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Reviews and Recommendations

REVIEW: Blood of Titans

Okay, BEFORE I START....When I review, I give you a certain number of points out of ten on subjects that I think are critical to the story. After I complete giving you points, I take them and average them out, and that's the rating that I give your story. If you fix what I point out, and I find it to be satisfactory to MY taste, I'll come back and edit the review and boot your points up so you have a better rating. Needless to say, I don't hold back from my opinions, so if I offend you, I apologize in advance. Just realize I am entitled to my own opinion, and if you aren't satisfied with what I have to say, I'm sorry.

Blood of Titans

Just from a first glance, it looks very interesting and I had to click through. Your summary could use a little help (not the one on the story, the one when I click on the story), but the rest looks interesting and intriguing.

Cover picture, Characters, and Summary – 5
Your cover picture is rather generic. It doesn’t exactly tell me anything about the story itself. I’ve said this before, but cover pictures are EXTREMELY important. If you would like, I can whip one up for you. Your summary is very lacking. TELL me about the story, like the blurb on the back of a book. Otherwise, I won’t read the story. However, the character descriptions are awesome and very nicely filled out.

Plot - 7
Interesting idea, but other people have done things similar. Twist it up a little for some intrigue.

Chapter Length/Content - 8
The chapters were a little shorter than I’d like to see, but the content was steady.

Basic Editing Skills – 8I say this to everyone...BUT check your capitalization, punctuation, and spelling for errors!

Overall Grammatical Structure – 8
You have the occasional typo, but really, watch your punctuation and spelling. Also, hard return when you go to a new place or you jump from one point in time to another.

Descriptive Elements - 9
You’re fine here. You use good words and show me where and what your OC’s are doing.

My Comprehension – 8
It was understandable, but the errors in the text, mostly punctuation tripped me up, and you jumped around a little but. Otherwise, you’re all set.

Okay, so the rating for this story is...7.5!
<3 Echo



That's fine :) Thanks

Oh, and I forgot to mention that it's not finished yet.

galeckey1234 galeckey1234

Absolutely! I'll let you know when it's up. :)

I would really appreciate it if you reviewed my fanfic: Sparks in the Flame. I get really bad writers block sometimes and would just really like to see what you think of it.

galeckey1234 galeckey1234

Helloooo ;)