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The Two That Went Missing

Chapter 51: Nico

We all stood looking at Pandora, no one dared to move. Julia looked at me, and whispered
“Nico, take the jar” I furrowed my eyebrows,
”Why?” Julia swallowed,
“I don’t want it anymore” She tossed it at me, and I quickly grabbed it,
“Well, I don’t want it!” I shouted, tossing the jar to Sarah, who almost didn’t catch it. It slowly boiled down to a game of hot potato, us just throwing the jar at each other.
Soon Pandora became angry and swung again, making more cracks in the floor, Sarah was now holding the jar, Julia stepped forwarded, nothing happened.
“Pandora, listen to us, we are just trying to help you” Pandora wildly looked around and stared at Julia,
“HELP?! YOU HELP ME?!” She shouted in a high shrill voice, “I AM HELPING YOU!” There was a pause,
“What do you mean?” I shouted from behind Julia, Pandora focused on Sarah,
“I AM KEEPING IT OUT OF THE HANDS EVIL!” We all looked at each other,
“But you’re insane” Sarah said, slowly handing the jar to me. Pandora broke into a manic laughter, Julia turned around,
“Do you think they have this station on Pandora, like Metal or insane asylum tunes?” Pandora turned deadly serious and looked at me,
“Give me the jar” She said slowly, I turned to Sarah, she had her swords ready. Pandora became angry,
“GIVE IT NOW!” She shouted pounding the floor again, cracks spreading throughout the whole floor, Julia had her scythe up and I stood standing still, holding the jar. There was only one way out and Pandora was blocking it and with one last swing, the whole floor finally shattered. Giant chunks of crystals floated on top of the lava, soon everyone had their own chunk. Pandora started making her way toward me, Sarah had floated off and was making her way towards me too. Julia stood unmoved, Pandora was going to go straight through her. Julia swung her scythe and went for Pandoras feet, Pandora jumped and just cleared the scythe. She landed on Julia’s chunk and started swinging her hammer at Julia, but she was to quick and dodged everything and was able to cut Pandora’s arm. Julia grinned, as Pandora landed in front of her,
”I got a hit on her!”
Pandora turned her full attention to Julia and charged, Julia turned around just in the knick of time, to block Pandora with her scythe, but Pandora had more leverage and Julia went flying backwards. She skipped across some chunks and finally landed on the edge of one and crawled to the middle. Next to her, her scythe went flying towards her and knicked her head, cutting her hair in the process, making it looked shaved, very choppy and a kinda bloody, her scythe skipped across a chunk of crystal and went into lava.
“CLEMENTINE!” Julia screamed, Pandora was trying to steady herself on a piece of crystal now,
“SARAH, GO JUMP IN AND GET CLEMENTINE!” Julia yelled, Sarah had just landed next to me.
“I’m not fucking with that shit! That's lava man!” Sarah yelled and jumped forward to Pandora. She landed on Pandora's piece and sent Pandora flying towards me, kinda like a see-saw, if one person was very heavy. In one last ditch effort, Sarah sent fireballs at Pandora. Pandora laughed and made jerky movements dodging the fireballs one by one. Sarah sent one last blast which was bigger than the others and just managed to skim Pandora’s leg leaving a small but nasty burn mark. Pandora didn't seem to notice. She was about to smash me in the face with her hammer.
I went to move back, but I was too slow, her hammer smashed the chunk I was on and I went sailing. I landed with a hard “thud” on a crystal, while the jar went in the opposite direction and was about to smash into a million pieces. Right before it hit the ground, Julia grabbed it by the harness and landed on a small crystal piece. I turned back to Pandora, who swung her hammer and just missed my arm, pulled out my sword. Her hammer was so big, that it could cause a lot of damage however its harder to wield. When she was bring the hammer around to smash me, I smashed the hilt of my stygian iron sword into her nose. I heard a crack, and I knew that I broke it. She screamed and finished the swing of her hammer, I just managed to dodge it but fell on my back. She took advantage and smashed the hammer into my gut. The crystal glass cracked underneath me and I rolled to one side and Pandora stepped to the other. The crystal shard breaking in half, had send Pandora and I, In opposite directions. Pandoras shard moved toward Julia's and Sarah's. Pandora jumped towards Julia’s crystal chunk, soon all the chunks had broken down to tiny pieces or they started to sink. Just before she landed, Julia tossed the jar to Sarah, who dove to the edge of her crystal and caught it. Pandora growled and swung at Julia, she would of easily dodged it but the crystal tilted and Pandora managed to smash Julia's foot. She screamed in pain and fell back on the crystal chunk. Pandora jumped to where Sarah was and quickly steadied herself. Pandora took a swing at Sarah, Sarah didn’t have any options, so she charged. She dodged the hammer and went full speed at Pandora, and tackled her. Sarah kicked off Pandoras stomach, sending Pandora into the lava, hammer and all. Pandora sunk into the lava, screaming and kicking, but a couple pillow feathers floating in the air from her dress, was all that remained.
I turned back to Sarah, she flipped in the air and went to land, when her foot caught the edge of a crystal chunk and she went diving across the crystal chunk. The jar went flying across the room, away from everyone and landed with a “bing” and shattered across the crystal chunk.
No one moved, we all watched as black shadows and just pure evil spilled from the broke jar and went whirling in the air, everywhere. It disappeared up through the ceiling, I swallowed, we just failed the quest. Almost all the crystal chunks had turn in rubble and we were running out of spaces to stand.
“WE NEED TO GO NOW!” I yelled, I ran over to Julia and grabbed her, she groaned in pain from her messed up foot and her slowly bleeding head. Sarah sprinted across the rubble, and jumped across gap of lava. She wasn’t going to make it.
I bend my legs and used all the energy I had left and jumped into her, we collided together and I quickly grabbed her hand.
Shadows quickly engulfed us and we shadow traveled far away from Hawaii


Everything opened up and revealed a bright blue sky. I watch Julia appear in front of me and take a deep breathe. For a split second, we looked at each other and then started to fall.
I looked down, as we fell down into the ocean, in front of us was Camp Half Blood and Sarah was nowhere to be found. Julia and I screamed, with breathe we had, we were really far up and a group of campers had started to form at the beach. I saw Julia grab something out of the sky, with in 37 seconds, we finally hit the water, with a hard “smack” and everything went black.
I woke up, being dragged out of the water, with Julia at my side as people we knew pulled us out. Everything went black again and I woke up spitting water everywhere. There was a black figure lurking over me, shaking me. Finally my eyes adjusted and I saw Julia leaning over me, with the breathe she could muster, she quietly said,
”Where’s Sarah?”



The artwork story thingy is now up! go check out Julia, Sarah and Nico!

Well... They were told not to shadow travel and look what happened when they did!

j,csadvbsfavbhdmvcbmnfvbmsdvgjsfgjsdgfgj WHY WOULD YOU DO THIS TO MY FEELS?
Sarah could be DEAD or something....
*Invents a time machine and fast forwards to October*

The deed is done...
