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New Chapter 2

I'm running in a dark forest. My own breath in front of me blocks my vision. It is impossible to see in the dark and the fact that I was wearing sunglasses doesn't help . I can hear footsteps running at me. With my sense of sight gone my other senses are in overdrive. The footsteps seemingly shake the earth. My heart pounding in my chest. I have to find a place to hide . I start looking trying my best not to break the pace. Barely outrunning the thing behind me. I see a large seemingly hollow oak tree in front of me. Speedily and I run in the hollow side. Crouching down using my arms to cover the top of my head as if in a tornado drill. I hear the footsteps run by the tree as I let out a sigh of relief . Only the small victory is short lived . The limbs of the tree wrap around the side I came through. Causing what little vison I had to fade away and leave me in complete darkness. I hit the limbs with my arms flailing while I hold tight to a book in my arms. It seemingly appeared from nowhere. I sword in my hand a book in my lap. I feel the hilt of a sword in my hand I ready to swing at the branches with my new found weapon. Breaking through the limbs in time to see the objects more clearly. I see gold covered in unreadable writing. I feel a hand grab my shoulder.
I jolt out of my seat my sunglasses flew off my face. I slammed my eyes shut instinctivly . I jumped to the floor hurriedly searching blindly for the glasses. I heard Cole get out of his seat. A hand grabs mine shoving something in my hand which realized were my glasses. I hurriedly put them on and looked around the class room. I feel the kids eyes on me as laughing starts up. I felt myself turn red. Quickly I take my seat pulling my hood over my head. As the teacher continues the class I heard the a thunk. It was a folded piece of notebook paper hitting my desk on the front was written Cole's name.
"Hey you okay"
I wrote back quickly and threw it at him -even though he was right beside me-
He doesn't need to know about the reaccoring nightmare yet. The sword, the book, the runes, and the over all strangeness of the dreams would stay a secret. He doesn't bother to reply probably knowing i didn't want to talk . The class droned on as normal except for the occasional giggle or glance at me.
I managed to keep my head down as I walked all the way to the football field. Wher the rest of my grade was having P.E. I climbed underneath the bleachers were I meet Ody. I don't have to go to PE because of my "sight problems" Odessa just chooses to hide under the bleachers and keep me company . She was hunched over back facing me her black hair wild and frizzy while she messed with a cell phone that I assumed she stole. I'd make her give it back but for now i let her rapidly tap and sat down beside her and pulled out my science homework.
"Who'd you steal it from ?" I said trying start up a conversation while writing down an answer. It was a very awkward looking phone like someone had mad it from old parts. Its black case was large enough that it filled up Ody's hands it held the word Heroes in orange paint on the back. i had seen someone with this type of phone before so i assumed it was nothing but a new brand. .
"Just some kid I passed him in the hallway must've been new"
She was right only a new person would let Odessa close enough for her to snatch a cellphone everyone else was very weary around her.
"Uh okay what's on it?"
"I don't know " she said obviously annoyed that she couldn't get pas t the passcode.
"Ah okay " I said pulling a book out of my bag after finishing my Homework. i occasionally peered over the book to look at Ody,curious of what she was doing .
"Hey I heard about what happen in English class " she said not taking her eyes of the screen. i was hoping she wouldn't bring it up but a decided to tell her if ignored her she would just find out somehow. I waited a second before telling here about the nightmare. About the book with the strange markings. She nodded along sympathizing with every word all while typing.
"Nightmares are nightmares." I said ending the story.
We both paused. It only lasted a few seconds neither of us knowing exactly what to say.
"Ha got it" Ody said breaking the silence. I watched as she unlocked the screen. The screen saver was of three people standing around a bus. I knew two of them.
"That's Cole" Ody said it before i could say anything. But the other boy she didn't know Teller. Both Cole and Teller had there arms around a girl. One with purple hair and quite a few tattoos even though she only looked to be around 17, she was beautiful too even with her crazed party aura any boy could easily fall for her. I glanced at Ody's face to be met back with sheer disgust. Jealously. She was jealous and it read all over her face. " I know him"
"yea I know Cole too big whoop but why is he with those two" she was obviously annoyed, at who I couldn't tell.
"I was talking about blondie"
"Oh" she sounded upset she had snapped at me.
"Its ok give it to me I'll return it to him we have science together. " Without waiting a grabbed it out of her hands and put it in my back pocket. Talked the hour away most of it was pointless jibber jabber but it was something to keep us busy. Finally the bell rang and I walked to science. Teller was already there sitting in the corner trying to finish some work before class officially started. I walked over to his desk putting his phone next to his notebook. "This was on the ground thought you'd want it back." I felt my hands shake a bit while doing so but distracted myself by chipping off the black finger nail polish Ody had put on me earlier.
"Oh thanks how did you know it was mine?" he looked surprised opening it and scrolling around.
"I turned it on" I said taking my seat behind him and hoping i didn't sound like i was lying Ody had taken off the lock so he thought it was never locked.
"oh okay." The hour breezed by I tried to keep a steady conversation with Teller having to look away every now and then to hide a red face.Finally the bell rang and school was out for the day. I started walking away and jumped when I heard Teller say my name. "Asya um would you like to get dinner?" I froze up at his words. Was this a date? It took me a second to register what my mouth had said. "yea sure" I had said yes.
"do you know where Gino's is? It's a little Italian place on Main" he asked pushing his stuff into a bag.
"of course" I managed to stammer out i worked there part time in the summer.
"good I have some very important things i have to tell you." No this wasn't romantic at all he probably just wants to know what I did to help him in that bathroom I mean after all he didn't see anything he was facing the ground practically the entire time. " so I'll meet you there at seven.Is that okay?"
Still my stomach dropped as I spoke "yea that's fine



So i will be deleting several chapters and rewriting a lot of them i want happy with the main plot of this so yea major changes okay thanks

Almost_Alice Almost_Alice

I like this

Chelsea_Delos Chelsea_Delos

Like the new cover gimme? Some feed back.

Edited chapter 13 finally got it to work so here is a long chapter

The when you first enter the website and scroll through the stories it says completed

Forgotten_Soul Forgotten_Soul