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I Use My Power Again

Silena's POV

After a three-day coma, it felt like Ethan’s coughing fit was over in a couple of seconds, but in reality, it lasted for more like five minutes. Five minutes of thick blood sputtering out of his mouth like he was laughing at someone while drinking red Gatorade. It hurt to watch someone in that much agony, and after a couple seconds, I couldn’t take it.

Originally, when Charlie had shut me out and Clarisse hadn’t helped and I had possessed Leo and Piper, I had wanted to be alone. But after having nothing to do for three days besides mope around the Aphrodite cabin, check on Ethan in a coma, or walk around the beach, I wanted to talk to someone. Not just anyone, though. A particular boy from Hephaestus cabin who had been avoiding me since the day we’d gotten here.

Walking to Cabin 9, my hopes dropped lower and lower. Would he talk to me? Would he remember anything? Would he even be there, or would he be at the Forges? I pushed those questions aside and, after a deep breath, I knocked thrice on the metal door. After about five seconds, the well-oiled hinges swung open silently, moving in an intricate mechanical pattern that was mesmerizing to watch. I was so caught up in my own thoughts that I didn’t notice Jake Mason, in front of me, waiting to see why I had come.

“Hey, Silena,” He greeted, with a weirdly wide smile on his face, “how’s it going?”

“Fine,” I said, a bit confused, “Why are you smiling?”

He sighed happily, and breathlessly confessed, “Well, if you have to know…Charlie…well, he’s been avoiding you for a reason. He needed to get his memories straight. Thanks to Leo, he found an old set of pictures of you guys on various dates, and, I guess that triggered something in his brain. He locked himself in the basement three days ago and even I haven’t talked to him since. But, for safety reasons, we installed a camera in there when we built the room, and I’ve been checking up on him. He looks like he’s ready to leave.”

“What!?” I asked in joy, “Are you kidding!? Why didn’t you tell me this earlier!?”

“Well, I wanted it to be a surprise, but since you’re here, you might as well try to talk to him. Here, this is the secret key. And just so you know, he’s also been working on something, but I couldn’t make out what. Whatever it is, it looks intricate. Anyways, go.”

My hands shook like a kid on Christmas morning as I took the key, slowly descended the metal stairs and found a thick metal door like on a bank vault. My heart rate was through the roof, and I started panting in anticipation. For some reason, something caused the ambient noise in the room to go completely silent. That was probably because I was so focused on the metal door I could have seen the individual copper and tin atoms in the bronze alloy.

Jeez, I thought to myself, I know the molecular make-up of bronze. The perks of dating a Hephaestus boy. Then, I realized that knowing those little facts was one of the reasons I loved Charlie so much, and that thought brought me back to reality. I realized I was hyperventilating, and took three deep breaths.

1…I took a step towards the door, raising my hand that held the key.
2…I slid the key into the lock, feeling the bumps in the key fitting into the tumblers of the lock.
3…I turned the key, and pulled the door open, and there he was, standing almost at attention. His chocolate brown eyes twinkled in the artificial torch light of the basement, which cast a warm glow over his bronze skin and brown curls. Tentatively, I asked,

“Charlie? Do you remember now? Do you know who I am—”

I didn’t even finish my question, because Charlie reached down and pulled me close, our lips only an inch apart. Gently, he grabbed both my shoulders, and pulled me into a kiss. All of the tension, the worry, the sadness, the anger, the bitterness, and the fear dissolved out of my body like sugar in hot coffee, slowly making the moment sweeter and sweeter. With a pleasant warmth I realized I was on my tip-toes, and I remembered our first kiss at the fireworks a few years ago, when I had discovered that I had to go on my tip-toes every time to kiss him.

“Yes, Silena,” He responded, “I remember everything. I’m so sorry,” he consoled, taking one hand in his, and brushing my hair out of my eyes, “Gods, I am so stupid sometimes. How could I ever forget a girl like you?”

I giggled and he kissed me again, and it was the happiest I had ever felt. Of course, as a demigod, all of the happiest moments are always cut short. In the back of mind, as we released, I heard the rasping voice of Kronos, laughing,

Now I strike. And then, my mind was grabbed by Kronos, filling me with the urge to use that powerful charmspeak once again, the Sting of Cupid. I felt an irrational urge to tell Charlie I didn’t love him, and that he didn’t love me. But with all of my heart and soul, I knew that Kronos was trying to over power me. This time, I knew how to stop him. Mentally, I countered the Titan, still looking into Charlie’s eyes, as Kronos, now surprised, commanded,

Obey me girl! Bow to my will!

“No!” I shouted audibly, surprising Charlie.

“Silena?” He asked, confused. But I didn’t have time to explain. I summoned up all of the happy emotions and memories that I had ever shared with Charlie, all of the good that he had brought me in both of my lives, and channeled it into four words. Those magical four words.

“I love you, Charlie.” Even I was shocked at the level of charmspeak that I had put into those words. It was so powerful, it sent a wave of positive energy into my brain, and I could physically feel the bond between Kronos and me breaking. So powerful, a visible pink glow pulsed from the artificial torch lights on the walls, sending a warm shockwave throughout the room, resonating all the way to the center of the earth.

NOOO! He shouted in despair, reeling in his failure to overpower me. I pulled Charlie into another kiss, and that pretty much killed the confused look on his face. I had beaten Kronos, and as his presence in my mind retreated, I mentally sent a single thought to him:

You are the Lord of Time, Kronos. What power do you have over love? What power do you have over me? None! So get out of my life, get out of my relationship, and get out of my soul!

And with that, I never felt tempted to do anything for Kronos ever again.

“Woah,” exclaimed Charlie, “that was amazing. Why’d you scream ‘No!’ though?”

I told him about Kronos trying to tempt me, and the broken bond between Kronos and I.

“I love you,” He said, “I knew you could overpower that creep.”

“Thanks for believing in me,” I said, smiling. Suddenly, all of the stress in my body left me. I was happy again, finally reunited with my boyfriend.


So Silena is the first to redeem her soul, after only four days! Enjoy, and I hope you liked! New chapter tomorrow seeing as I have a big chunk of the plot planned out, just waiting to be written.


Love it :)

SadieKane SadieKane

Same here why u kill people (insert meme here)

Son of Chaos Son of Chaos

When I see you I'm hitting you. >:)
No more.
Love you but NO MORE.

I know. It's awesome! And don't worry, I won't kill more than four more people.

Grafon Grafon

Oh and if you hadn't noticed....YOU ALMOST HAVE 20,000 views YAY! :D