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Alexandra Orlova

Chapter 9: Part 2

“Say what?” asked Leon. Madeleine elbowed him and whispered “Many people call their girls Calypso.”

The girl, Calypso, seemed to overhear. “There are people who name their daughters after me?” she seemed to be astounded of the fact. Madeleine thought the girl was teasing them. “Yes.” she said sarcastically, “There is also a nymph, who lives on a deserted island alone, trying to make heroes cheat on their loved ones.”

Calypso didn’t respond to Madeleine’s mean remark. It hurt. Is that how people thought of her in the outside world? But she had other, more important, concerns then her image. “Have you seen Leo?” she asked.
“Who?” asked Leon. As he elbowed back Madeleine.

“Leo Valdez. He was with me and we were riding Festus…” she looked toward the broken dragon. She felt a pang of sadness, “... And.. and then we went into these grey clouds, and there were these winds… and then, the next thing we know… we’re plummeting to the ground…” She hoped nothing bad happened to Leo. If he can survive a golden missile, he can survive anything else… She hoped, “I guess, you know the rest.” Calypso was looking at the ground. She felt guilty. If Leo hadn’t come for her this wouldn’t have happened, she thought.
Leo Valdez?, thought Leon, He’s that guy that helped defeat Gaea. There were rumors that Lord Thanatos hadn’t recovered his soul. “Uh… We’ll find him don’t worry… urm” He didn’t know what else to say, “Hey, Charlie, let’s go an-”. When he turned, Leon realized that Charlie wasn’t there.
Charlie had felt that something was wrong the moment they found the crashed dragon. The temperature had gotten colder, and it seemed as if the bulk of the grey clouds and winds seemed to be at a more specific spot. So he headed to that.

He was right. After walking for a while, he found the bulk. Not only that. He also found a rather skinny body, sprawled on the sand. Charlie knelt beside it. It was a teenage boy, Hispanic, with curly dark hair and tanned skin. His clothes were torn and covered with black smudges. He smelled of smoke and oil.

Charlie searched for a pulse, he was happy when he found one. So this guy was simply unconscious. As Charlie was about to go and get some water to splash on the boy, he felt a cold presence.

Khione was just enjoying her triumph of making Valdez and his girlfriend crash in the beach. She was also planning on showering them with painful hale when she saw the three demigods come and ruin it. She was planning on hurting them too when she saw that one of them was the little urchin that her father had sired.

If there was one thing Khione hated more than Leo Valdez and his friends, it was the little bastard, Charlie.

Unlike her other half-brothers, Charlie was smart. It was because of his recorded tapes that proved that she was working for Gaea that he got her grounded. She hated him for that.
And, also, unlike Valdez and his friends, Charlie could actually fight her back, and she wouldn’t be able to freeze him on the spot. She hated him immensely for that.
So, knowing that Charlie can feel different temperatures simultaneously, she focused the bulk of her clouds and winds where he had fallen. Doing so, she moved unconscious Leo a bit more further from where he crashed.
Khione couldn’t help but smile when Charlie did go to the coldest spot. As he got closer and closer to Valdez, Khione started, slowly, floating down to where the little rascal and urchin were. This is indeed a case of two birds and a stone, she chuckled.

Charlie did sense Khione’s presence. Until the last minute.
He dodged and rolled on the sand, bringing his sword out. Freezer was a 5 foot greatsword. Charlie always had trouble carrying it and brandishing it, but he stubbornly claimed it as his sword, saying that he will practice until he can carry it with ease.
Lie! Now he was regretting saying that.

Khione chuckled. Her dark hair was flowing around her head and shoulders. She was wearing the usual white dress that she always wore. Her eyes may be warm brown but they were cold. Today, though, they seemed even colder.

“Good Morning, Brother.” she smiled coldly. “How are you on this fine day?”
“It’s the afternoon.” said Charlie, as he checked his watch, “See? It’s 12:01 pm.” He was trying to figure out how he was going to move that demigod out of the way. Right now, all he can do is distract Khione the Cold.
“Oh. Indeed.” she seemed to look more and more like an empousa (she-demon). She seemed to finally realize that there was a demigod in between them, “Oh, goodness me. Is that Leo Valdez?” she said in mock surprise. “Mine eyes don’t lie, it seems.” She bent down and touched his face, making his skin blue.
“You were never a good actress, sister.” said Charlie. That seemed to make Khione angry, because she looked up and gave him a dirty look. Charlie didn’t back off, Khione scared him, for sure, but he wasn’t going to leave this demigod, Leo, helpless. He leveled his sword, as heavy as it was, so it reached just under her chin. “Now back off.”
She chuckled. “Oh, brother.” she slowly got up, “You were never good with threats.” She waved her hand and an icicle hit Charlie’s right hand, sending Freezer in the sand, far away from Charlie’s reach.
Charlie groaned and fell to his knees, clutching his right hand. It stung.

Khione was looking at Charlie piteously. She tsk'ed and sent another icicle towards him. This time, Charlie was fast. He got up, and stopped the icicle in midair, sending it back to Khione, who effortlessly dodged it. Charlie’s brown eyes shined supernaturally. He straightened himself and went into fight position.

Khione was not amused, “Hmph, pathetic.” she sent dozens of small icicles at him. Charlie dodged some and others he sent towards Khione at blinding speed, but she simply floated up in the air. “Is that all you got?” she exclaimed. “No.” mumbled Charlie as he formed an icicle and sent it hurtling towards her. Khione stopped it, without wasting any energy. “Really, broth- ack!”. Her sentence was cut short by another icicle that had managed to cut her left cheek. Golden blood poured out of the wound.

Khione was enraged. “You little bastard!” she shouted. Then she floated higher in the air, gathering clouds around her, “I’ll teach you a lesson, spoiled brat!” She sent rock hard hale onto Charlie and Leo, who was slowly regaining consciousness and looking around bewildered.

As the hale came closer and closer, Charlie rushed to be at Leo’s side and quickly made an ice shield of sorts. The hale managed to make some cracks in the shield and hurt both demigods, but not as painfully and badly as it would have.

Khione yelled in frustration. Charlie let the ice shield crumble. Leo was trying to figure out what the frick was going on. The air got more stronger around them, howling in their ears.
The kid turned to look at him. He had dark hair and rather shiny brown eyes. “Go! Move out of here!” he yelled, as he intercepted icicles.

Leo didn’t know what was going on, the only thing he realized was that Khione, the Ice Queen herself, was attacking them, and this kid was fighting her. He seemed to be getting tired. So Leo, knowing that he was going to regret his decision, got up, and brought out an Archimedes sphere from his tool pocket. He reconfigured it and sent it hurtling towards Khione.
“Ha! Missed!” she laughed, as she sent more ice missiles. Leo tried dodging as much as he can. Then he heard a shriek as foam fell from the sky. Leo dared to look up and almost cracked up. Khione was covered head to toe with white foam.
Leo hurried to where the kid was standing, making and sending missiles.
“Leo.” Leo said simply, offering his right hand.
“Charlie.” said Charlie shaking Leo’s hand, “Are you on her bad or good side?”
“Proud to say, bad.” replied Leo, sending an Archimedes sphere that literally exploded in flames, making Khione scream even more. “You?” He dodged more deadly ice missiles.
Charlie dodged and sent them back, “I was on her bad side ever since I was born.” He sent a cluster of icicles towards Khione, who was still trying to snuff out flames off her dress, now covered in black spots,. The icicles hit her, opening some small wounds. Khione was so angry, it was now snowing heavily.

Leo kept re-configuring Archimedes spheres (he had no idea he had that many) and sent them hurtling to her. Charlie kept sending icicles back and making sure none hurt Leo.
Doing all that, Charlie was trying to lead Leo to where the dragon was.
“Move to the right!” he shouted. “Your dragon is there.” Charlie assumed it was Leo’s dragon.
“What about you?” shouted Leo back, as he melted an icicle in mid-air before it hit him.
“I will distract…” Charlie looked up in the sky, with a surprised look. Leo also risked a look.
Behind Khione, the grey clouds seemed to glow orange.

“What the… Festus?” started Leo, as Festus came out of the clouds, flying and breathing fire.
Charlie was also surprised and stopped making icicles. Which was a mistake as one hit him and sent him sprawling in the sand.
“Charlie!” yelled Leo, as he rushed towards the kid, trying his best to melt icicles in midair.
Khione laughed a triumphant laugh. “Ah, you fools! How I am going to enj- AAAAH!!”

Festus had flown behind Khione and smacked her with his hard metal head. Khione fell on the ground, hard. The grey clouds slowly dissipated, the icicles got melted by Festus’s fire, then the big dragon landed with a thud in front of Leo.
It would have been an epic scene. But then Festus fell on his left side, due to the fact that he’d lost his front left leg.
Leo was so happy to see Festus, but he was even happier when he saw Calypso running towards him. “Leo!” Leo ran to meet her. They hugged. “I got so worried I’d lost you.” she said, looking into his eyes.
“Nah. You won’t get rid of me so easily, sweetheart.” he said, with a smile.
“Don’t call me sweetheart, stupid.” she said sweetly, then kissed him. It made Leo feel like melting. When she pulled away, Leo couldn’t help but sway a bit.

There was a shuffling from behind Calypso and a red-haired girl came running. She ran passed them, paying them no attention, and went towards Festus.
Leo saw Charlie had gotten up and was holding his side, walking towards Festus. The dragon was trying to get up with no luck. So they tried to help him, it was hopeless.
Leo and Calypso also went towards Festus. “What’s going on?”

“I’M WHAT’S GOING ON!” roared a voice from underneath Festus. “THIS DRAGON FELL ON ME!” there were curses, not only in english but also, Leo guessed, in Greek.
“Leon, if it had fallen on you, you would have been crushed.” said the red-haired girl. She had a french accent. She was trying to help Festus up.
“And you wouldn’t be yelling.” finished Charlie. He was holding his side. Now that Leo got a better look of him, he realized Charlie was much more younger than he thought. He looked like he was 8 or 9.
“You OK, man?” asked Leo.
“Yeah. It’s nothing. Just a scratch.” said Charlie, he winced a bit.
“Awesome job back there.” Leo held out a fist, Charlie hit it with his own fist. “Thanks.” he replied, “Even though you got scratched.”
“It’s OK. I’ve been through worse.”.
“Charlie, go sit somewhere. You look tired.” said Madeleine.
Charlie nodded, then as he went to sit. Calypso introduced herself and they both hit it off right away.
“You should also go sit.” said Madeleine, without looking at Leo.
“Won’t you tell me your name, madame?” Leo did his best french accent.
She looked at him then, and it was dirty. “Je m'appelle Madeleine, Monsieur Imbecile.” She turned back to the dragon, “And under YOUR dragon is my stupid comrade who rode it.”
There were grumbles that followed, coming from under Festus, “How come you weren’t crushed?” asked Leo.
“Doesn’t seem to be in his best mood, huh.” Leo pretended as if he was pulling sleeves up, spat in his hands (making Madeleine disgusted), “Let’s get to work.


Suggestion: read these notes, some hint to the story.
-You again? I thought I threw you out!
-Uh... Nevermind about that... Urr... Explain to the readers why you woohoo'ed. *chuckles nervously*
-Oh... OK. I woohoo'ed, because I finally did an action scene! *pumps fist in air* WOOHOO!
-I don't think it's that good, though. The action scene.
-WhAt? *mini-tornadoes start erupting around the studio*
-Uh... Nothing. 'please don't throw me out.'
-*Sighs* You're, admitedly, a bit, right. (;_;) *dramatic spotlight, strikes dramatic pose* I have failed! Again!
-Uh.. that's not what I meant....
-BUT I will never give up! I will keep practicing no matter what! 'Even if my readers call it shit and don't really give a damn'.
-When did we turn into an anime?
-What do you mean, ol' pal o'mine? *bats eyelashes*
-Uh... I mean... *sigh* nevermind.
-That's right.
-Just get on to the special thanks.
-Yes! Thank you for reading, subscribing, vo-
-In the last chapter with Alex.
- Grr... Yeah?
-Why was she uneasy when she mentioned Lord Zeus? Did he do something to her?
-.... Wow, you actually found a hidden clue in my story...
-I did?
-Don't get pumped up. It's just a hidden clue in an unpopular fanfiction written by a girl who calls herself 'tomato' in Armenian.
-What? I was desperate for a name! *Sighs* Back to the main point. The reason that Alexandra got uneasy when she mentioned our dear Lord Zeus *looks at sky cautiously* is because Lord Ze- AAAACK! *Lightning hit the studio, kneels and starts bowing* I'm SORRY my dear Lord Zeus... *another lightning strike* or Lord Jupiter!
-What? He doesn't want you to spoil the story or something?
-*Slaps* shut up, you idiot! It's something personal to him.
-Personal? You don't mean...
-Yes, yes... Now let's end this episode of 'Notes' here, shall we?
-OK, I'll go get some ice cream.
-WHAT? WAIT i HAVE TO DO THE SPECIAL THANKS!!!..... He already left....

SO... did you guess why Alexandra got uneasy at stating Lord Zeus's name? (Chapter 8, Chiron-Alexandra dialogue, third dot separation, I think).
Write it in the comments (whoever is reading this, that is.)

Thank you for reading, subscribing, voting, and commenting.
Special Thanks to:
-and Me *Troll Face*


If you dont wanna read chapter 9 part 2 and 3, at least read the notes. It is mostly dialogue anyway.

Lolig Lolig

This is great! I love how you explained everything in detail. Update soon!

A.D.R. A.D.R.


@Edge of Tartarus
Ms. and Thank you! :D Means a lot. *thumbs up*

Lolig Lolig

So far, so good. I am expecting big things from you Ms/Mrs/Mr Lolig!