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The temple of Pluto, was almost as unappealing as the temple of Neptune. At least it was beigger, and held a statue pof the god within it. Walking in Athos notices bones and skulls littering the area. It also had thousands of jewels and precious metals popping out of the ground. When we finally made it to, the back of the temple, we noticed a shelf with a picture of a young girl, possibly thirteen. She had golden brown hair and roasted coffee grained skin. Her eyes were unique and hinted at gold.

Athos smiled, as he gazed at the statue. "He doesn't look so scary. Are you sure he looks like that?" He asked. I gazed at the statue, to see a man with broad arms, a bald head and a cold expression. He was fit and sported an old fashioned ivory toga. In his hand he held a helm and a sword. Obviously they were his weapons. The helm was the known as the helm of darkness and his sword was just a simple blade he'd use in battle, if he ever got serious.

"Probably not." I replied. "These were built in the early twenty first century, it's possible that Pluto, might've changed his appearance to fit the Twenty-second century a little more better." I squnited. "But I'm wondering more about that picture over there." Pointing at the picture, Athos followed my finger.

Slowly his eyes widened. "She's a child of Pluto." He said confidently. "From the way, her smile is positioned, she wasn't from the same time period that the picture was taken."

"How can you tell?" I asked him. He turned and blinked as if it was obvious. But needless to say, it really wasn't. Gazing at the picture, I walked up and grabbed it.

"Have you met her before?" I asked.
"No, but I did meet someone that looked ominous and powerful. He at the time, didn't strike me as a person to be concerned of. But now that I think back, his eyes looked tired, old and like shattered glass. He had thick black hair like mine, but dried up brown eyes."

I pondered on the thought. Could it have been his godly parent? He did mention the person seemed powerful, but not at all important. Pluto was indeed powerful and would hide himself within modern day appearances. From all the anceint books, the gods dis that all the time. This was how they seered demigod children.

"What about water, are you comfortable taking long baths and going to the beach?" I asked him. He shook his head. "No, I mean, I'll go. But it's not my favorite place to be at. As for showers, on average I take about a good ten to fifthteen minutes. Ya know, soap, rinse, repeat."

Taking a deep breath, I nodded. "From you're abilities, you could be a child of Poseidon, but based off what you've said you share many traits with other gods. Heck, you could even be my brother." I nudged him cheerfully.

"I'd like that, having a brother. Seems like something I should have." For a moment, it seemed like Athos was trying to remember something, but eventually decided to let it go. Gazing at my forearm, he noticed the symbol and markings.

"What does that mean?" He asked. "Those marks seem important, I've even seen them on Bella." He replied. I gazed at them and smiled. "It stands for the symbol of your godly parent and the bars represent how many years of service you've served. I have twelve." I showed him.

"How old are you? He asked curious to the answer. I smiled a bit happily. Gazing at the statue of Pluto, I took another sigh. "I've been here since I was three. In reality, I'm labeled the honorary praetor."

"Really?" He asked amazed. "I never would've thought, I mean you're so laid back and relaxed. Bella would have shown more of a 'I've been here twelve years' kinda view. Ya know."

"Yea, I get it." I replied. "That's why I'm like this. When you've had to work so hard to get a little be of freedom and respect, you kinda give up on caring so much about things like dictatorship." I closed my eyes. "When I was two, Lupa came to my mother and took me from her to begin my trainning. Appearantly, Mars had asked Lupa to involve me in the world of Romans and monster as a younth, in hope that I would be come a praetor of Rome."

"The best of the best." Athos acknowledged. "When I was with Lupa, she kept straining it upon me to listen to the call of the wild. Listen to her, my alpha. My mother, and to most of all listen to the praetors of Rome."

"Lupa is always a maternal figure, she offers you safety in numbers. But she always puts her motto first. Do you remember it?" I asked.

Athos smiled. "Conqure or die." He said. "Ceaser was well known for his own motto. 'I came, I saw, I conquered.' Very similar to Lupa's."

I smiled. Athos had read many myths, but he also failed to realize one thing, myths and legends at times bury into truth. That was the one thing he needed to learn quickly or else, he would be facing many trials.

"Hey, let's get going. We should start heading for bed, before everyone begins to wonder where you are." I smiled. Walking out of the old abandoned temple of Pluto, I realized one thing. Even if Athos was a rare demigod, he still had a good heart. And in the end that's all that mattered.


Twelve stripes on his arm. The famous motto of Julius Ceaser, and a bit of background on Sean's part. As promised we will ger more about Sean, and in the upcoming chapters you will see more personality on Sean and Jasmine's friendship. Please remember to comment rate and subscribe.



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