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II Anastasia

Me: I Do Not Own Persassy Jackson Or The Badass Team
Your Right! *Evil
Cliffhanger Laugh* ~Rick Riordan
On With The Story!

"Are youcrazy ?" Delilah yelled.

"Make a run for the woods!" Anastasia said, hoping she wasn't too loud. The shouts and dog barks grew softer as the tower became just a glint on the horizon. Clearly tired, the girls collapsed on the cool red clay riverbank. Around them was a hooded meadow, covered in emerald green grass, ruby red roses , and amethyst purple violets. It was beautiful. It was perfect. Delilah and Amiyah sat in awe.

"Anna..." Amiyah said faltering. "How did you know to come here ?" Honestly, Anastasia didn't know to come her, she just felt it. Her zodiac spoke to her as a gift.

"I-I don't know. Gut feeling I guess." She said, still looking around at the scenery. She realized the sun was setting, and they needed a place to sleep , and fast. "We should head out to find sleep, dark is coming uncomfortably fast. And you guys know... We've never dealt with untamed darkness."

"Agreed." Delilah said and stood up. Amiyah, how ever, was still sitting .

"Amiyah... Come on..." I sang. I noticed she was moving at all, not breathing or any thing. " Hey Amiyah... Not funny..." I grabbed her shoulder and she turned around quickly. Her eyes were an eerie blue, unlike her own. Her face was pale and cold, her teeth elongated into shark like teeth. Her hair turned fiery red. The water rose around her.

"Your friend," the voice rang in Anastasia's ears like razors. "Is gone, forever! And soon you will be too!" The cackles of the demon inside of Amiyah, one of her best friends, set a sudden anger inside her. The moon had reached its height in the sky. She rose to her feet and closed her eyes.

"Delilah , get back!" Anastasia yelled through gritted teeth. The moon covered her eyes and all she saw was a flash of light before they all passed out.


Short ? Any Comments , Please Tell Me. I'm Getting Stuck And Irritated.


I like it what's a zodiogod

I like it what's a zodiogod