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Mayonnaise Factories and Stupid People

"Luke," I said, looking up at the large neon sign above the factory doorway. "This is a Mayonnaise factory."

"Sure is." Luke said blankly. "You guys ready? This is the last place I can think John Johnson would go." Anna opened the doorway and bowed.

"After you, ma'am. " She said with a British accent.

"Why thank you, Anna." Val said as she patted my back and walked into the factory. I went in after her, followed by Luke and Anna.

"I like Miracle Whip better," Val murmured in front of me.

"Mayo is the bomb!" Luke said from behind me.

"What's the difference?" I asked. Before I could get an answer, a man with a hard hat and a neon orange jacket wavered in front of us.

"Woah, kids, you aren't allowed back he-" Luke threw a hundred dollar bill at his feet.

"I believe we are." He walked past the hard hat guy as he quickly picked up the paper, slipping it into his pocket. He tilted his hat at us and walked off to inspect the mayo.

"Excuse me?" Val asked a woman in a white hazmat suit. "Is there a John Johnson working here?" She checked the clipboard in her hand.

"If he does, he didn't check in on the roster." She walked past us, into the office on our right.

"Over here guys!" Luke called from across a few packs of mayonnaise. "C'mon!" Anna and I winded our way across the Mayo Maze and met up with Val and Luke.

"I'll keep watch out here. Make sure John doesn't have any guards or something." He motioned through the door. "Val, you should go with them. Just in case John has a trick up his sleeve." Val rolled her eyes.

"Whatever." She said, checking out her nails. "Well? I'm not going first." I looked at Anna.

"Rock paper scissors?" I suggested.

"No. You go first! " Anna said, pushing me into the dark room. I looked around for a light switch, and failed.

"Hey, Luke, do you have a ligh-" I turned around, and was met with Val and Anna lying on the ground, blood pouring out of the back of their heads. I looked up and saw Luke charging me with a blunt object... maybe a thermos?

That was my last thought before Luke hit the side of my head, falling unconscious.



I love this!

JacksonPercy JacksonPercy

YAH that prise is amazing

derpydeath101 derpydeath101

Your prize is good health! :D

Like a Sir

derpydeath101 derpydeath101

I'm not evil, I just love killing people!!! Muahahahaha >:D