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Dear Diary


Dear Diary,

Oh wow. I haven't written in one of these things since I was in high school. Just the act of moving my pen is giving me nostalgia. Ah, those were good years. And even though I have gone through a great deal of stress over the last 17 and a bit years with Percy and Poseidon, I have to say that I don't miss those years in high school. I loved every moment with Percy more than any moment with my boyfriends in my junior year, or any other moment for that matter.

Anyway, the reason I'm writing this is because today is Percy's half-birthday, February 18. He is sixteen and a half today. Six months. He's been gone for so long now, it's hard not to give up...but somehow, I find the strength. Paul helps. Ah, he's so sweet, it's almost hard to believe that I'm so hung up about Percy. But then Annabeth comes and talks with me, and I have to console her. She's like a daughter to me, you know. Especially after being in a relationship with Percy for so long. I feel so bad for her.

But I can't dwell on bad emotions, right? Percy's fine. He'll call when he can. I know he will.



Sooooo, I, Grafon, have been brought onto this project. I hope you like this one.


P.S. In the words of Frost: "So so so so so sorry I haven't posted on this one for so long!"


I'll try! Super sorry guys! I've been extremely busy as of late.......


hey can u update more....please

@Frost Wrathbomber

Yeah, that makes sense.

Caleo Caleo


Thanks, That was the point though. :)

@Frost Wrathbomber

Oh my goodness that was so SAD! Good job! (even though I'm sad now)

Caleo Caleo