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"What was he talking about?" I asked Jasmine. Athos minded his own business, as he walked on ahead. Jasmine kept quiet for a while. By the time we crossed over to the fields of punishment and the isles of the dead, she finally looked at me.

"I've been having demigod dreams about this for a while now." She admitted. Her eyes dozed off as she spoke, and she seemed ashamed. "Jason was a demigod. He spent a long time at Camp Jupiter. He was raised from the age of two. When he turned fifthteen, he was raised as a praetor." Jasmine said.

"How do you know this?" I asked amazed.
Smiling, she turned and looked at me. Her eyes filled with color and darkened as if a storm were coming. "I have dreams of his actions as a hero. He wasn't well during the times of his trips for Rome and Greece. He even got knocked out half of the time."

Turning around, Athos stopped. "Jason was a hero of Rome right?" He wondered.
"Yea" I nodded. "He was considered one of the best that the fifth ever trained. He was even a child of Jupiter which was a rarity."

"He reminded me of what a Graeseus would look like." Athos replied.
"Graesus?" Jasmine repeated. "Outsider, Greek. It's a fallen word, the only person that uses that word is Julius. Even he doesn't use it often."

"So what now?" I asked. "We should keep moving. I mean, Pluto is somewhere deeper. If anything, we should try to move forward."

"No." Athos whispered. His eyes felt tensed and looked like they were keening in on something. "We should rest up. I'll take the first watch, sleep you two. I'll wake you when I need to rest."

Taking a small peice of land, I laid down and closed my eyes. I needed guidance. I needed help trying to understand where we were headed. I needed to speak with a god. Drifting off into a dream, I awoke in a giant chasm. The hall was weathered and fractured. It was forty feet tall and held space optimum to fit a herd of elephants.

Admiring the scenery, I took a long look of the structure. Slowly, I made my way toward a throne. In a shimmer of light and the blast of a flash grenade, a man stood before me. He had a similar hair cut as me, and looked veryintimidating. He was seven feet tall and had a faint aftershave. The man sported an U.S. amry soldier uniform, and held a strap of grenades across his chest. In his left hand he held a state of the art vintige 1947 classic hand rifile. In his right he held a hand gun.

Gazing at him, I basked in his might. Kneeling down, the soldier smiled. He had a dry smile, masculine and death infested. Almost like he hated to smile. "Kneeling? Kneeling's good. Especially to this god."

"Who are you?" I asked amazed.
The god slowly, drew his arms as he lined them at my head. With a swift turn, he blasted the pillar out of foundation causing the temple to crumble and quake. "I am Mars. The god of Rome, War, Militia and wise battles. I am a god that seeks battle with conclusion. I am Mars Ultor. I am your father."

"Father." I glanced at him with nothing to say. I had always wanted to speak with my father. Ask him, what he wanted from me. Seek out guidance, but now staring at him face to face, made me feel like it didn't matter.

"Don't worry about what you can't do. Worry about what you can do. In life, I've learned one thing. Humans are the most inovative beings to ever exist. Being a demigod makes you one of the lucky ones. The misfits. The crazy ones. So have fun with everything you do. Some gods may think of you as lazy. I think you're more Roman than anybody else."

With a dry smile the god turned. "You should try not turning to a god, for help. That's mighty unroman of you."

I laughed as the dream faded and I awoke, to see that Athos was beginning to grow baggs underneath his eyes. Rising up, I patted him on the shoulder. Nodding, he laided down and took a deep breath before falling asleep. Gazing at the both of them, I realized that Mars was right.

Humans are the most inovative beings to exist.


The dream. Sean meets Mars. Please comment rate and subscribe. I hope you guys enjoy the story. If you can leave a comment. Thanks.



xXmadilivXx xXmadilivXx