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Silent Running

Chapter 9

Percy's POV
"Three weeks from when you were turned. Which is now only two weeks."

I set out the next day for my personal quest. Hestia had been keeping me in an apartment that she apparently owned in New York, which she told me had homing properties like Camp Half Blood, to attract any that needed peace, comfort, and a home. I was loathe to leave, but I knew I had to go as soon as the sun rose, or else I would never find the cure to this curse.

Hestia told me as I made to leave that she had contacted Artemis the night before. Artemis agreed to help me, if only so "the only decent man in the world doesn't become a slobbering, selfish beast". Her words, not mine or Hestia's. The deal was that Artemis would teach me when I slept, so I didn't have to pause my quest to learn how to control myself. During my dreams, she would appear and help me conquer this monster that now lurked inside my soul.

As soon as I left Hestia's New York apartment, I broke out into a silent run. My paws padded against the pavement furiously, my tongue lolling out of my mouth in exhilaration. That was one thing I could get used to; this fast, silent running.

Soon, I had left the city behind as I made my way west. I remembered from Jason's tale of his first Greek quest that he fought Lycaon's pack in the Wolf House in California. They had since been exiled from that place, leaving it open for Lupa's pack, but I figured that there must be some trace of them over there. I could always ask the immortal she-wolf for their location, if push came to shove.

For hours, I ran and didn't stop running. I had left around six in the morning, and I finally collapsed in the woods of Indiana at around noon time. My lungs were burning and my paws felt like they were smoking from their increased contact with the ground. I knew I had increased endurance due to my new abilities as a werewolf, but I don't think I stayed within my limits with that run. I felt like I was going to explode.

As I laid in the moss and dirt, panting heavily, someone shrieked loudly to my right. Turning as quickly as I could in my exhausted state, I looked to see who it was that was so startled.

A tree nymph was standing next to her tree, staring at me in fear, her green eyes wide.

"You're another one of those werewolves!" She gasped, backing away from me to stand in front of her tree. "I won't let you destroy my tree, too!"

Confused, I looked around the area to see if she was actually talking to me. I was laying on the ground, exhausted beyond belief, and she thought I was just going to hop up and chop her tree to bits? What kind of monster would I be to do that?

Struggling, I managed to pull myself up off my side to look at her better. Her dress was made out of green oak leaves that turned gold towards the bottom. Her hair was tangled with leaves as well, but in a way that would make her look attractive to someone that wasn't already insanely in love (which I was, no matter how painful that love was). Hoping she would be able to understand me with whatever spell it was that Hestia had put on me, I said to her, "I'm not here to destroy your tree."

She seemed to understand my words, but she didn't believe them. "The rest of your pack was here a few hours ago! Don't try to deny it. Besides, you smell just like them, you monster!"

I cocked my head sideways and looked at the tree nymph. "Yes, I may be a werewolf, but I have only been recently turned, and not by my own choice. I am trying to find that pack now so I can reverse this and get back to my love."

The nymph gasped, her eyes growing wide once more. "You do smell slightly different than they do... Your mind has not been destroyed yet?"

"Destroyed?" I asked, growing concerned.

Puzzled by my lack of understanding, she said, "Yes! After three weeks of being a werewolf, you cannot save yourself. If you are not the alpha of the pack, which is Lycaon in your pack, for I can smell it on you, your mind is severely changed. Independent thought is no longer your own, for you have no choices to be made in your new life. All your choices are decided for you by the alpha, who you would give your life for after your first three weeks."

I whined, my ears laying against my skull. "I didn't know that."

The nymph looked at me in confusion. "What kind of werewolf are you, then? Are you a demigod?"

I nodded, not feeling it in myself to give a verbal response to such a simple question.

"Who is your godly parent then, demigod?"

I sighed. "Poseidon."

The nymph gasped, her hands flying up to cover her mouth. "A son of Poseidon? You must be the great Perseus Jackson!"

I sighed again. My reputation had given me away once more. Everyone knows that nymphs are horrible gossips, and this one would no doubt spread the news that I, Percy Jackson, am a werewolf. "Yes, I am," I conceded. "But please, you can't tell anyone I was here. I have to complete my quest and find Lycaon so I can get back home!"

The nymph nodded vigorously, still shocked now that she knew my identity. "Yes, my lord. Of course!"

Oh no, not another one. "Please, you don't have to call me 'lord'. I'm just a demigod."

She nodded again. "Of course my lo- er, Perseus."

Figuring that was the best I would get from her, I asked, "Do you happen to know of any food nearby? I think I over-exerted myself getting here."

The nymph nodded once more, turning around to pluck a squirrel from a tree. "Is this enough for you? I have berries, which I would prefer, but I know that werewolves rarely, if ever, eat fruits."

I woofed slightly in agreement, readily taking the squirrel and devouring it once she turned around. Once I finished, she asked me, "Where are you traveling to to find Lycaon and his pack?"

Swallowing down the last of my small meal, I admitted, "I'm not quite sure where to find them. I am heading in the direction of California, though."

"That is very wise. They attacked here hours ago, destroying my sisters' trees. Then they headed west, towards your destination."

I smiled. "Thank you! That information has made this so much easier for me. I at least have a vague idea where to find them." I began to get up. "I have to follow them."

The nymph rushed over to me as I struggled to rise, my legs buckling underneath me. "No, hero! You must rest. Your body is exhausted and you will surely not make it any farther."

I wasn't going to take her advice, my stubbornness shining through, but my legs couldn't handle my body weight and I crashed back to the ground. "Fine," I said, letting my muscles relax once more. "I depart again in the morning, though. I only have less than two weeks to
save myself."

The nymph nodded, patting my fur and smoothing out some of the tangles. "Yes, hero, but for now, you shall rest. I will keep an eye out for you."

I was about to protest, but found my eyes slipping closed against my will.


It's a rainy day, so I figured you guys deserve an update!


I'm actually surprised to see that this story hasn't been killed on views and subscribers - you're a really good writer and it's hard to find good fanfiction. I'll have to take some time and read the whole thing, but so far I'm really impressed :)

Please upate! So good!

rucas2003 rucas2003

I love it! Pls upate

rucas2003 rucas2003

so sad
pls upate

rucas2003 rucas2003

upate pls

rucas2003 rucas2003