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One Direction And The Oath

Ignoring You're Problems Won't Make Them Go Away

Louis stiffened, then turned around, blocking her out as he mumbled "Thats none of your bussiness"

Lizzie pointed out angrily "But its Nialls bussiness and Zayns, they agreed to go! And to hell its Liams!"

Louis turned around quickly, his eyes narrowing "Why do you care?" He praticly spat.

Lizzie pointed out "It could stop the sickness!"

Louis retorted "Then they can do it without me"

With that said, he sat he slumped onto his bed again and pulled up the sheets. Lizzie huffed "You're acting like a child"

Louis huffed "I am one"

"You're 16" Lizzie snapped.

"And you're not my mother!" Louis hissed back, still not looking at her.

They glared at each other for a couple of seconds but it felt like minutes. Lizzie with a sigh finally looked away, giving up...For today. The quest started in two days. There was still time to argue her point.

Louis relaxed once he realised he had won this argument but he knew there would be another one tomorrow. Lizzie wasn't the giving up type...

But once Louis closed his eyes, he wished he was still having that argument with Lizzie...He was back in the Maze, Krono's voice haunting his mind.

"You know what happens to demigods who don't accept defeat little godling? They get hurt and so do the people they love, Listern them scream demigod...Watch them writher....Feel their pain"

"Stop It! Stop it! Please!"

"You hear her screaming your name? She screamed in when she died, did you know that? Oh wait, of course you don't. That silly blockage in your mind...Well allow me to remove it for you"

"D-don't, please...I-I"

"You'll what?"

"Please...Just...S-stop, Please"

"Aw is the little godling crying? What a true hero you'll turn out to be, ha! An embarrisment to your fathers name I'm sure...For now...Watch the rest of you're family scream!"


"I'm sure you''ll be screaming along with then soon Demigod, right Louis?"




He woke up, gasping. His mouth open in a silent scream. He was shaking slightly. His eyes widening even more as he saw Lizzie in front of him, she looked shocked. She was standing over his bed, Her mouth open slightly from shouting his name and in suprise.

Louis choked out, struggling to form a sentence "W-what are you doing... here?"

"I'm staying round your Cabin remember?" Lizzie said slowly. An expression he couldn't deciver on her face.

"Why are y-you staring at me?" Louis stammered.

Lizzie said in a more gentle tone "You were..Screaming in you're sleep"

Louis flushed, in his mind he was thinking oh shit!

Louis muttered "And? I was having a nightmare...Come to mock?"

Lizzie took a slight step backwards as Louis sat up, though still slightly shaky.
Lizzie said still in a gentle tone "No, no I haven't"

She was still staring at him with that strange expression and Louis began to squirm slightly then Lizzie asked his slowly "Louis...How long have you been having these, um nightmares?"

Louis said tightly, not willing to give that much information "A while, why?"

"Since the quest?" Lizzie prodded.

Louis didn't reply, just shifted uncomfortibly under her look and grew more uncomfortable as Lizzie asked "Have you maybe expirienced, shortness of breath? Flash backs of the quest while you're still awake? Feeling paronoid? Not wanting to be around that many people? Do you-"

Louis snapped "What is the point of this dam questioning? I assume you have some sort of point?"

Lizzie said hesiantly after a long silence "I think you may have post-traumatic stress disorder"

To her suprise Louis didn't react to her news, he cringed and said not looking at her "PTSD?" So I've heard..."

Lizzie blinked at him "Wait, you know-?"

Louis gave a bitter laugh "Know? Course I know...Its that or I'm going mad..."

Lizzie stepped forward and said gently "Louis...you need to-"

Louis said angrily "Need to? Who says I need to do anything?"

Why couldn't she just leave him alone? Instead she said a little more firmly "This is why you don't want to go on the quest isn't it?!"

Louis just glared at her.

Lizzie sighed, trying to withold her irritation that was building up inside her. She sensed Louis was going to be extremely difficult about this one.

Lizzie said "Why haven't you told anyone? You need help Louis!"

"No I don't! I'm fine, okay?" Louis snapped angrily back, turning his back to her, not looking at her. His words sounded false even to his ears.

Lizzie stepped forwards and pressed "Why haven't you-"

Louis swung around and said sharply "Becaise I don't want them to be worried! Especially when Liam could be dying right now! They need to focus on him, not-never me, I'm not important, Liam-"

Lizzie yelled "Liam can wait!" She added softly "Their are people to help you with this Louis...If you would just let them.."

She added "Ignoring your problems won't make them go away!"

Louis sneered "What a shame, I didn't know that, thanks!"

Lizzie groaned "Louis-"

Suddenly the door banged open, the night air swarming in. Niall was panting, looking in shock and fearful as he panted "You both better come with me. We have a problem!"


What do you think of Lizzie's and Louis's spat and whats so important that Niall wants to show them? What do you think?
Let me know in the comments below.

I love comments :D

Please Let Me Know What You Think? :)



Hey, I know you have a life outside of this, but I haven't seen you around the site in forever and you haven't updated for a while. Are you still working on this? Please don't just leave it, it's really good!

Emrys Holmes Emrys Holmes

@Araneae Siqua
His a complicated character lol. His true intentions will only be revieled near the end of the series, however Harry probably shouldn't trust him, hehe ;)

Pipes Pipes

As far as I'm concerned, since Chaos is an immortal that's older than the gods, I have a natural suspicion that Chaos is going to be a villain- sort of. But the way you're portraying him says otherwise. I'm sort of stuck at a neutral position with Chaos, so... I don't know if Harry should trust him yet or not.
Anyways- keep it up!

Emrys Holmes Emrys Holmes


You're welcome :D

Emrys Holmes Emrys Holmes

@Araneae Siqua
Aw thank you :D :D

Pipes Pipes