse"
"I'm not going to go crazy!"
"Whatever you say". Sapphire huffs when she reaches the weapon cabin. She tugs at the door but, it does not open.
"It's locked." She states bluntly back to Jake.
"It's alway locked" He answers with the same tone when he catches up to her. Sapphire tugs at the door harder in annoyance. "To keep murderous demigods like you out"
"Why didn't you tell me that?"
"I thought you already knew! You have been at camp longer than me"
"Got any good ideas?" Sapphire asks.
"Break in?" Jakle answers. He is right behind her now. It makes Sapphire nervous by how close he is. She frowns at the odd feeling.
"I can't. Chiron is already annoyed enough at me"
"And beating up Clarisse won't annoy him?" Sapphire can feel the heat of Jake from how close he is to her. She clears her throat and steps away wanting space between them. Sapphire kicks the door as hard as she can.
"What are you doing?!" Jake asks sounding alarmed.
"Breaking in." Jake is silent for a few minutes.
"Cool, let me help" Is all he says before stepping back a few steps. Sapphire frowns before gasping when she realises what he is going to do. She takes a step out of the way just as Jake flies past and hits the door with a bang. He groans before falling to the ground. Sapphire bursts out laughing. She has to lean on the cabin wall for support.
"What are you guys doing" Someone asks. Sapphire stops laughing and turns to the person. It's Percy and he looks highly amused. He must of been watching the whole time.
"Sapphire is breaking into the weapons cabin" Jake grumbles from the ground. Sapphire gasps and glares at the traitor who is sitting next to her holding his sore shoulder.
"Why?" Percy asks. Taking a step forward, looking curious.
"She needs a weapon to fight Clarisse with" Sapphire glares harder at Jake. He must of hit his head really hard.
"Cool, can I help" Percy asks. Sapphire is shocked. She clears her throat.
"Sure.." Percy smiles before her walks forward ready to help.
"It's locked isn't it?" Percy says. Sapphire nods "There is a window a the back right?"
"Yeah" Jake groans. He is standing up now and is standing close to Sapphire again. He is always standing close and its never felt weird like this. Sapphire clenches her teeth and ignores the feeling.
"Perfect. How about we open the window and Sapphire can go in through it"
"Perfect" Jake pipes.
"Why do I have to through?" Sapphire grumbles.
"Because you are small" Percy announces. Sapphire huffs and Jake laughs
"I am not small!" Sapphire mumbles. Percy and Jake share a look and both laugh before they high five each other. Sapphire rolls her eyes.
Percy claps his hands together and then grabs Sapphires and Jakes arm, tugging them around the cabin. When the reach the back Sapphire groans.
"How am I supposed to fit through that?" She points at the tiny window above them. Percy and Jake nod at each other before stepping towards her. They each grab one of her legs and boost her up. Sapphire gasps and tries to grab at the wall for support.
"Jezz Saph you weigh a ton" Jake moans from below her. Sapphire grabs the the frame of the window.
"Got any more insults for me today?" she asks. The boys are silent for a moment.
"Yeah, your feet smell" Percy chimes in. Both the boys snicker.
"Thanks" Sapphire grumbles back. She grabs the bottom of the window and tries to pry it open but, it won't budge. She tries again with all the power she can muster. The window creaks and groans, but eventually slides open. Sapphire yanks it as open as it can go. The boys whoop in excitement. Sapphire smiles at how awesome her friends are. She would never admit it to them though. Percy and Jake are cracking jokes below her and everytime they laugh it causes her to wobbles. She sighs and leans into the window to make sure she will stay steady.
"Can you guys boost me up higher?" Sapphire asks.
"Sure" Percy replies.
The boys shuffle around a bit before she feels herself being thrown up. The force sends her through the window. She grunts when the window catches her waist. She is hanging upside down for the waist causing the blood the race to her head.
"You okay?" Jake calls.
"Peachy" Sapphire groans. She swings forward and pushes her hands against the wall. The force of it lets her waist free from the window. Her legs slide through the window. Sapphire pushes at the wall again as hard as she can before her legs are fully through the window. She flips up right and her feet lands painfully on the floor.
"Are you alive?" Percy calls now.
"Nope" Sapphire replies sarcastically. She looks around the cabin for the perfect weapon. Weapons are everywhere and of every kind. She won't be fighting with a bow and arrow this time. She will be fighting with a sword. Her eyes catch the perfect one. It's not too short or too long and its got wavy lines carved into the handle it reminds Sapphire of the ocean. She picks it up and grins it's the perfect weight and fits her hand like a glove.
Sapphire turns back to the window and frowns. How is she supposed to get out of here? She decides to pile some boxes up and use them to climb on. Once she is finished she spots something. It's a gun. It must of been hidden behind a box. A shiver runs down Sapphire spine. Demigods don't use guns, but this one does not look like an ordinary gun. Its gold and has ancient greek written on it. She has no idea what it says. Sapphire picks it up to inspect it further. None of the ancient greek is readable. Sapphire knows its ancient greek but her brain just won't let her read it. There is one word that is written in english but its not written on like the ancient greek. The english is roughly carved on and its a name. The name is Luke. She wants to drop the gun and not look at it again but a whisper at the back of her mind tell her to keep it and hide it. So she does.
Sapphire tucks the gun into the back of her shorts and pulls her t-shirt over it. She climbs the boxes and pulls herself through the window. The boys jump back out of her way as she jumps down and manages to land gracefully on the ground. The boys grin.
"Nice" Percy admires when he spots her sword. Jake nods in agreement.
"Lets go!" Sapphire sings while she raises her sword in the air.
The boys follow her lead while she walks back to the cabins to hide the gun. She told Percy and Jake that she needed to change clothes which wasn't exactly a lie, she did need to change but she just didn't tell them the real reason.



omg u have to continue this story!!! it is soooooo good

McShizzle_yall McShizzle_yall

Where is half of the chapters like 1,2,3,4? And please upate

rucas2003 rucas2003

I just found this less than a week ago and just couldn't put it down, you have such a great story