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Sparks in the Flame


As soon as she could hear soft snores from Percy, Grace opened her eyes. Slowly, she sat up and swung her legs over the edge of her bunk. She held her breath as she tiptoed around the cabin, gathering everything she thought she’d need into an old backpack she found under Percy’s bed. She didn’t care what Chiron or Percy said- this was her quest. Corrina and the Hunters needed saving, and Grace knew that it had to be her that did it.
Grace paused at the door and looked at her brother. He was draped haphazardly across his bed, mouth wide open. She was lost as to why everyone was obsessed with him. “I’m sorry Percy, but I’ll see you soon.” She whispered before creaking the door open and stepping out into the night.
The full moon cast a pale light over the camp as Grace jogged towards the Zeus cabin, which was adjacent to hers. Once there, she stopped at the grand columned entrance and rolled her eyes. How extravagant did a cabin at a summer camp need to be? She took a deep breath and cracked the bronze doors open a sliver, peering inside.
The large room was filled with alcoves containing glimmering eagle statues, and above everything, a statue of Zeus stood glaring down at her. She stuck her tongue out at it and continued to look around. The mosaic on the domed ceiling seemed to be swirling around, and low thunder reverberated throughout the cabin. There were two single beds, one on either side of the statue. One was surrounded by clothing and there were pictures on the walls surrounding it. The other didn’t seem to have any redeeming qualities, so Grace picked that one.
She stepped into the cabin and slowly closed the doors behind her, creeping up to the bed she’d chosen. Nathan was on his stomach and his blanket had fallen on the floor. He was shirtless, and his exposed back made Grace’s breath hitch. She shook her head, regained her composure, and flicked his ear.
“Nathan, wake up!” She hissed.
He opened his eyes, which widened when they saw her standing there.
“What the hell, Grace?” He whispered, scrambling for his blanket to cover himself up. She threw his shirt at him, which he graciously put on.
“Get up, Sleeping Beauty. We’ve gotta go.” She said, looking around for things to take with them.
“Go where?” Nathan had gotten up and was putting his sneakers on. “It’s-“ He checked his watch, “Four in the morning. What could be so important right now?”
Nathan didn’t have much besides a sweatshirt and a change of clothes, which she added to her backpack. “Nathan, I figured out what our quest is supposed to be!” She said.
“What? How? Where?” He spluttered.
“I can’t tell you now, we have to leave before anyone wakes up.” She responded.
He scratched his neck. “Um, what?”
“Well, technically Chiron told me to wait before going on the quest so he could confirm it, but I just know we have to do this, Nathan. Please come with me.” She pleaded. He nodded, thoroughly defeated. “Thank you thank you thank you thank you!” Grace threw her arms around him, but only for a second. She released him and cleared her throat. He was blushing, and she knew she was too. “So, did I, uh, get everything?”
He stared at her for a second. “Oh. Um.” He looked around. “Almost, just one more thing.” He reached under his bed and retrieved a long bronze sword with what looked like writing on the blade, but Grace couldn’t tell in the darkness.
“Perfect. Let’s go.” Nathan led Grace out of the cabin and quietly shut the heavy doors behind them. Once outside, she stopped him. “Since it looks like both you and Reed have some sort of weapon, I’m gonna run to the armory and grab one. Could you go get Reed while I’m there?” He nodded. “I’ll meet you by Thalia’s Pine in ten.”
Once he jogged off, Grace set off across camp towards the armory, making sure to avoid places where she thought the cleaning harpies might be. As she walked around the arena, she heard slow footsteps coming towards her. She panicked and dove behind a nearby column, holding her breath as they grew closer. Percy had warned her of the violent consequences the harpies gave to those out of bed at night, and her heartbeat began to quicken.
“Grace Everson. I know you’re here.” Grace froze. She’d heard that voice before, but where? “Come out, I have something for you.” Grace peered around the column to see a mass of frizzy red hair in the moonlight.
“Rachel?” Grace edged out from behind the column to see Rachel Dare standing in front of her. Except it wasn’t Rachel, it was the Oracle of Delphi. Mist surrounded her and her eyes were clouded over. Grace took a half-step closer; wary.
The Oracle stepped towards her and produced a shiny, silvery-blue sword, about half as long as Grace was tall.
“For your journey. Use it wisely.” And with that, the Oracle stepped back and vanished into the mist.
Bewildered, Grace studied the sword. The entire weapon, hilt included, was made of the same type of silvery metal, which seemed to swirl around before her eyes. She’d never seen anything like it. She placed the sword in the scabbard at her hip that she’d found in Percy’s trunk and began to jog back the way she’d came.
After a few minutes, Grace caught sight of Thalia’s Pine, standing sentinel over the camp’s entrance. At its base stood Nathan and a weary-looking Reed.
“Did you find something?” Nathan asked her once she reached them. She patted her hip and he nodded. Reed stood next to him, a bow slung over his shoulder and a case of arrows on his back, along with a small bag at his side.
Reed caught her eye and patted the bag. “Ambrosia and stuff. Just in case.”
She grinned. “Alright boys, are you ready to go kick some ass?”


Hi everyone! I'm going to try and update more often, so here's the next chapter! Things are just getting started!



AGH omg thank you that just made my day!! <3

galeckey1234 galeckey1234

Thanks for creating a fanfic that us fans can enjoy I love it☺☺☺

Thanks so much! <3 Glad to see you're back!

galeckey1234 galeckey1234

And I love the bit about the Kardashians

Chelsea_Delos Chelsea_Delos

Oooooo update!

Chelsea_Delos Chelsea_Delos