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When MYTHS Become Real

I Butt Heads With Myself

My features twisted into a look of betrayal and there was hurt when my voice croaked, "Why are you saying that? I thought you loved me."
Nico looked like he might drop it before his face shifted into a cool mask. "I do love Naida. That's how I know you're not her."
The innocent expression slipped from my face and a cruel, cold laugh escaped from my lips. "What gave it away? Actually, I don't care. But maybe I should've kept your memories permanently. No matter. I've already gotten what I wanted."
There was a sound like the crashing of a wave and my dad let out a pissed off snarl. "Mnemosyne! What have you done with my daughter?"
The titan smirked with my lips, seeming pleased with the recognition. Fishing around in my own head, I was suspicious of who had control of my body but I didn't want to believe it until
Poseidon confirmed it. How the hell was this even possible? "Oh, she's still here. She's being a pain in my ass trying to break free of her own mind, but I want her to witness this all."
Lightning cracked along the sky as Zeus and several other gods glowered down at me. I didn't think that the gods still smite people, but I was sure they eye about to make an exception for me.
Mnemosyne smirked again. "Go ahead. I'm actually immortal, even in this body. Dear little Naida is not. As sweet as my revenge would be using her, she's really not all that important." Poseidon put a placating hand on Zeus's shoulder. "Please, brother, just wait for a minute. Let me try to get my daughter back."
Of all the kids Poseidon ever had, I was the only girl. I guess that carried some weight because they all backed off and Mnemosyne turned gleeful.
With a flick of my wrist, Mnemosyne moved the water from the decorative fountain in the corner and let it freeze up in the center of the room like a giant throne. The monstrosity she plopped down into rivaled something from that overly-popular Disney movie and she looked down on the shocked congregation like she'd already won. "My plan would've worked. If all your little demigods had forgotten you and you would have been weak, the perfect time to make war. But then this little bitch had to get involved. I don't know how she's able resist my magic, but I knew she'd screw everything up for me. I think this one might be even more powerful than Percy Jackson. Based on lineage, perhaps you have the wrong brother as king.
"But anyway, I had to adjust. There was no way I was going to get in here, but a hero would. And between her powers and mine, maybe this way is better."
"Meaning what?" Annabeth asked slowly. I could see that calculating look in her grey eyes. Mnemosyne was too busy gloating, but I noticed. I saw her and Percy silently communicating while other campers quickly got ready for yet another battle. I kept my mind blank lest I let on that the demigods weren't about to give up. Instead, I started screaming every swear word I knew in both English and Greek. She flinched a little at that but composed herself enough to answer Annabeth.
"It means that Naida did destroy the River Lethe when she froze it. But even if I didn't want her to suffer, choosing a daughter of the sea god with the powers this one possesses to do my bidding will allow me to just create a new one."
Create a new... and just like that, I understood what she was getting at. She was even older than the gods and could completely wipe or alter memories. And I could control virtually any body of water. Combine those, and any river, lake, or even ocean could be used to make anyone forget.
The heroes were still silently trying to plan so they were too preoccupied to comprehend what she was saying, but even the gods looked confused. They weren’t able to act when Mnemosyne raised my hand in the air and pulled the fountain water to her, gathered it into a glowing orb, and then flinging it out at the twelve ruling Olympians. Not a single one of them reacted, not even my father who had to feel what that water really was as much as I did. I might not have liked the gods most of the time, but if they lost their memories, we were all screwed.
The scream ripped from my throat and my hand closed into a fist so tight that my nails dug into my skin and the droplets froze as they crashed to the ground. I was panting from what usually was no problem for me. That tiny burst of power left both Mnemosyne and me worn out. I slumped back in the ice throne and closed my eyes to keep from puking. The titan and I battled for control.
“Naida?” Nico’s voice was quiet, almost like he was speaking from under water. I held onto the sound like a tether to my life and tried desperately to fight my way from her control.
My eyes snapped open, but it wasn’t me that was dominant in my head. “Guess again.”
Percy’s sea green eyes narrowed as he drew out Riptide. “She’s strong. She’ll take over again. She just stopped you, didn’t she?”
I don’t know how she did that,” Mnemosyne sighed wearily, “but it doesn’t matter. So she stopped my little demonstration. Do you think she actually cares for the gods? Everything I’ve said, she feels the same about. She despises them, especially you, Poseidon. She thinks you completely screwed over her mother. And who can blame her? I’ll get her to come around and then she’ll be begging me to take every memory you all have from the past millennia. She’ll want you to suffer.”
“I’ve had enough of this,” Zeus roared. “Brother, I am sorry for your daughter, but sacrifices must sometimes be made.”
Mnemosyne flipped my long auburn hair back and she grinned. “You don’t really think I’m out of tricks, do you? I believe a little family reunion is in order.”
She closed my eyes for just a minute and I could feel part of the throne melt into a puddle the size of my school’s swimming pool. The surface rippled and I felt something pushing its way through Mnemosyne’s portal.
When I opened my eyes again, a shadow that loomed even over the gods filled the room. His features weren’t distinguishable to me but judging from my father and his siblings, we were all in some deep shit.


i apologize, my lovely readers, for taking so long with this chapter! and special thanks for your comments to:
and daughter_of_Artemis
um.... not sure where i'm going with this.... thoughts?


Ummm.... I'm a little confused about how Percy's turning back to Percy. PLEASE UPDATE!!!!!!

Wow! I loved your idea of defeating Kronos! Totally novel!
And yippee! Percy is back to normal!!

percabeth120 percabeth120

Haha sorry. I'm trying to get the next one out asap

sporteegurl sporteegurl

Gosh! Finally you updated! I was waiting for so long for your update!

percabeth120 percabeth120

well my big question is what is the deal with will and nico?! lol.

sporteegurl sporteegurl