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The Real House Lives of Olympus.

Athena's Alleritration

It was a soft night and the moon was shining as bright as it could- of course it was actually the sun shining onto the moon while the moon reflected it's light but it's much simpler to say that the moon was shining. (Stupid lazy mortals.) During dinner I realized that some unwanted fluids needed to be expelled from my body so I excused myself to go to do my business. When I came back I finished the rest of my dinner and went to bed.

When I woke up the sun was shining through the walls of my room (and yes it was the sun this time- well technically it was Apollo but he pulled the sun so answer that however you please. (as long as it's correct)) I got dressed and went down to the main hall. "Hello Hera." I chirped

"Good morning Athena, how are you currently."

"I'm iswell."

"Excuse me, your what?" Hera asked

"I'm iswell!"

What was happening to me!? I thought back to last night. Hestia doesn't let anyone into the kitchen so no body could've dropped anything in, but when I went to the bathroom someone could've walked by my plate and easily popped something in! "Hermes hour head!" I yelled.

I ran down the halls and put full armor on. I cut down the traps and sniffed the air. I spent a long time memorizing all of the gods smells so I could easily know where they were going. (It's not that weird, it's actually very helpful.) I spotted Hermes scent but stopped in my path when I saw Hermes' room. Like usual he left it open so I walked in and made the reverse spell so I wouldn't keep talking like that. I drank the potion a set up my plan...

The next morning I sat in a chair by the hearth waiting for Hermes to walk by. He knows I generally destroy for only one day and then ignore it the next so stupidly he walked by me.

"Hi Hthena!" he smiled then quickly covered his mouth.

I gave him a smirk. "What wave wou wone wo we!?" he yelled.

"Payback." I said and then walked off smiling.



Please tell me here is more.

Lolig Lolig