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The Daughter of Death

So the Oracle flew down with black winged angels

Lexie saw Annabeth, Percy, and Calypso arguing.

“Annabeth please!” Percy pleaded taking hold of Annabeth’s hand.

“Then explain,” Annabeth whispered looking at her feet.

“I …” Percy bit his lip. “I can’t”

“Explain!!” Annabeth said. This time he looked at Percy dead in the eyes, she was almost tearing up.

“I need you to trust me.” Percy interrupted.

“I don’t know if I can” Annabeth whispered. She ran away from the Percy and Calypso leaving the son of the sea god heart broken.

“She just doesn’t understand Percy.” Calypso said.

“When I agreed to this,” Percy interrupted. “I didn’t know Annabeth would have to pay the price.”

Percy marched off leaving Calypso in tears.

Meanwhile, back at Bunker 9

“C’mon Leo,” Piper reasoned. “Aren’t you being a little dramatic?”

“Yeah, man. I mean, you know Calypso more than any one of us. She won’t do something like this.”

“Didn’t you hear,” Leo interrupted. “She already did.”

“Alright I had enough!” Jason yelled. “You’ve been stuck here in this bunker for 3 days, you never talk to anyone but us, and all you do is munch Tic-tac’s all day and tinker with little gears.”

Leo just ignored him.

“Jason,” Piper called softly.

“No, I won’t let him waste his time here, willing away running from the problem!”

“Fine! What are you gonna do?!” Leo stood angrily. “You would never understand what I feel cause you are always so damn perfect you don’t even have to worry about Piper being your girlfriend.”

“We’re only here to help” Piper interrupted.

“Oh yeah, who even asked you to help?” Leo said sarcastically. “If you really wanna help, you’d leave.”

Suddenly a loud thud was heard, like a thousand bass drums sounding all at once. The earth quaked slowly, each shake with the piercing depth of the hellish sound.

“What’s that?” Piper panicked.

“We’re being attacked.” Jason answered.

The three raced out of the bunker and into the clearing in the middle of camp, so did the other campers. Everyone was there, Percy, Calypso, Annabeth, Leo, Piper, Jason, Lexie, and Nico. They all stared beyond the Mess Hall where the sound resonated from the barrier. The barrier broke like glass. A deafening roar was heard, it was a Nemean Lion.

“BATTLE POSITIONS!” Clarisse roared.

The lion charged towards the center of camp where most of the campers were concentrated. Everyone ran for cover, armor, and weapons.

“Weapons won’t do much” Annabeth yelled to Percy. The two stared at each other and quickly averted both of their gaze.

“Percy!” Jason roared. “Try to drown him with water!”

On the other side of camp, campers were charging at it with spears and swords which only broke and bend. At one point Piper tried to charm speak it with force only to be attacked. Luckily Nico saved her just in the nick of time.

At the other side of camp, Annabeth was yelling orders to the other campers to clear out of the way. She led most of the campers out of harm and away from battle, especially the new comers.

Calrisse was yelling out orders to lessen the lion’s range and trap it in a specific area.

“This won’t work forever.” Clarrise murmured.

“We’ve got to think of a plan, no one would take charge.” Nico hissed under his voice, observing the area.

“Nico come with me I’ve got a plan.” Lexie yelled. He made sure Piper was ok before following Lexie. Charm speaking a Nemean Lion forcefully really took a lot of her strength.

Calypso was running for her life, trying to find a way to help. She grabbed a jar of Greek fire.
“Come at me you overgrown cat!” She yelled. The Lion looked at her like freshly cut meat. She threw the jar and the lion gladly deflected it with its massive paw. It charged towards Calypso who was frozen in her spot.

“Look out!” Leo yelled diving towards her. She tackled Calypso just in time for the lion to pass them and change its target.

“Be more careful would you!” Leo yelled. The both of them stared at each other for a moment lying on the thick grass.

“You guys done?” Percy commented.

Leo gave him a scowl.

The son of Poseidon summoned all the water near the lion and trapped it into a ball. The giant cat struggled as much as it could giving Percy a bad time.

“I .. can’t .. control it … any .. longer.” He struggled.

“Just a little more.” Jason yelled flying overhead. He had just enough time to strike the giant water ball with lightning to knock out the lion, at least for now.

The battle was over.

“A Nemean Lion wouldn’t just suddenly show up anywhere near camp!” Annabeth charged angrily. “Someone had to have summoned it.” She glared at Calypso.

“Like I could do that?” Calypso said defending herself.

“She’s right.” Percy agreed.

“I’m not talking to you seaweed brain!” Annabeth yelled. She glared at him with her gray stormy eyes.

“Someone powerful must have summoned it for it to enter camp.” Piper interrupted leaning at Jason for support.

Leo slowly left.

“Where are you going?” Jason roared.

“Away from here.” Leo whispered.

“Leo,” Calypso whispered.

“Would you stop being such a diva” Jason followed annoyed.

Leo’s hands blazed.

“You know what, I’m just about tired of you butting in all the time.” He said pissed.

Percy doused him with water.


Leo charged at Percy. He was held back by Jason. Annabeth charged at Calypso. Percy pushed her back only to be pinned to the ground. Calypso tackled Annabeth. Piper tried to rip them apart.

All of a sudden 6 figures charged down from the sky, the ground cracking with force as each of them landed. Each one appeared to be fully grown demigods with black wings holding a scythe aimed at the necks of Jason, Piper, Annabeth, Percy, Leo, and Calypso. There was two fierce looking twins with kimonos draped over their slim bodies, a guy wearing greek armor, a dark skinned girl with an Egyptian outfit, a guy wearing a dark suite, a guy wearing old English clothing, and Rachel. Each one had snow white silky hair and a pair of dark wings. Black feathers slowly fell like rain. Everyone’s guard was up and you can cut the tension in the air with a butter knife.

“Ok,” Rachel interrupted. “Everyone just stay calm. Put down your weapons.” Rachel laughed nervously.

Piper gave the oracle a hug. “We looked for you everywhere.”

“Miss Dare,” Sebastian interrupted. “I believe you owe us our end of the bargain.”

“Wait, what’s happening Rachel?” Annabeth blurted out.

“She’ not here.” The Egyptian looking girl whispered. The guy with the suite adjusted his fedora so that you won’t see his eyes.

“Wait.” Jason said standing up. “Where’s Lexie and Nico?”



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