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Imperfect ch 6- The Litlle Raven B****

Ch. 6 – The Little Raven B****

Nico POV


“Nico can you please come out? We need you to get ready, sweetheart,” my step-mom, Sophia said to me from the other side of the closet. “You need to come out of the closet and greet all of your father’s clients. He needs the whole family downstairs to make a good impression.” I almost laughed at what she said. Almost. As if my own father wanted the WHOLE family to be down there.

We’re not a whole unless Bianca was here. But she isn’t. Our own father pretends like she doesn’t exist. Yet, he has the nerve to act like he feels sadness about the accident. Bitch please. He doesn’t have the right to feel remorse to her. Not when he’s the one who stuck her in there. She deserves to have a life like us, not one that resembles a bird’s cage.

After Bianca’s and my birth mom died and the mental damage that resulted from the accident, our wonderful dad had changed greatly. Now he feels that his and the company’s reputation outweighs his own family. He began getting busier as days passed, we only got to see him at the social parties that he hosts for his clients; and even at those, we don’t even have a chance at talking to him. Hell, if it wasn’t for the various interviews on television, Hazel and I would have forgotten what he even sounds like. Every day, I feel that he becomes more of a stranger rather than a father.

I felt tears prickling down my cheeks. My heart continuing to shatter into small pieces and my throat feeling as if I was suffocating, drew me out of my thoughts. I didn’t want to come out, if I did, I would have to pull on a fake face and pretend to be a perfect child; which I’m not. I’m the way opposite of perfect. I’m just a child that cries every night, hoping and praying mommy and daddy would come to my room and smother me with their love.

But that never happens. Mom left us to go to a better place and dad completely ignores his family. I am left all alone in my gigantic soundproof room, with no one being able to hear my cries.

I quickly rub my tears away and pull out my emergency make up set and fix my face which looked like I was crying, because no one can know that I cry. No one. Getting out of my closet I see a smile on Sophia’s face; I give her a weak smile back. “I know you don’t like these things, but your father needs you right now. It would make your father proud if you show up.” Sophia said, attempting to show that he cares. As if though, he couldn’t give two shits about me. The only thing he cares about is us not making an embarrassment out of him. He probably wouldn’t even know if I was there really.

“I know, thanks Sophia.” She quickly nods and gets up to leave me to get ready. I grabbed the suit my father had tailored for this and got dressed. I made one more look at the mirror in my own bathroom and plastered on a fake smile before heading to the ballroom.

There were crowds of adults filling in the massive ballroom. Servers going left to right trying to please the guest. I felt myself feeling terrified as I got further in the ballroom. Chatter was ringing all around, and I could feel myself disappearing.

Before I could turn into a pile of nothing, a felt something grab my arm. I turn around and realize that it was my young seven years old step-sister, Hazel. And just like that, my whole being magically came back. “Hey, Neeks.” She said enthusiastically with a huge smile plastered on her mocha skin face. I couldn’t help but smile back.

She pulls me to a table to sit and we began talking waiting on our food. Occasionally, people, who wanted to get on our father’s good side, would come up to talk to us. It was kind of pitiful of them trying to butter up to our father, but who could blame them. Humans have the urge to be better than others, and in this industry, having my father’s backing is the same of being President Obama’s or Beyoncé’s bf.

We were in the middle of talking to what’s-his-face and his wife about the popular trends in France and how it would benefit Underworld, when our father intercepted. “Well I would love to hear more about this tomorrow, Mr. Jules.” And just like that, the man became a full ass-kisser. I was too annoyed about their small talk that I pulled out my earbuds while no one was look and went through my playlist. A moment later, I felt my earbud be yanked out my ear. I turn to my father to glare at him, but was surprised to see him glaring at me. And just like that, I could feel myself shrinking and prepared to cry. “How many times do I have to tell you to not put on your earbuds when at parties? It makes you look disgraceful.” He said in a stern voice. I was surprised that he would take that tone to mean when there are clients next to us, but then I noticed that they were already long gone. Great. “Hazel, Nico, come with me.”

We reluctantly followed him to avoid any more arguments. The three of us continued walking until we reached Sophia who was talking to a family. “It is a pleasure to have you and your family here, Mr. McLean.” Our father said to the stern man I presume believe is Mr. McLean.

“Please Mr. Di Angelo, the pleasure is all mine.” He replied shaking my father’s hand. “I would like you to meet my beautiful wife, Effie, and my precious daughter, Piper.” I stood there as I saw a mother and daughter pair walking towards us. “My wife is a wonderful fashion designer who just recently came back from Milan and if my intel is correct, my daughter is the same age as your son. What was his name… Ah right, Nico correct?” He said pointing at me.

My father pulled me in front of him so that he could show me off to impress them by trying to make me be on good terms with their daughter. “This is Nico.” He said introducing me. I quickly shake their hands and then the adults leave us to socialize. I sighed heavily knowing this is going to be tiring.

“So Nico, was it? Do you want to take me to the dancefloor?” The Native American said to me. I reluctantly agreed and lead her to the dance floor. Once we arrived, we began to waltz with the adults that were dancing as well. We could feel a couple of stares at us and I can guess what they were say. ‘Isn’t that the only son of Hayden Di Angelo?’ ‘That lucky bitch’s family must be really powerful of their daughter is dancing with the heir’ or ‘they would make an adorable couple. Okay, the last one made me want to gag. No offence to Piper, she is beautiful; I just don’t have an attraction to girls. But like hell I will let them know that. No one except for my sisters know about my sexuality, and I feel my father would not like the idea of people knowing I’m gay. He would probably use his connections to keep me in the closet, just like he made people believe Bianca does not exist. All so that his precious company won’t get hurt.

We finished dancing and began talking amongst ourselves. “Why do you barely talk, Nico?”

“I don’t know what you are talking about?” I replied.

“Stop kidding yourself. I have noticed you barely talk to any of guest. And when you do, you would usually nod your head like you understand.” She said, while I was nodding.

Piper gave me a I-told-you face and I stopped. “Fine if you want to know, follow me.” We both got up and left the ballroom so that no one can listen to us. I lead her to an empty music room no one in our family uses and close the door. She turns around and waiting for my answer, which I wasn’t going to answer in the first place. I only left, so that we wouldn’t make a scene.

“No one can see us now – “

After saying that, she sighed and the innocent face she had on her face when we were back at the ballroom disappeared and was replaced with a devious grin. “Wow dumbass, you really know how to show a lady.” I was too surprised at her outburst, that I was lost in words. “What the fuck is with that face? Did you really think I was actually being nice to you?” she said laughing. “God, you’re so pathetic. And I can see that you were cry a while ago dipshit. Let me guess, you were crying about your dead mommy, you’re such a little bitch”

I couldn’t say anything. Tears were forming and I kept on praying that I wouldn’t cry. But luck was not on my side. Instantly tears kept on falling off my facing and I couldn’t stop it. I kept on thinking that maybe she would just leave me in tears seeing that she succeeded in breaking me, but I was wrong. “Keep on crying you little raven bitch. Keep on knowing that no one likes you. Everyone thinks you are disgusting and it’s true. Just look at yourself.” I kept on listening to her hurtful words, but felt something was off. Between sobs, I raise my head up and see a tear falling off her face. Before I could say anything, Piper walks up to me putting her mouth near my ear. “Tell anyone about this and I will kill you, you fucking emo.” And with that she leaves the room leaving me alone to cry.

[Flashback end]

Fuck. Why the hell is she hell doing here? This is supposed to be a great day for me, but now this one happens?! God, what did I do to you that made me deserve this cruel punish?

“Percy,” Piper said with a cheerful tone, “and Nico” she said with dullness. It's great to see you too, bitch. I snickered at the thought.

"Hey, guys." Percy said, ignoring the godly awful atmosphere that surrounds us. Wait…did he just said ‘guys’? As in more than one…Shit. I look away from Piper McLean to see three others. One of them being the guys who would beat the shit out of me whenever he had the chance, Charlie. I can’t believe this dick is here. Play it cool, Nico. Percy is just saying hi to be polite and then we will go our separate ways. If only it was that easy. “Hey, you guys should hang with us.” Fuck me. I looked at Percy with an expression of fear, but it looked like Percy was oblivious to it. Seaweed for brains.

“Sure, we would love to Perce,” said the cheerleader holding hands with Charlie. For some reason, I can’t seem to remember her name. But then again, I barely have any interest in the ‘popular group,’ and I don’t see that changing for a long time.

I sighed knowing this was a mistake. I should have never accepted Percy’s offer. Only trouble will come from it. Yet, could you blame me. One of the hottest guys in my school asked me to hang out. What the hell was I going to say, no? Fuck no. I might be gay, but I’m not stupid.

All six of us head into the movie theater after finally deciding what to watch. Well, more like what the girls choose, but I’m fine with watching the longest ride. I have been meaning to watch it with Kevin for some time, but we never had the time. I just know I’m going to get an earful from Kevin when he hears about this. Oh well.

The whole time, I could feel stares from to directions. Piper from the left and Charlie from the right. God, I feel like a sheep surrounded by wolves. Feeling nausea from the stares, I tell Percy that I need to get some fresh air. I could see Percy’s worried face and insured him that I was alright. He understood and went back to watching the movie.

My head began to spin as I exited. Previous feelings from the past had begun to resurface and I didn’t know how to stop it. Shit, I’m having a panic attack. I couldn’t breathe. The feeling of being suffocated continued and there was no one to help me.

Suddenly, I feel something on my shoulder, turning my body to face them. My shut my eyes on instinct, waiting for something to sting, but it never happened. I open my eyes, curious of who it could be, and see that a panicking Percy. I look at him more closely and I could see that he is trying to help me calm down, but it’s not working. I’m still having a panic attack and the difficulty to breathe continues to increase. I could feel myself losing consciousness.

Before I drift into complete darkness, I could feel a warm, soft sensation on my lips. I could feel myself calming down, yet feel completely wiped out.


Hey guys, once again I have risen up from the ashes to bring you another chapter of Imperfect. Sorry that most of it was a flashback, but I thought it would be better to go a little in depth on how Nico was like in the past.
So tell me what you thought.
Do you think I should make more flashbacks for Nico?
Give me some feedback please.
Finally, vote, subcribe, etc.
Love you all,
Bye <</strong>3


Great!. Waiting for more....

Percyloveoflife Percyloveoflife

@Artemis The Hunter
I will be soon

fiercyboy fiercyboy


He's Italian not Spanish

KandyKid11 KandyKid11


Constrictor Constrictor