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Pranks and Pirate

Chapter 2: P.D.A Posters

Heyyy y'all! So, so sorry I haven't updated in eons! My exams are coming up so I have a ton of revision and studying to do. If you are new to this story, make sure to subscribe, comment and rate! Also, be sure to check out my other story 'Percy's Musical Talents'. For those who read it, again, I'm so sorry I haven't updated. Like I said, revision but I am working on the flashback. Here's a quick question, should Tristan McLean (Piper's dad) know about the mythological world? I'll see how many comments I get on that and write out the rest of the flashback. But for now... Welcome to Chapter 2!

Chapter 2

3rd Person's P.O.V
"Dude! We haven't pranked in 2 days, 3 hours, 14 minutes and 22 seconds..." Connor groaned smashing his head against his bed frame repeatedly.

Travis moped on the floor, stolen chocolate bars scattered around him, all eaten. Both brothers looked terrible. They had dark circles under their eyes, their hair poking in every direction and their clothes were worn the wrong side.

"What can we do about it Connor? Did you see how furious Percy was after we pranked Annabeth with spiders? Let's just lay off on the pranks for a while..." Travis mumbled while opening another chocolate bar. Connor rolled his eyes, sulking and groaning.

Suddenly, Travis leaped up. His eyes had an excited and mischievous glint in them. He rushed to his brother, shaking him by his shoulders. "I've got an idea!" He screamed.

Travis Stoll had never, in all his years as a prankster, thought about this genius way to pranking. As he told Connor about it, both were soon dashing to their secret hiding spot in the woods, writing down on a pad of paper their ideas.

And boy, were some people in for some horrible things.

The last time the Stolls were this excited was when it was April Fool's Day but instead of a day, it was for a week. Hermes permitted it. Plus, if they pranked someone, they would not get in trouble under any circumstances.


Piper's P.O.V
"I was like 'No, absolutely NOT darling! Magenta was like so last season, now it's baby pink!" Drew rolled her eyes as we walked into our Barbie Doll House cabin. I told everyone to settle down and get ready for lunch but then I saw what everyone was looking at.

"What in hades?" I shrieked looking at the pictures pasted around my whole room. On closer inspection, they looked exactly like...

"VALDEZ! I AM GOING KILL YOU!" I stormed out of the pink cabin, with the rest of my siblings following behind me, excited for the drama about to unfold.

Suddenly, a loud clang was heard and shouts began coming from the Hephaestus cabin. "MCLEAN! WHAT IN HADES?" A familiar shout was heard in the air as I faced Leo Valdez in front of me.

We were in the middle of the camp. A deathly silence was heard. It was lunch so everyone was heading to the Food Hall but stopped to see the drama that was unfolding outside the cabins.

"You... I thought you were my friend, how could you?" I seethed in anger, my fist clenched tight until my knuckles were turning white.

" How about you? I thought you were my friend!" Leo shouted at me shoving a paper into my face as I shoved a piece of paper into his face.

I saw a piece of paper that had a picture of Leo having a make out session with Calypso and underneath it, a familiar handwriting was there. It said ' True love. Or is it? Leo will always be the seventh wheel and that's the truth!'

The paper shoved in Leo's face, had a picture of me and Jason kissing passionately in Zeus' cabin. The paper had some words in Leo's handwriting. It said 'Cabin Counsellor meeting! Where's the beauty queen and superman? In superman's room, no supervision at all...'

"I didn't write that!" Both of us shouted an girl and puzzled at the same time.

"Liar!" A Hephaestus camper shouted.

Soon, the whole of Camp Half-Blood was splitting into three teams. The Hephaestus team, the Aphrodite team and the 'I have no clue in Hades of what is going on' team.

It was starting to get messy. Food, rocks, perfume, screws and many other things were being thrown. Clarisse was seen on Aphrodite'a side, due to the resemblance between Silena and Piper made Piper and her good friends. Will was on Hephaestus' side as him and Leo had become real close friends as they both liked the heat/fire.

Suddenly, just as everyone was about to take out their weapons and fight, Perseus Jackson took one look at the fight and his blood boiled. He was angry for two reason, the masterminds behind this idea and that everyone was starting a demigod war because of some stupid posters.

Percy's leadership skill kicked in. He yelled out, "SHUT THE HADES UP! ALL OF YOU!" That got a few attention from some demigods that were near him but the fighting noise was louder than him.

Percy was usually a calm dude. He never was angry even when people threatened to kill him or when he was being bullied in school as a kid. But this was so childish! The campers were fighting over P.D.A pictures. Seriously?

Anger was building up inside Percy. Only a few days ago was Annabeth pranked by the spiders from the Stolls but it was taking a longer time then usual for Annabeth to calm down about spiders ever since they went into Tartarus.

A huge earthquake happened, shaking the camp grounds and knocking the campers onto the floor. Some were about to scream it was an attack by monsters but everyone noticed something.

Or more specifically, someone.

There, in the middle of all the chaos stood Percy Jackson, the leader and role model for all demigods, young or old. Percy Jackson stood there, rage clearly in his eyes and fists clenched up so hard, his knuckles were turning white.

"Thank you for your attention. You all are acting like childish, immature and stupid toddlers. You all are fighting over P.D.A posters?" As these words went though the campers ears, they realised how stupid it sounded and thy blushed a deep shade of red.

Percy's head whipped towards Piper and Leo's direction. "You two are accusing each other without even thinking. Who are the pranksters in the camp that has not pranked in a few days?" As these words sunk in, all the campers got up with their weapons in their hands.

"STOLLS!" The whole camp roared, raising their weapons in the air as they marched towards the Hermes cabin.

Boy, were the Stolls dead meat.

Aaaand CUT! That's a wrap for Chapter 2 of Pranks and pirate. The next chapter will be about a certain sea-green eyed demigod declaring a prank war against the stolls. Who'll it be? What's gonna happen? Continue to read, subscribe, comment and rate for more!
Peace Out,



Let's all chant! 1, 2, 3! Update! Update! Update! Update! Update! (Repeat for ×1,000,000)

Please update soon! I need to know if Percy wins! I think he probably will cos he's insanely incredible.

update soon pls!!!

yes, I'm been meaning to do it

@ninja panda
Thanks! There's more pranks to come from Percy involving an embarrassed Travis and Katie:)

HeroesOfOlympus HeroesOfOlympus