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Behind the Shadows

Hold On Tight

Sapphire did'nt need a calender to know how long she had been away from camp. She didn't want to know because with each month that went by, more and more campers knew she was now the enemy. It felt like an impossible task to save the camp from Luke. because no matter how much Sapphire tried to prove her loyalty, he still had some doubt stored away. Cayden seemed highly amused every time Luke would say or do something that showed that he still didn't trust Sapphire. The whole process was exhausting and never ending. Everyday it was Sapphire's job to scout the ocean and steer the cruise ship. Her jobs on the ship was what annoyed her the most. Her time working her butt off to show she was trustworthy seemed pointless since all she had ended up with is a job promotion. Sapphire didn't want the do as you place and work our most time consuming job cards. She wanted the work by Lukes side card. She hardly ever saw him around on deck, and that was what he wanted. He wanted Sapphire in a place where he would never have to see her. Maybe crashing the ship would get his attention? And that was what Sapphire was about to do.
The waves would not calm. They kept hitting the ship harder and harder. The storm had come out of nowhere and with the dark sky and down pour of rain, Sapphire could not see a thing. The ship rocked side to side and Sapphire had to hold on the the railing just to stop herself from sliding over the deck and in to the ocean. She had told everyone to go below deck to keep safe. Sapphire wasn't exactly safe either, but she was the only one who would be more likely to survive. None of her attempts to calm the sea worked. There was a much powerful force behind this storm. Did Poseidon know about her betrayal? If he did. If any of the gods knew now, then Sapphire would have to watch her back. The whole deck was drenched in water and a few fish flopped about on it. The sun was setting and that meant Sapphire would be completely blind soon. There was no point in trying to steer the ship through this storm. All she could do is hold tight and beg for a miracle. Another wave lashed over the railing and came full force at Sapphire. She closes her eyes and tightens her grip on the rails. The wave swallowed her and tried its hardest to carry her away with it. The force of it hurt. It felt like she had been hit by a car or had been tackled by a huge rugby player. The water is freezing and leaves her shivering and close to tears from exhausting. She had been sitting on the deck, holding on to the railing for hours. Sapphire knew that she was not helping at all, but her sitting out there was her trying to tell the gods that she knew what she was doing was wrong, and she was accepting the punishment. Clearly she had not endured enough quite yet. another wave hit and it flowed past her leaving a dolphin flapping helplessly on the deck. Seeing that Sapphire paused. She would have to save it. She could hear it crying for help in her mind and it was making Sapphire crack. If Sapphire was lucky she would have a minute or more to crawl ovet to the dolphin and push it off the deck. Her fingers slip off the railing and the are all white from lack of blood flow. She had been gripping on that tightly. Her knees creak as she stands up. Her whole body wobbles about from the rocking ship. Sapphire closes her mind from all the worrying thought and runs down the stairs beside her.
She hits the main deck with a splash and nearly slips. Sapphire regains control of her body body and runs towards the dolphin. In her mind it sings a very sad song. The dolphin sounds like its about to give up. It does not know Sapphire is there. She kneels down by its side and puts her hind on its head. It jerks and tries to wriggle away.
"Hey! Hey! I'm not going to hurt you. I want to help" Sapphire says in a calm voice. She is far from calm but her voice fouls even her. The dolphin stills and turns its eyes to her her face. "My name is Sapphire. Let me help you". The dolphin makes a strange noise. Whether it was it excepting Sapphires help or the opposite Sapphire did not care. She locks her arms around the dolphin and begins dragging it it across the deck and over to a gate between the railings. Its locked, but that only annoys Sapphire enough to kick it with enough force to break it open. Her grip remains tight around the dolphin. Sapphire angles herself to a position where she would be able to simply push the dolphin back in to the ocean. Her heart thumps in her chest as though she could sense it before she saw it. She quickly shoves the dolphin in to the ocean and only just in time. Sapphire turns around to face a giant wave coming at her from only a few metres away. It was a hopeless case to try and escape it. It was only a matter of seconds. Three, two, one....


Sorry about the cliff hanger!


omg u have to continue this story!!! it is soooooo good

McShizzle_yall McShizzle_yall

Where is half of the chapters like 1,2,3,4? And please upate

rucas2003 rucas2003

I just found this less than a week ago and just couldn't put it down, you have such a great story