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Like Ash in my Lungs

"Who are you?" I asked, pulling up a chair from the corner of the room.

"That isn't relevant right now," He said, leaning up against the side of the wall. "What matters right now is who you are." He stuck his feet up onto a pillow of some kind, and I realized he only had one leg. His left leg was gone, wrapped in bandages.

"I'm Allen Jenki-"

"I know who you are, buy! The great Allen Jenkins! I visited you and your parents once. Before I was put in jail. You look so grown up now, Allen. The last time I saw you was when you were just a baby." Who was this guy?

"I'm going to ask one last time... Who are you?"

"First, a history lesson!" He said, Oh brother.

"I'm sure you know of the big war, about... 16, 1 7 years ago? Well, that wasn't just any war. I'm sure they told you it was a war with monsters, and that you Romans were the heroes? Well, i've got some news for you, sport. It wasn't monsters. The war was about Romans fighting Greeks. I'm Greek. I was taken prisoner 17 years ago, just waiting for the death sentence. Your dad was the hero of the war! He saved everyone. Ha! He wasn't even on the front lines. He never fought us head-on."

"Why were we fighting?"

"Greek and Roman don't mix. Trust me, I tried to stop this whole war. Think about it- would you rather have your family be alive, or a whole civilization of Greek culture, and also a maintaining friendship between Greek and Roman camps? If I succeeded in killing your family before you got back to this camp, there would be no war."

"Let's just cut to the chase," When I said that, he flinched.

"Chase." He repeated.

"Anyway, Praetor Josh was just killed. Do you have any idea who did it?"

"Well, why do you think I was telling you that story! It's the retaliation. Whatever is left of the Greeks are obviously attacking. Green fire? Thats Greek fire."

"How do you know that?" I asked, puzzled.

"These two boneheads out side gossip a ton."

"Your five minutes are up," The guard said, opening the door.

"Wait, Allen," The man said, grabbing my arm. "Do you know who your father is?"

"Yeah. He's my father. That's who he is."

"No, you have absolutely no idea what you're getting into. You father left behind a set of good names and rewards, but he also left himself an army of enemies. Enemies he doesn't even know he has." He paused for a moment. "Allen, i'm your uncle. Your dad is my brother. Well, half brother. Your dads name is Isaac Jenkins."


Oh, how I loved writing this chapter. Thanks for reading! Bye!

Feedback is appreciated !


I love this!

JacksonPercy JacksonPercy

YAH that prise is amazing

derpydeath101 derpydeath101

Your prize is good health! :D

Like a Sir

derpydeath101 derpydeath101

I'm not evil, I just love killing people!!! Muahahahaha >:D