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Death and FIre

"So what's this guys name?" I asked, walking down the street with Anna and Luke. "What's this Greek guys name?" Luke thought for a moment.

"Jim. We are looking for a man named Jim Johnson." He said, not taking his eyes off of the couple walking in front of us. We were headed for Nashville, about three minutes away. Random houses dotted the land, trees blocking off far away land marks. We passed an old house, with boarded up windows and a broken down door. It reminded me of this movie where the house came alive and started eating people. Not a fun place to be around.

"Luke," Anna said with a tinge of annoyance. "Where exactly is this Jim Johnson guy you were telling us about?"

"In Nashville." He said blankly. I could swear stem was coming out of her ears.

"She meant," I said, stepping in before Anna ripped his head off. "Where in Nashville?"

"A place called Romeo and Rodeo's," he said, pulling out his sword. "Get back."

"Wh-" Two Empusai lunged out of the windows of the creepy house, breaking the boards. The couple walking in front of us turned around, and their faces were blank... literally. They were just white slates, which reminded me too much of Slenderman.

"Here!" He pulled out a small dagger from his rucksack and tossed it, the blade landing in my hands. I surged froward, jabbing the dagger into the evil Empusai. The other one lunged at Anna, who was defenseless. It slashed her chest, ripping up her shirt. It tried to attack again, but I threw the dagger, hitting it right in the eye.

"Ow!" She said, falling down. Luke had taken care of the two faceless things.

"Anna!" I said, dropping down by her side. There were three large cuts through her pink jacket, her black bra visible. "Ew," I said in disregard. "We need to get you to a hospital." I said, lifting her up.

"Allen, I'm fine." She said, wrapping more of the jacket around her, hiding the holes.

"No time. Don't be a hero. Let's go."

"I'm seriously fine!"

"Luke, where is the nearest hospital?"

"Allen!" Anna slapped me, getting out of my grasp. "Idiot." She muttered.

"Guys," Luke said, sheathing his sword. "Let's keep moving. It was just a skirmish." He started moving again, walking faster than Anna and I.

"Are you wearing matching underwear?" I teased, sticking my tongue out.

"What underwear?" She said, looking surprised and gasping.

"Shut up."



I love this!

JacksonPercy JacksonPercy

YAH that prise is amazing

derpydeath101 derpydeath101

Your prize is good health! :D

Like a Sir

derpydeath101 derpydeath101

I'm not evil, I just love killing people!!! Muahahahaha >:D