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The war games ended in the victory of the fifth, as I expected. Walking out of the fields, Bella caught the attention of Athos, Jasmine and myself. We all decided it would be wise enough to speak with her. Bella took a harsh look at Athos, then sighed. "You were irrisponsible, caotic and you could've killed yourself! Unpredictible and down right the most oblivious demigod I've ever meet!" She yelled at him. Normally she would never speak to a demigod who broke the rules, she'd just give them a look that showed disgust. But then, a faded smile formed on her lips. "But, you did show leadership, loyalty, and bravery. In reality you're probably the most equipt legionaire that this legions had in a long time."

Tentative, Athos smiled. "Thank you." He said as he began to walk away. Turning back, Athos laughed. "You know, you're a lot more interesting than I thought. Bella, I would be honored to one day have a spar with you sometime."

"As would I." Bella nodded. With that, we all walked toward the dinning hall to have our evening meal. The hall was fabericed with low coffee tables and comfortable couches to sit on. I sat at the praetor's table, while everone else got to mingle and move about.

Bella kept eying Athos, while I took a bite of my cheesburger. I now had on my Roman essentials. The purple toga, purple tee, a golden lural and my purple cape of legion. In reality, this stuff was over the top, but appearantly, I was the honorary praetor. And with all the promise and recognition, I had to set an example. Even if I didn't want to.

Wiping my mouth, I took a drink of passion fruit punch from my cup. "You like him don't you?" I asked her. Bella didn't express much emotion, but she did hold up interest. I could see it in her eyes and in the way she looked at him. Athos was now, having laughs with the members of the fifth. It seemed like he was telling jokes and fitting in.

"He's interesting. I do admit, he is handsome. But I'm curious about his lineage. What if he is a child of the brothers. They haven't had a child in over half a century. It's weird but can anything else explain his powers over the earth?"

I took a sip of punch, trying to wash down the thought. "Don't could him out yet. I meam, he's a good kid. He seems to know a lot, yet he does have his moments. He's original. I like that."

Bella smiled. "Seems, like you'll make him your friend." Glancing down, Bella picked up her fork and began eating her salad. She was always into watching her figure. I got that, but I was still a teen with a pretty high motabolism. Eating junk, didn't really affect me as much as it should've.

After dinner, I decided to take Athos for a little walk around the camp. He had barely seen anything, considering Jasmine had just followed orders. Being a praetor, I took pride in having fun and working at the same time. Some of the times it worked against me. Most of the times it worked for me.

After, we made it up to temple hill, I escorted him to the Temple of Mars. His eyes lit up as he saw, all the blones and statues lining up to the center. He slowly walked forward, taking in all of the demographics. "Wow, this place is awesome. Mars." He gazed at the statue of the patron as he knelt to his knees. "Lord Mars, the god of war, military might, and Rome."

I nodded. "He's also known as Mars Ultor, the avenger. He once traveled in search of Death, due to someone momentarily stopping death."

"Have you ever met him?" He asked. I gazed at him a bit saddened. It was rare for demigods to meet their parents. Even if they were their parents, Gods rarely took interest in us mortals. Even us demigods got the shorter end of the stick. I shook my head in regection, gazing up at the god.

"Demigods, rarely meet with their parents. It's kinda a big no-no. I remember reading myths about the gods becoming more affectionate, as Greeks. But, as Romans, they became more militaristic, war-like and disciplined." I replied.

"Have any demigods met their godly parents?" He asked. His eyes were filled with hope. But I didn't know how to respond to that. Taking a seat at the steps before the statue, I shook my head uneasy.

"I've heard of people meeting the gods, and having conversations, but I've never met a god. Not even my father. The closest you could say is Lupa, but she is immortal so long as civilization- no Roman civilization, need her."

Athos looked at the ground a bit broken. His heart felt like it was at two places. I took a deep breath, as I rose. "Don't worry, you could make a family out of us. The Legion never leaves a man behind. We are Romans, we fight together and for the gods. We fight for the legends, against the odds."

"You could be a poet." He smiled. "Come on, I'd like to take a look at the temple of Pluto."
Nodding, I decided to leave with him, to see if we could fix his problem, and get him claimed soon.


This chapter is short, I'm sorry. The upcoming things will help you understand a few things about Athos and more about Sean. Please remember to comment, rate ans Subscribe. I hope you guys liked it.



xXmadilivXx xXmadilivXx