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If Looks Could Kill

The Green Lady Of Death Catches Me

I turn around running (luckily I've had practice running in heels) and screaming back outside 'Camp' and into the woods. I can hear Percy and Nico (which surprised me) chasing after me yelling at me to stop. I look back and see Percy still behind me but gaining very quickly. Then I smack into a tree. But it's a soft tree.

Wait, soft trees don't exist...

I look up to see Nico standing there in all is darkness. He's smirking and I can hear Percy behind me laughing. I pout and stand up, "OK, Someone really needs to tell me the full story NOW!" I yell at the two of them. The both stop laughing and look at the ground. "Fine don't tell me then, I'll ask." I hop up and stormed towards the 'Camp' in anger.


Once again I reach the barrier and the scene changes. I want to know how that happened. It must have something to do with the whole Medusa thing and how I managed to kill people without touching them.

Maybe I have some rare blood type that changes the air around me into drugs or something, so i'm constantly breathing drugs. I wonder to myself.

"That's not a silly idea." I look up to see a young woman. She has long, curly, red hair and is obviously of American descent. She is very petite and has weird eyes. She is also wearing a bright orange top that says, Camp Half Blood, and a pair of denim shorts. It all looks very... how do I put this?...Campy?

"Sorry, I must've been speaking to myself," I mutter to her. "I kinda do that a lot." I apologize.

"Well your idea wasn't too wrong, I mean if you can see this and be here then you're obviously a demigod and they do have an odd blood type." She says casually. She motions to all around us and shrugs.

"I'm a what?!" I shout loudly. "What on earth is a Demigod?" The young woman just stops what she's doing and stares. "I'm obviously not getting any answers from you," I humph, "I guess I have to find Percy anyway." I say but she still doesn't move.

I wonder where Annabeth and Piper went. This lady is getting weird. I frantically look around and am delighted to see Piper and Annabeth coming towards me with a tall as guy who seems to be walking funny. I start to turn away from the weird lady but she grab onto my shoulder. I look into her eyes and they go green, like lime jello green. Like grass green. like the whole eye. Not just the iris, The. Whole. Eye. My mouth opens to scream again but no sound comes out. Green smoke begins to pour from her mouth and her hand clamps down onto my shoulder harder. I wince at the toughness of the petite girl's grip. I am tempted to fight back but this looks more serious than a fight on the back streets of Piccadilly. Percy and Nico find me at the same time that Annabeth and Piper reach me. They all open their eyes wide as they see what's happening.

Why could they not just tell me the full story. Something is obviously not right with them and me. Or I, whatever, I can't really think there's a girl vomiting green mist at me. I then turn to Piper who is frantically talking to the tall guy next to her. The tall guy next to her is trying to calm her down. He must be on stilts or something- like a circus clown- because no one is that tall! I look down and there is no feet. He has fricken hooves! Who ever has horse hooves for feet?!

The weird girl grasping my shoulder digs her nails into me and draws blood. Great my new shirt is ruined. Believe it or not, my parents died for this shirt (and a bunch others but that's besides the point) so don't ruin it!

The she begins to speak. I don't understand a word of what she's saying. I’m not sure if it's because she's talking at 100 miles per hour or if it's because she's not talking english. The words and sentences make no sense. My eyes begin to water. I’m not really sure why, I think it's because I have no clue what is going on. It sounds like more than one person talking from her mouth...but that's impossible. Actually a lot of things i've done lately have been impossible so no surprises there. She looks in pain as scratch marks begin to appear on her skin and her cheeks appear hollow. I don't remember much more because i’m so heroic that I do the most heroic thing I can think of and I faint.


Hope you like remmeber to vote and comment your thoughts! I love to hear what you think!


Thank you so much!! That means a lot to me!

Chelsea_Delos Chelsea_Delos

I think I just died. Almost. Again. Writing. OP. Omg. Gods of Olympus you're a damn good writer Chelsea!

the cliffhanger is so real

i cant

Valentina Rose Valentina Rose

Update!!!! Please!!!

Love this story Keep it up!!

The Far Side The Far Side