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The Two That Went Missing

Chapter 27: Sarah

Gonna kill her. Just as she was about to show the pictures to Nico, I kicked her legs out from under her, she went airborne and when her body was parallel to the ground I brought my right leg up and then slammed it into her back slamming her body into the ground. Then I grabbed her elbow twisted it behind her back and held her down. She made a faint squeaking noise and then I said
" Listen, Annie dear, you are going to be a good girl and delete any pictures you might have. Ok?" She squeaked again as she started talking,
"But Sar-" I twisted her arm more and she squeaked again.
" Ok?" I said again, obviously a rhetorical question. Julia gulped and then nodded best she could, with her face pinned to the ground. I smiled and then climbed off her and said
"Good." As she got up, I looked over at Nico, who was looking at the ground, I could tell by the look on his face that he was thinking about something. I wonder what? My own thoughts were broken by Julia clearing her throat and asking
"So... where are we?" I looked around and took in my surroundings, we are on a road next to a beach, there is a chill in the air and the waves were choppy and calm at the same time. The sun is setting. Finally my eyes land on an oddly shaped boulder in the ocean, it looked like a face looking up at the sky. Now I know.
"Oregon." I say. Nico and Julia give me a questioning look. I pointed the the boulder.
" That boulder, that looks like a face is famous. It's in Bandon, Oregon. It's called Face Rock, there is an American Indian legend about this spot. Some say they hear a maiden's voice on the wind.” They nodded, and then Julia asked
"Did we ever travel here, I don't remember?" I shook my head
"Before I met you, I had done some running away on my own, this was one of the places I came." Julia nodded and we all went silent as we watched the beautiful sunset. We would have watched longer, but we were interrupted by Drakon who was breathing fire on the sand and then rolling in it, all of a sudden Drakon popped his head up and then started sniffing like a bloodhound. He stopped at one point a then began to dig a pit in the sand. Within a few seconds the pit was so deep, we couldn't see him from where we were standing, before I could whistle to him, he flew out and landed in front of me and dropped a big piece of driftwood in front of me. I was taken back, I closed my eyes and thought,

I sat in the sand in the middle of the night, with my head in my knees, sniffling and rubbing my eyes. I looked at Drakon
" No one will ever want us Drakon, they are all scared of you and they don't want me cause I'm 'dangerous' and 'Prone to fire' " I sniffled again, after quoting past words that people who adopted me said when they returned me to an orphanage.
"It's not my fault, I didn't mean to set their house on fire, but that little boy made me angry a-and then it just happened." I said recalling my most recent accident. I'm only 5, so it means that this is my second year, since my drop off at my first orphanage. I feel like I'm going to cry, but my tears are all dried up, so I just tuck my in my knees. Suddenly, someone nudges my head, so I lift it up to find a small Drakon watching me. He smiles, when he sees that I looked up. He then runs over to a huge piece of driftwood grabs it in his mouth and then drags it over to me, since it's way too big for his mouth. Drakon drops it in front of me and smiles. I giggled and then wrapped my small arms around his larger neck and said
" I love you Drakon." That night I sleep in my usual spot, under his wing. In the morning before we left, Drakon buried the driftwood deep in the sand.

I smiled at my memory and pat Drakon on the head and said
"Thanks bud." I look at Drakon and smile to myself because he's grown so much, he easily picked up the drift wood this time. Then again it has been nine years.
All of a sudden, I'm reminded that Julia and Nico are still there looking confused as ever. I just smile to myself not daring to explain and then go back to petting Drakon. Julia finally speaks up and says
"uh.. anyway I’m gunna call Clovis, while we have time." I nodded and tossed her a dracoma.

Suddenly, I hear loud footsteps, coming to us. I looked around surveying the scene, something is coming. The mist in front of Julia cleared to see a sleeping Clovis with his face in a bowl. Julia screamed
"WAKE-UP! " Clovis's head sprang up and he fell back on what he was sitting on, his arm took the bowl with him and it flew onto his head. Julia giggled, Clovis tilted his 'hat' up so we could see his face. His eyes went wide at the sight of Julia
"J-Julia! hi, sorry I was *yawn* sleeping."
"Well that's knew" Nico said in a whisper that I could barely hear. Julia smirked
"Really, I thought you were snorkeling in your soup." Clovis laughed and once again we heard the footsteps, except this time in the distance a giant emerged with a pack of hellhounds 9 to be exact. Great, more people to fight, do we ever get a brake?
"THERE THEY ARE!” The giant screamed "GET’M!"
The Hell hounds came barreling toward us.
“Julia, you need to get back soon, we are having prom-” I turned to Clovis and Julia
"Clovis, go get Chiron and the others, Julia tell them everything that's happened, but be quick I think we'll need your help with the giant” Julia turned around and made a confused face,
“Can’t we just call them back?” she asked,
“We only have so many Drachma, besides, will have some fun.” Julia turned to look at the giant,
“Uh huh” she said, Nico and I started at her.
“uh, he doesn’t like me” Julia said, I waited
“Apollo and Artemis killed him, thats Tityos and I bet he doesn’t want to see me”


We have a special schedule nest week. I will posting Chapter 28 on Monday, Chapter 28.5 on Wednesday and Chapter 29 on Friday, then regular update schedule will return.

Uh oh, shits going down, here comes Tityos the Great (DUH DUH DUH)


The artwork story thingy is now up! go check out Julia, Sarah and Nico!

Well... They were told not to shadow travel and look what happened when they did!

j,csadvbsfavbhdmvcbmnfvbmsdvgjsfgjsdgfgj WHY WOULD YOU DO THIS TO MY FEELS?
Sarah could be DEAD or something....
*Invents a time machine and fast forwards to October*

The deed is done...
