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The Temple of Fate


Jason Wells has never known the truth of his father. He has always lived a quiet life in Honorary Falls, Virginia. His life has always been bland and very boring. But when he comes across a mystery girl his life goes from dull and boring to filled with adventure, danger and mystery.


Aderianna Blake

Aderianna Blake

The mystery girl. Somehow someway Jason never met her until the last day before semester break. She just randomly poped into existance just then. Although everyone else knew of her as if she had been there all school year. But Who exactly is this girl. She is good at everything: academics, sports and even a natural at first aid. This girl is dangerous with a capital D. But what exactly is her deal with Jason. She looks at him as if he isn't living up to his potential. And to top it all off she calls him the best of the best. She calls him King.



God of Archery, Love, Literature, the sun chariot, Music, Heailing and Cattle



Goddess of the Hunt; the wild, nature, forest animals, nocturnal animlas and keeper of the Moon



The Immortal Centuar. He is the famous Centuar who trained Hercules.



The Practioners of Fate: Beginning (Birth), Middle (Life) and End (Death). Clothos is the practioner of brirth (The Past). She sees all events that have happened and will constantly have happened. Lakhensis is the practioner of Life (the present). She sees all events in the now and all version of those events. Atropos is the practioner of Death (the future). She sees all events that will come to happen or could come to happen. The sisters keep the balance of fate as a whole.



King of the Underworld; God of the Undead & Riches, God of the darkness



Son of Daedlus; the man who flew to close to the sun

Jason Wells

Jason Wells

Ever since he was a child, Jason felt as if he had been given no talent. He wasn't anyone worth looking twice at. No muscles, not athletic ability, hell he was down right the odd man out. Even in academics he failed at. But he was always a curious kid. Little did he know that curiousity killed Pandora.



Temporary King of Havenly. Mihkeals is a skilled warrior and son of Ares. He is the one in charge of Havenly and actively seeks out to everyone's survival at the home of Havenly. Mihkeals is good at tactics and strategy. He is shown to be much more calmer than his siblings and fellow camp mates. Mihkeals is active as the only surviving demigod to live past the age of 25, currently he is 27 years old and one of the oldest demigods.



The first mortal woman. Pandora was the creation of the Gods and was guarded as the keeper of the Phitos. With time she was known as the sole guardian and was later honored as the one to bring about the secrets of the Fatal Flaws. Pandora is the one who knows where the artifacts of prophecy are at.



King of the Seas; God of the Seas & Storms, God of Horses & Sea creatures



A beautiful maiden of the lands. Sakura is a tree nymph of a cherry blossom tree just outside of Havenly. She tends to the tree and is connected to its life force. As a Tree nymph it is her duty to protect her tree: to protect her life and her home. Sakura finds Jason intriguing, although he seems rather slow on grasping his new found life. She does find it nice to have a normal person who sees the beauty in the trees.



King of the Gods; God of Heavenly Order, God of Lightning and Honor


  1. Chapter One

    The Giant from my Nightmare

  2. Chapter Two

    I get stalked by the Mysterious Girl

  3. Chapter Three

    The Mysterious Girl with the cool knife skills

  4. Chapter Four



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