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In Between

On a blustery fall afternoon, Perseus Jackson closed his darkened emerald eyes for the last time.

The world faded away, both slowly and all at once.

He wasn’t ready.

He would never be.

Not if she wasn’t with him.

The wind blew in from Long Island Sound, carrying with it the scent of strawberries and the sea.

Then, he was back, everything rushing back, broken piece after broken piece.

He fell to his knees, overwhelmed.

He is at the start. Of what, he has no freaking clue.

if i just let go, i’ll be free.

see you in elysium.

Silenced reigned supreme.


The gravity of everything begins to dawn on him.

He wasn’t going to come back this. No amount of nectar and ambrosia will heal him this time.

His life was over.

He was never going to hug his mother, never going to comfort Annabeth, never going to kiss her with a heart filled to the overflowing.

It feels comforting, in a very strange way.

He lifts his arm, just a little, and sure enough, if he turns it the right way in the sun, he can see right through it.

His heart feels strangely empty.

Maybe a side effect of being oh, you know, dead.

He stands back up, intending to pay Mr. Charon a last visit,oh dear, this isn’t DOA Recording Studios, this isn’t even Los Angeles. This is New York.

Half-Blood Hill, specifically.

He glances around.

The wind rustles through the trees.

He is a lost soul.

In between worlds.

He is a ghost in the conventional sense, which he finds pretty ironic.

So Percy sets down the hill, towards the campers, towards what remains of his old life.

He has a funeral to crash.


He finds them huddled around the campfire, burning his shroud.

It is truly work of beauty, silk and sea-green, with a nice light blue trident design.

He wonders who had made it.

He sees Annabeth there, sitting with the rest of her siblings. Tears drip down her cheeks, endlessly. She chokes, looking down as if she can’t bear to watch any longer.

Grey, empty, soulless eyes.

No, he wants to say.

It’s okay.

I’m right here.

Everything is going to be alright.

But the words get caught in his throat, his vocal chords refusing to work.

He needs to tell her that he’s fine, that she doesn’t need to worry.

That he is in a better place, now.

But he can’t, and the pain inside is unbearable.

And it finally breaks his brittle heart, seeing her so powerless.

He needs to protect her.

He needs to comfort her.

As he makes his way around the campers, nobody notices.


He is next to his Wise Girl now.

He reaches out with his arms, and tries to hold her as tightly as he can, knowing that he could never be without her.

But to his horror, his arms passes right through.

He stares at his transparent limbs as everything comes crashing down.

He collapses, back on his knees, tears slipping from his eyes, down his cheeks, and falling to the dirt, dissolving into wisps of creamy white mist.

He is a empty, hollow shell without Annabeth Chase.

Life is unfair, and Death is cruel, he has always known that, but now, watching the flames
consume the supple fabric, it has never hit closer to home.

I keep dragging around what’s bringing me down

If I just let go,

I’ll be set free.

Ah, yes! Finally a story that isn’t a one-shot! I always have trouble with long fics though…
This is a sequel to Heavy, my first songfic. This one will not be a songfic, although I might occasionally put in lyrics.
There, disclaimer added.
Hazel Knight, my new beta, who helped me greatly with this chapter :)


Edited by Hazel Knight!


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