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The Two That Went Missing

Chapter 29: Nico

well, that was .. interesting. We all shuffled back to the iris message, Julia and Apollo standing back and talking.
“THAT WAS SO COOL!” Leo shouted, jumping up and down, Chiron nodded his head in agreement,
“Very interesting..” Annabeth moved to the front,
“How did she do that?!” Sarah and I turned back to Julia and Apollo, they moved closer to us, Apollo put his arm around Julia,
“She’s got her daddy's blood!” he said with a grin,
“DAD!” she groaned,
“what he means, I, um, hmm I can do Photokinesis” we all turned our heads in confusion, Sarah grinned
“You mean like the super power? YOU CAN CONTROL MINDS!?” Clovis shouted from behind Piper, I was surprised he was still awake,
“No you dummy, I can control light... that sounds so stupid, anyway I can make illusions, or blind people or like lasers.” We all stood staring at her, more confused then before,
“Just like her daddy! most of my kids don’t get that gift, Actually no one has...” He said, looking at Julia
”It was the cute actor one” Julia said with a sigh,
“Ohh that one” he said, scratching his head.
“Well, you find out something new everyday, don't you?"
"Hello Apollo” Chiron said, Apollo squinted through the message,
“Chiron, you old dog, is that you?” he asked,
“Not as young as before, I know,” He said stroking his beard
"Is everyone alright, that was great fighting out there.” He said, everyone agree, recalling events that had happened, Apollo flipped another Drachma into the message. Sarah, Julia and I all looked at each other, we did good,
“AHH!” Apollo intruded,
“the sand is melted
daddy loves his juju bean
Julia shook her head in disappointment, I choose to speak next,
“Chiron, we have found the location of the box, and are heading that way now” Chiron shook his head,
“very good” The message started to disappear,
“Oh wait! Clovis! thanks for the potion thingy! it really saved us!” Julia yelled, he sat up right,
“huh? No problem, anything for-” He started but the message disappeared.
we all turned back to Apollo,
“Thanks for your help” Sarah said,
“No problem! I wanted to see my little girl, and wanted to see how she was doing” he said, rubbing julia’s hair, she redid her hair right after.
“well, I'm alrighty late for something, I have to go” we all shook our heads,
“But, be warned, everything you do cause a reaction to something else” he said, we all swallowed, thats not something you want to hear from a god, on a quest.
“Alright, time for me to go,” he bent down to Julia's level,
“Good bye, honey” he said, I think julia blushed,
“Bye dad” he went to stand up but stopped,
“wait that boy was he-” Julia’s eyes widened, she started to push him away,
“NONONONONOGOGOGOGOGBYEBYEBYEBYE!!!” she said, pushing him away, we didnt even noticed that he had landed his giant chariot next to us, Julia pushed him all the way there, but then he stopped and whispered something in her ear, she looked back at us and smiled, then Sarahand I heard a whimper from behind us, Sarah went wide eye
”DRAKON!!!” she screamed, turning around, I followed after her, soon Julia was right with us, Apollo disappearing into the night. Drakon had huge cuts on his side, even with his tough dragon skin, they were still pretty deep.
“It’s ok, will give you some nectar and it will fix you right up!” Sarah said, clinging to the drakons side. Julia sprint over to our supplies, I leaned down next to Sarah,
“Hes going to be ok, don’t worry”
“I know, but we aren’t going anywhere tonight." She said, stroking the wounded dragon.


Uh oh is Drakon ok? yeah hes fine don't worry. Julia has Photokinesis! Its an actually power ( I didn't make it up, click here to read about it on the Camp Half-Blood Wiki) Yes Apollo did say a Haiku and if you forgot Apollo raised Chiron, that's why he said hi. And that's about it... The deadline is coming up, are our heros gunna make it or die trying? Find out next week!


The artwork story thingy is now up! go check out Julia, Sarah and Nico!

Well... They were told not to shadow travel and look what happened when they did!

j,csadvbsfavbhdmvcbmnfvbmsdvgjsfgjsdgfgj WHY WOULD YOU DO THIS TO MY FEELS?
Sarah could be DEAD or something....
*Invents a time machine and fast forwards to October*

The deed is done...
