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The Runner

A Touch Of Sun

My burning lungs sucked in oxygen and greeted the chill it brought, the same chill that rose goosebumps on my pumping arms. The horizon was a smooth line as the red-bathed desert cut into the sky. Tussok grass raked into the glowing clouds and mountains hutted their peaks into the unknown.

The familiar beat of my feet against the dirt and the unfamiliar rustle of the dry grass seemed to echo each other as my pace grew and my muscles began to strain for oxygen that my lungs were burning to provide.

I was in sync again and as I raced towards the rising sun, I didn't care anymore.

I didn't care that I maybe didn't fit in as well as I wanted to. I didn't care that my dad didn't care enough to claim me. I didn't care that I wasn't home because anywhere that the wind tugged at my clothes while I ran was a place that I could belong.

If I could belong in this foreign desert with the red glow of the familiar sun barely touching my face then I could belong to the rest of this strange new environment.

Even amongst its people.


Here is what I mean when I say desert. I don't think it's the type of desert you have in America as it has many plants and a high rainfall but I'm not sure. Anyway, I do like this picture.

Sorry this isn't a very exciting chapter again but I thought you deserved a warning that I have dance rehearsals and shows for the next fortnight (plus about 5 assignments due within a week) so I'm a little too taken up with that to write at the moment though I'll try and write a few chapters in between costume changes to upload later. School finishes Tuesday so (work dependent) I should be able to start updating regularly again then :)

Thanks for taking the time to read this! Have a lovely day! :)

-Phoebe :)


Haha yes he is! :)

Phoebe Phoebe

Leo is da BEST!

Agh yessss I must finish this story before I go back to school next week and the last chapter just happens to be the next chapter and I'll be sad to see this go since it's my last individual story on this site but I need to concentrate on school this year

Phoebe Phoebe


Haha yay! :) I actually wrote the last five chapters in a single day where I was feeling way too inspired for my own good :) It felt brilliant!

Phoebe Phoebe