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My eyes were beginning to burn, when Sean finally awoke. They had be out for four hours straight, and I had to focus my powers in order to lure monsters away. If he hadn't woken up when he did, I might've collapsed in less than fifthteen minutes. Finally taking a breath of relaxation, I laid down and closed my eyes.

I dreamed of a bloodbath. Countless demigods cried out in horror, as many fell to the strikes of the enemy team. From the scenery, I was in New York. To be specific, I was at downtown New York. An army of demigods and monsters marched onto Manhattan, while a boy just about sixteen years old called on an attack.

With a cry, the scene changed. I stood within a hall filled with thrones thirty feet tall. A boy with blonde hair and blue eyes stabbed himself with a small dagger before his eyes luminated with a harsh gold color. In a burst of sheer force, the kid died and the scene died.

The dreams had been wieird, almost as if they were helpful images trying to sway me into believing them in some way. Taking a deep breath, another dream appeared.

This time, it was a dream about an old house in the woods. I was still the same age but it felt like a long time ago. Slowly the dream became real as I walked around gazing at the house of wolf. This was where I was all those months. Where I had lived. Where I had fought. Where I had trained.

Walking through the halls, I remembered everything. The long halls. The cold empty rooms. Even the giant reflrcting pool at the far south end of the house. Appearing out of the halls, I noticed a pack of wolves. Every single one of them looked at me without hesitation. They howled at my sight.

It was the way a wolf would welcome a former member of the pack. Nodding, I skulked over toward Lupa. The she-wolf was different than before. She was bigger and more leaner. Her coat shimmered like silver snow, and her eyes bared upon me like a hawk.

"Lupa, I have returned." I kneeled.
The goddess stared at me, as if I were one of her cubs. She pursed her lips as she gazed at him with interest. The mother was never capable of common communication, but even she knew when to speak.

Mouthing her words, she spoke. Being a wolf, the goddess couldn't speak naturally. With a sny flick of her lip, she held a wolfsmile, before beginning. "Child of Rome. I bare great wisdom for you. If you don't return the blade a civil war amongst the gods shall be unleashed."

With a smile, I gazed at her. "Blade. I believe Pluto had a blade in one myth, but that wasn't so much a myth more like a story from a famous author Frederick Frensen. Gazing the Lupa, the goddess nodded.

"For now, continue on to the temple of Pluto. When you leave the neatherlands you shall know your origins." With a smile, the wolf vanished until the dream faded.


Peices are assembling. Athos is learning more about himself and this quest. Please comment rate and subscribe. I hope you like the story.



xXmadilivXx xXmadilivXx