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Two Bodies, One Soul

Not Pegasi


"Are you ready?" Delia asked Tink, tightening the girth on the horse's saddle.
"Heck, I don't even know what I'm doing!" Tink laughed, "Let's do this and hope my blessing works!"
None of the Greeks had been wildly keen on signing up for the equestrian races (they only learnt how to fly pegasi at camp) so Tink had volunteered, hoping her blessing would take effect.
Delia gave her a dubious look, "Let's hope so." She said, before ditching her at the start to spectate the race.
Tink felt the horse's muscles tighten underneath her in anticipation, then it let out a loud fart and pooped horse dung all over the chariot track. Tink decided then and there to call the horse Malaka, Greek slang for poo.
Malaka fidgetted beneath her at the other horses drew up alongside them. The dryads started the race again and Tink furiously prayed to her mother as they counted down.
On the clap of the start-gun, Malaka was off underneath her, the large muscles churning and knocking her about, the wind ripping through her hair.
Tink let out a whoop of excitement as they raced well ahead of the other horses. She hardly had to do anything except sit back and watch Malaka win the race, which he did so with ease.
Tink looked back behind her, realising the thundering of hooves had come to a stop and everyone was staring at her, she was glowing silver- again. This happened every time she won something. It was meant to be a gift from her mum but it was just down-right annoying!

The next day the ceremony went as it always did, except Malaka also recieved a rather large laurel wreath for around his neck. He (of course) then had to thank the people who gave it to him by leaving them a large, smelly present on the commons area to clean up later.
By the time she had finished her dinner, the glow had finally faded. It had been a bit awkward for her siblings trying to go to sleep while she was glowing so the fading was just in the knack of time.
On the way back to her cabin, past the canoe lake, she heard voices and turned to see Delia and Kat talking to Leo in the twilight light.
"Leo," Delia sobbed, "If they don't get here in two days then I might die! Or I might have to kill my friend! I don't-"
"Delia." Leo stopped her. "Stop it. Nico will get there, I'll be fine. There's nothing to worry about."
Delia nodded but still sat there sobbing with Kat's arms around her. Tink shyed away from the clearing, banging straight into Jacks chest.
"Hi," He grinned, flashing white teeth in the half-light. "I was just looking for you."
Tink felt heat rise to her cheeks and took his hand, leading him away from the clearing where her friend was weeping.
"So," She turned. "Why were you looking for me?"
He raised his eyebrows. "Oh, I think you know."
She raised hers in return, but the corners of her lips turned up slightly. "Oh, do I?" She asked.
"Yes, you do." He smiled and leaned forward, kissing her gently. She kissed him back.
"Get a room!" A child's voice called from a few metres away where Beth stood, grinning.
"Beth." Tink warned.
"Yes?" The girl asked innocently.
"You have five seconds to get out of here unless you wanna see some real mushy stuff."
Beth ran for it.
"Now, where were we?" She asked Jack, leaning in and kissing him properly; real mushy stuff.


I realised that I've mostly focused on the games for the last few chapters so here's a less serious chapter.
Please note that each of the five have won something.
Beth - daggers
Tink - equestrian
Annie - foot races
Delia - archery
Kat - hand to hand combat
Now there's just one event left; the sword duels (dun dun dun)
Don't worry, I'll try not to kill anyone (the key word there is try) ;)
Oh and malaka is my favourite greek curse word. It literally means poo and re malaka is an affectionate term for a friend. I call all my friends poos anyways :P
So goodnight my beautiful malaka's!


@The Bright One

Thanks! :D

@Blackjack Tempest
And you're just as amazing as your username :)

Goats are adorable cos bows are pink
Fish love to eat lice
Phones are made of bones
And books are better than they may look

Wow.. The ending.. Its.. Amazing. Its truly a shame to see this story end.. Great job though!

Adrian_Valdez Adrian_Valdez

Well it's still amazing. I'm sad it see it go

tmcar1 tmcar1