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If Looks Could Kill

Percy and Nico Become Magicians

When I wake up I am not sure where I am. I can see other beds full of people and I'm guessing i'm in a hospital of some sort. The only problem is that, it doesn't look like there is much...equipment. A young man comes over too me and smiles when he sees me sitting up. He's got short blonde hair and a smile that shines like the sun. He is wearing a doctors uniform and he also looks way to young to be wearing that uniform. He formally hold out his hand and I reach up to shake it.

"Hello Charlie, I'm Doctor Will Solace," he introduces himself to me. He has a strong, firm handshake almost like the fighters from the streets of Piccadilly. "Now I'm sure you have a lot of questions about what happened," he says and I nod along with the memories of Meduas, the giant dog and the green lady of death. "Well, I thought that your cousin Percy would probably explain it the best." He explains to me.

"Wait so you're not telling me that I've been in some horrible accident and all that was a bad dream?" I ask my face slowly falling. "I really did kill my parents." I say. Tears form in the backs of my eyes and I blink them back before Will can see them.

I yank the covers off my and look down before screaming. Dr. Will looks confused. "What's wrong Charlie?" He quickly asks. I'm screaming like my legs are missing or something. Percy, Annabeth and Piper suddenly run in and I stop screaming.

"What on earth am I wearing?!" I shout to no one in particular but still looking down in horror at my body in the hideous hospital gown they've put me in.

Dr. Will looks relieved, Piper starts to nod, I'm guessing that she's agreeing with my sense. Percy and Annabeth just laugh.

Annabeth hands me a bag of clothes, "here your car arrived with these today, I'm guessing you'd rather wear these than a camp shirt." She says and I thank her, greatfully smiling.


After I'm dismissed from the Hospital, or Infirmary as Dr. Will called it. Percy takes me to one of the cabins in the circle of cabins. "This is my cabin, I happen to be the only one who lives in it." He opens the door and lets the ladies walk in first. Annabeth stops to give him a kiss.

Wow I did not know my cousin was such a puller. He got a very beautiful girl.

"Nice going, Peabrain." I laugh poining at Annabeth, calling him by his old nickname. His face goes red as I say that.

"See Seaweedbrain, I always knew you had nothing in that pretty head of yours," She laughs. "Charlie and I are going to be great friends." She smiles and we laugh together at Percy's expense.

"Ok," Percy says wearily, "As long as you don't tell her about the mouse." Percy blushes when he mentions it. We walk inside and I laugh at the memory.

"Don't worry Perse, she'll know everything." I say smirking at the horrified look on his face.


We sit down on the ground of his room. Nico and a guy named Jason showed up and Jason gave Piper a kiss on the cheek before sitting down next to her.

"Leo is still fixing the...umm...animal problem, at Camp Jupiter, Frank amd Hazel are there with him, they'll be here in a couple of days though, Leo Thinks." Jason tells Percy and the other all nod while I'm just sitting here thinking about the last 'animal problem' that I had. It wasn't my fault, but that's another story for another time.

"Well, Charlie," Percy starts, "We have a few valid reasons to believe that you are in fact a demigod." He says straight away.

"Way to break it to her." Annabeth rolls her eyes at him.

"Wait I'm a what?!" I interrupt. "The green lady of death told me that too, what does it mean?" I say rembering that weird girl.

"Yes Rachel, we'll discuss her later." Piper butts in.

"But back to demigod. Have you ever heard about the Greek Gods and Goddesses?" Percy asks me like he's asking a two year old if it can spell.

The others all look at me expectantly. I remember back to all those myths and legends I was reading to try find out how I killed ny bio teacher. The Greek myths were actually my favorite one. Aphrodite was my favorite Goddess, she just seemed so much more layed back and easy going than all the other gods. Plus she was a baddass in heels. To be completly honest, Aphrodite is kinda my idol.

"Yea I know the Myths," I say stretching out the Myth bit. The other all look at each other and grimace.

"Well, Charlie, what if I told you that they weren't exactly myths." Percy says and I laugh. I laugh so hard that tears form in my eyes.

"Yea right, and I'm fucking Medusa." I laugh at him.

"Charlie, I'm being serious, I'm the son of Poseidon, the god," he starts before I cut him off,

"Yea, yea, yea, sea's, earthquakes blah, blah...so Annabeth here is the daughter of Aphrodite?" I laugh but complementing Annabeth on her beauty.

"No, I'm actually an Athena kid. Piper is the daughter of Aphrodite." Annabeth explains and mh mouth drops when I realize that no one else is laughing and they all seem so serious.

For a moment I almost believe them. But seriously. Those Gods existed a good, three thousand years ago...in Myths.

I shake my head not wanting to believe them. Percy sighs. "Do I have to demonstrate for you?" He asks. I nod my head and Nico and Percy stand up. I turn to face the both of them.

Percy raises his hands into the air and twists his fist. A rattle comes from the door next to him as something hard builds up against it. Then suddenly the door bursts open and water comes flowing through the doorway. I scramble up, not wanting to get wet. Then the water stops. In a fricken perfect line. Then it transforms into little fish made of water.

Next Nico does the whole hand thing and a black hole opens up into the room. The adorable water fish swim into the black hole and dissappear. I gasp.

"Woah, Percy you never told me you were a magican!" I say, "that was awesome!" Jason slams his face into his palm and everyone else sighs.

"No Charlie, my dad is the god of the Ocean. I can control the ocean." Percy slowly says. "Think about it Charlie, how do you explain Medusa at the airport, killing your bio teacher without touching her, your parents..." the he stops as he's putting two and two together.

"Your parents." Annabeth echoes.

"Holy crap, you have two parents." He says, his eyes widening. "Two biological parents."

"Yea and if you didn't notice, I'M WANTED FOR THEIR MURDER!" I scream at him.

"Something is wrong, something is very wrong." Nico is muttering. "I can feel it."


So here you goooo, hope you like it! :) Any theories on how you think this might work?

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Shout out to @Stop it rick for the review she did for me!

Shout out to @A.D.R and @Hominis Ruina for helping me edit my other story!


Thank you so much!! That means a lot to me!

Chelsea_Delos Chelsea_Delos

I think I just died. Almost. Again. Writing. OP. Omg. Gods of Olympus you're a damn good writer Chelsea!

the cliffhanger is so real

i cant

Valentina Rose Valentina Rose

Update!!!! Please!!!

Love this story Keep it up!!

The Far Side The Far Side