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If Looks Could Kill

Nico Develops a Phoneaphobia

Now when Percy said, "We're going to Camp," I thought he meant we were actually going to a camp. We've been driving for a fair while now and Percy and I have caught totally up with my life, I want to ask him about what he's been up too but every time I even begin to ask something he shoots it down. He muttered something about explaining it later.

I have learnt that Piper is a sweet girl who reminds me of me but not so...make-up-y (again I understand that's not a word, you grammer Nazi's). When she spoke, she seems to hold a command for a few seconds, she could be an excellent politician.

Now Annabeth, she was like no one else I've ever meet. Like Percy she held this aura of strength and will. Whenever she met eyes with Percy a spark flung between them, once I could vehicle sworn that a literal spark flug between them but I blinked twice and it was gone. Ananbeth's stormy eyes were a different story, I looked into them once and saw behind all he strength and power, a broken and cryiny body. Almost as if she'd been tortured. I promised myself I'd never look into her eyes again.

Then there was Nico. Nico seemed to be slinking more and more into the shadows every time that I looked at him. At one point I saw him twisting a silver ring around his finger as he hastilly looked out the side window of Percy's sea blue Spyder. That's when I remember my car.

"Wait!" I call out quickly. They all turn to me alarmed. I could've sworn I saw Nico pull out a sword. Percy went for this crappy blue, ball point pen on the dashboard and Annabeth reached down to her shoe. Piper reached up to straighten her ponytail. "My car!" I say and they all sigh. "Why is that a sigh of relief? My car, my baby, I need it! It's coming in tomorrow!" I say frantically reaching for my cell phone so I can call the shipping company and tell them the new address.

When I pull my I phone out of my handbag, Nico who is squashed between Piper and I freaks a little and grabs it out of my hands before tossing it out of the open window. My eyes widen in shock.

"What the hell Nico!" I scream. "Do you know how hard it was to get my hands on that phone?" I whip my head around to face him. "That cost me 2 grand, it hasn't even been released to the public yet!" I continue to yell at him. Nico looks genuinely scared of me. Which I find odd because he looks like that type of guy who isn't scared of much.

"Charlie, calm down." Percy tries to say calmly.

"I can't calm down! This idiot just threw my phone out the window, pull over!" I argue back. Percy doesn't slow down but he does lool towards me. Then he nods to Piper.

"Charlie," Piper starts, "you have to forget about your phone because you can't use it ever again." She says and I feel entranced, I feel that I have to listen to her.

"Geeze, do you have a phoneaphobia or something?" I mutter to Nico. "Can we please just get it?" I ask. The others stare in shock.

"What?" I say completely confused. I don't see what's wrong with actually saying please this time.

"No it's broken and lost." Piper practically shouts.

"Ok, then," I hold up my hands in a surrender. "Don't get ya knickers in a twist." I mutter. Then I forget why I had said that.

+++ When we come to a stop I see that we've pulled up at a strawberry farm. I adore strawberries. So no complaints from me. Then It all changes. I see a massive archway in the middle of a Forrest. With the Greek words spelling out, Camp Half Blood.

"Welcome to Camp Half Blood." Percy says in a tone that makes my jaw drop as I take in the change. I step into the barrier and all I see is a massive dog running towards me.



Thank you so much!! That means a lot to me!

Chelsea_Delos Chelsea_Delos

I think I just died. Almost. Again. Writing. OP. Omg. Gods of Olympus you're a damn good writer Chelsea!

the cliffhanger is so real

i cant

Valentina Rose Valentina Rose

Update!!!! Please!!!

Love this story Keep it up!!

The Far Side The Far Side