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Imperfect ch 10 - Silence

Imperfect ch 10 - Silence

Nico POV

Waking up everyday has always been difficult for me. Personally, I feel safer when I’m in bed where I can be left alone with only my thoughts. No drama, no interactions with human beings. Just me, myself, and I. But yet, no matter how hard I try, I will always be faced with the harsh reality of waking up. Call me lazy or whatever, but if you understood what I had to deal with in my life, you would want me to stay in bed too.

Being a family member of anyone has never been easy in any family. Whether it be the fourth brother of the Jonas brothers or the ex spouse a Kardashian, once you are connected with someone famous, mostly everyone would have their eyes on you; spotting what your next move is. And trust me, it doesn’t matter if they like you or not. They will simply watch every step you make until you doing something wrong by their standards. But hey, maybe you’ll be lucky and that ‘bad move’ will be forgotten in two weeks...or maybe that event in your life will forever be branded for years to come (sorry Kim, promise I have never seen your sex tape).

But it’s not all bad. Sometimes fame can be beneficial. For example, I don’t have to worry about my credit card being rejected when I buy the latest manga issues. But you know what that motivates me to do? Stay in bed.

Staying in my room allows me to concentrate on myself and not worry if I’m wearing the clothes. But once I walk outside, I’m not Nico anymore. I’m the heir of Underworld. Scratch that. I’m the worthless child that disgraces the brand of Underworld.

Yup, you heard me right. A disgrace. And it’s not my low self-esteem that tells me that. It’s my classmates, my mother, my father, their friends, their friends’ kids that tell me it. (Well also some haters around the world, but everyone have those.) The only ones who never did make the time to tell me I’m worth something were Kevin and his family. Everyone else would just do the opposite or do nothing at all.

Listening to myself, I kind of understand how crazy I must feel. Even though it’s the easier option to take, it’s not the right thing to do…..Well it could be, but probably not the efficient use of my time. Plus, I’m kind of hungry.

Getting up from bed, I make my way down to eat. By the time I get to the doorway leading towards the dining hall, I could hear the laughter from my mom and dad. Everything feels positive in a way, as if there was not a care in the world. At least until they both look at me. And once they did, their big grins fell of their faces as if showing the slightest sign of happiness would result in death.

Seeing that sight almost made my heart sink. And maybe if it was the first or fifth time, it would have. But by now, I’m used to extinguishing the small speck of light in their eyes. And as uncomfortably as it was, I walk to an empty seat and wait for one of the countless servers to bring my food out. While I wait, I could see the awkward side looks my step-mother would give to dad signalling that there was a stranger eating in their dining room table.

“I see you’re up and early this morning,” my step-mother awkwardly let’s out. I look up and see her giving a weak smile, one used to show that the person is uncomfortable but doesn’t want to show any rudeness or disgust.

And as if scheduled, my father abruptly gets up and makes his exit from the scene. Leaving her alone as if she was abandoned to fend for herself, she gets up as well and leaves me alone at the table.

Once they are both out of the room, the server walks in. Clearly he was standing outside for a while but didn’t want to deal with the heavy atmosphere in the room. When he placed my food down, I try to make some light humor to ease the tension. “Gotta love family, right?” Clearly, he doesn’t like humor because he doesn’t even look at me when I made that joke and promptly walked out. “And there goes the third person to quickly leave me at the table.”

Yup, we’re just one big happy family.



Great!. Waiting for more....

Percyloveoflife Percyloveoflife

@Artemis The Hunter
I will be soon

fiercyboy fiercyboy


He's Italian not Spanish

KandyKid11 KandyKid11


Constrictor Constrictor