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The Heroes of The Camps

A Jinx Maybe?

To be perfectly and outright honest I will tell you this now; I really don’t have an impressive history. See, I have always lived in New Rome, my Dad just so happens to be Mercury the Roman god of Mischief and all things the Road; I don’t know who my Mother is. Sounds weird right? My Father dropped me off in New Rome when I was still a newborn and the city took care of me while I was helpless. But as soon as they could they sent me to Camp Jupiter, which after “The Great Shaving Cream Incident,” I was claimed by my Father.

Daughter of god of pranks right?


That’s me.

But after “The Great Shaving Cream Incident,” I’ve dialed back on the pranks; now mostly I focus on running, also and plan on beating the four minute mile. Dad is pleasant enough, since I don’t know who exactly my mother is, to visit me every-now-and-then. But just long enough to catch up on that I’m not dead, or sick, or remanence on “The Great Shaving Cream Incident,” but then he’s gone. That or I just happen to ask who exactly my mother is.

See the thing is, having one non-existent parent is tough enough, but knowing that BOTH, are out there somewhere is another.
It’s hard but, hey life is life right?

But anyway, like I said: No real impressive history.

The name’s Victoria by the way.

Today really just started normal; I woke up, ate a protein bar took a jug of water and trained for my four minute mile. When I finished, I sat down on a bench took a long chug from my jug and then dumped the rest of the water on my head and just let the chilly air freeze my skin. I sat there for a while watching really nothing until it was time to get ready for my watch.

We Romans have this thing where we guard the entrance to Camp Jupiter and also New Rome. So being the case I returned to my Cohort House, (cohort is a fancy way of saying platoon), dried off, and changed into a pair of jeans, and my “SPQR” t-shirt, and converse. But here’s where get’s away from the “normal” mortal style; I strapped my medium length Imperial Gold sword at my side, Metator, (it means Marker in latin), the funny thing about the sword is that well it’s not tipped like a normal sword rather the end is like a box cutter. (I have used it as a giant box cutter and let’s just say a hospital visit is not fun when you’re about to pass out from bleeding too much) Then I strapped my breastplate on, that doesn’t have a name sorry to disappoint. I put up my layered hair in a ponytail, another thing about me, the only practical way to point me out is that I have this sea green, more green than sea, streak of hair color, well not necessarily a streak but like I dunked the “too short to be apart of a ponytail” bangs in the dye.

But seriously, enough about me, I slid my helmet over my head and jogged to my post. That was when I saw the weirdest thing, I saw this girl with crazy black hair getting chased by these crazy looking grocery ladies. I looked at the other kid that was with me and told her to stay while I went to investigate and if need be I might be leaving more than sharpie marks on people.

So I ran to help this girl but somehow she managed to walk to the river and I saw the craziest thing ever. Something that Camp Jupiter probably hasn’t seen in a long time. Because it strikes a terror in the Romans and is considered to be the worst jinx.

The girl rose up out of the river with the water climbing with her, staying relatively around her waist like an inverted water spout. This girl, rose high towering over the three ladies that were chasing her; I more importantly was far enough away where the girl couldn’t notice me, because all I was doing was gawking at the power of this one person.

The water flow curved slightly like it was being sassy and the girl with long black hair watched her enemies on the bottom who were crazed enough to try and climb the spout to get to this mysterious person. But she raised her arm and a length of water like squeezed toothpaste some water separated from the water spout and traveled up her arm to form a spinning orb in her hand.

The with another command from her arm the girl struck down one by one of the crazy grocery ladies. I thought it might have been over but the ladies quickly got up to retaliate and I heard a loud chant but I couldn't make out the words and suddenly the spout just stopped and dropped down to it's original state and with a scream the girl dropped into the water with a splash.

This time I sheathed my sword and ran towards the shore line as the crazy ladies rushed into the water. When I reached the water a sword jutted out of the water and stabbed the first advisory. I shook myself awake a forced myself into the water, trudging through the swank of the free flowing river. A water soaked teenager popped up from the water and fought off the second lady. I will say this now, those things whatever they were, they are surprisingly avid fighters.

The grocery woman that the mysterious teen fought dodged her attacks by ducking and leaning to whatever she the teen had thrown at her. When I caught up I was in the river in about waist deep and the third grocery lady was going to try and gang up on the teen, but I quickly got the woman's attention by splashing a great deal of water on her, and saying that her mother was a hamster and her father smells of elderberries.

I readied myself as the woman practically threw herself towards me for a blinding punch for the face. Apparently she knew what the actual insult meant and took extremely personally, actually it was much better than I intended. But in the blind anger this woman kept her fighting clean and neat rather than getting blinded by her anger, which is like my whole strategy, make em' mad and their fighting's bad. I dodged as much as I could but then I looked over the woman's shoulder and deceptively yelled, "LOOK OUT!" and pointed the woman turned for a second and I grabbed my opportunity and thrust Metator into her gut and she dissapated into ash and the ash flowed down river.

I smiled to myself and said, "Remind me to never drink river water again."
I looked up and the girl, who apparently just vanquished her foe, is just staring at me, "Excuse me but, who are you?"


~Eliza's Chapter

Hey it didn't take me that long! Yea! Your welcome Echo for making you look pretty stinking awesome! XD

Fun fact: Back in Roman times when they tried to break the four minute mile they'd send lions after their runners and back then it was impossible and it brought a whole different side to loosing.



Sakra Devanam Sakra Devanam



Eliza Rush Eliza Rush

@Eliza Rush

ThisIsHowIRoll ThisIsHowIRoll


Either that or NOX should go

Eliza Rush Eliza Rush

I wrote the second to last one. Echo should go next.

ThisIsHowIRoll ThisIsHowIRoll