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References and Character Advice

Over-used OC-Demigod Tropes

(Source: QuidditchPlayers' original content)

1. My step-parent is abusive.
While it's true that some step-parents are abusive, it's actually not that common (because why on earth would your biological parent put you in harm's way by marrying a bad douchenozzle?) There's also no need to have a step-parent. Some are content with being a single-parent. There is nothing wrong with that.

2. Percy Jackson's long lost sibling/twin. Terrible. Just terrible. Usually, these people have more powers than Percy. Also, Sally Jackson is a wonderful mother. She would never abandon any of her children. Don't do this. Just don't.

3. Third Grace child. Similar to #2. Yes, Beryl Grace was a bad mother but Zeus/Jupiter had enough of her. He wouldn't be going back for thirds. If there was a third, Hera would have blasted him/her because three with one woman is enough.

4. Child of the Big Three. Okay, I understand that the whole "Big Three pact" was lifted. But here's the thing. I (Kara) am a history major so I have poured through a lot of the Greek myths (because one of our projects was to try to figure out the "real story" behind them.) I noticed that the children of the Big Three aren't in the same generation. I think Zeus, Poseidon, and Hades understand that their demigod children would be very, very powerful. If there's more than two in each generation, they run the risk of them having sibling-rivalry because, hey, very powerful children of very powerful gods and "Daddy loves me best!" And with the introduction of the Roman camp. We're partial to having One Greek, One Roman kid per Big Three (which is why Neptune is up for grabs and we currently have a favorite.)
If The Big Three were to have kids again, it would be when their existing kids are old and grey. Hades/Pluto however, is another story which brings us to the next point.

5. Child of Hades/Pluto. We think that he got traumatized by what happened to Maria di Angelo. Hades seems to be the guy who loves deeply. Compared to the other gods, he's relatively loyal to his godly wife, Persephone. Of course, there would be the occasional mortal to catch his attention but that wouldn't happen very often. We have a headcanon that Hades is a relatively old-fashioned guy. We wouldn't do the thing with a girl unless he was sure that he loved her (unlike Zeus who seems to want to bone every girl he finds pretty but doesn't always because powers and stuff.)

6. Super loyal to friends. This probably became popular because of Percy Jackson's flaw. I like people who modify this to make it a little more personal because Percy's like "I love everyone!" Anyway, there are so many other possible fatal flaws out there. Stop reusing this! Not everyone is willing to sacrifice the greater good for their friends.

7. Reusing the same monsters. The Minotaur and The Furies seem to be a favorite. The Minotaur would reform every 5 years. Furies reform quickly but they only do things at Hades' command. They don't go around terrorizing demigods. There are so many monsters in Greek Mythology and a lot haven't been touched yet.

8. Perfect appearances. Most OCs are at a pre-pubescent/puberty stage. They wouldn't have flawless skin, perfect teeth, etc., (exception would be Aphrodite kids but even some of them have braces and retainers.) Be realistic with your appearances.

9. Gets together with canon characters. We're not entirely opposed to this as long as you build it up correctly but don't make their current girlfriends jealous hags and mean bitches! (Piper, is borderline possessive of Jason so she might be one but don't overdo it. Personally, we think Jiper is forced and we don't think it's going to last long. No, we're not saying that because we're both Jeyna shippers.)

10. Somehow really good with weapons. I know demigods have natural fight instincts but they wouldn't be masters of all weapons. Percy is shit at archery. Annabeth is partial to knives. Jason prefers using a sword over javelins. Exceptions might be kids of Ares and Bellona and possibly Athena but you'd have to take away some gifts like, kid of Bellona won't be able to Reyna's strength-thing, kid of Athena might not be a good tactician, etc.,

11. Knows all the Greek monsters. Especially true for kids of Athena. They wouldn't know every single one especially if they've never been exposed to Greek culture.

12. Everyone swoons over them. God no. Just no. No need for further explanations.

13. Repeating book events. Like, are you seriously doing that quest again just with your OCs? There are so many myths to choose from and so many possible stories you can make. Don't repeat book stuff, I s2g.

14. Running away from home. Do you really have to make your character run away? Do you? Do you? Not all mortal/step/foster parents are bad, okay? It would be a nice change to have a demigod who was raised with nice loving parents who don't die.

(there are probably more. We'll update this when we think of them or when they show up in our reviews.)



Very accurate dipisription of Percy's mental state and focusing on things many writers forget abo

Crixus981 Crixus981

I'm not saying he isn't.

StriderBro_ StriderBro_

Percy is a Slytherin. Fight me.

CheshireCat1698 CheshireCat1698

@Stop it Rick
You're different, when you do it its funny

StriderBro_ StriderBro_

i say stupid things and u dont smack me so ha

Stop it Rick Stop it Rick